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About foninja

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    San Jose
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  1. Do you guys know good articles, books that have really helped you create LASTING habits that aren't a pain after 30 days to do. I remember Leo talking about he did a 30 day habbit for meditation but after he still didn't want to do it bec simply its painful. Learning to like the new habbit and make it last with discpline is what I'm intrested in. I want to create a habbit where I enjoy stopping every 5min on work to breath for a couple seconds. I want to setup triggers where I stop to breath and relax my body with good posture. Problem is it becomes hard. so I thought if I could learn to make it enjoyable and have habbit formula would make it last for a lifetime. Do you guys know any articles/vids/books etc on making habits last while also enjoying the activity. or Learning to like something more?
  2. working while feeling bad or making sure to feel good thn work? ---- I would say good thn work. But what if nothing makes you feel good before you work. I just feel bad...and I have no clue how to feel better. I'm doing right action now, and funny I feel better. I'm doing it slowly and breathing with good posture. But I can easily see that taking right action not making me feel good. This makes me feel like..I could end up not feeling better any moment stuck in feeling bad. I'm very young. I have no weird diseases. I come from a typical American family. When you feel terrible just emotional what do you do? Nothing extreme has happens to you like a family has died. you go by the normal day, but you just feel emotional one day like bad. Not crying not bec of passed trauma. Nothing doesn't feels good. What do you do when that happens? I just want to get some validation if what I should do is to just stop worrying about feeling good and just do what I know I HAVE to.
  3. @Truth I thought about getting the course until I saw the price. He has a book recommendation for life purpose 8 of em. I thought I could just take 8 books on life purpose and I would get similar benefits. Do you think the course is better compared to the books? I'm sure Leo when making that course used ideas from the books from inspiration anyways.
  4. If I read a book 10 times, but I never took any action on it i.e I only listened to an audio-book w/ great concentration 10 times from beginning to end. Do you u think at the end of the 10 times that I did I would be able to INSTINCTIVELY take action naturally on the book. Would I still get the same benefit if I was to read a book once and take massive action on EVERYTHING. What do you guys think about the 2 methods what will give better benefit you think?
  5. problem: I've come up with a list of values. But, I later find that I contradict the values. Later, I'l value something else. Later, I'l value what I initially values at first. Values change. I feel like I don't stick to a value, they just change. e.g: I value being resilient-strong. But I don't want to do __ because its to hard. I value being lazy now. Aligning my life with good values isn't possible for me since I keep changing my values. solution: How can I make values work for me so I can align my life with values when they keep changing? My guess for a solution: A value goes against what you feel so I have to find a meaningful reason why I value the value so is it that I just have to find a meaningful reason for a value nd focus on that everyday until that value sticks for the long-term? What do you guys think I gotta do to maintain specific values.
  6. Vs 50 Corey 5 Meditation Bus work same old same old Gam work 20pages Woke up closely around time use a movie play in bed when wake up to stay up I'l leave $ as a completion for the day 4/9/16
  7. stress I get a feeling of tightness and it makes me wanna just cuss out-loud "F@$9 them or that etc" Is it the ideal thing to do to remove the negative feeling I get by yelling and cussing? Is there a better way to deal with it?. I usually get it from external circumstances not going the way I want it to.
  8. doing this while watching or listening to a movie. not moving the eyes. I find meditation very enjoyable. I come out feeling like a void is filled. I feel more creative. More energetic. I really feel like movies and meditation work really well together. movies that I really like that is. BUT! I want to get what other people think about doing this. What do you guys think about this? pros and cons from doing it. I'd love to hear! + what do you guys think meditating in nature. Does that add do the experience and the benefits?
  9. I can’t focus or remember! I’l read something to do. I’l go do it e.g do my daily online work. I’l switch tabs. “Wait what am I doing again?” I don't have any serious health problems. I tried doing meditation to help. I do a 2min session VERY frequently. but I still have the problem. its not a lingering effect. It happens 30% of my day. I don't have any motivation driving me with excitement like a vision btw.I don't feel very engaged in the work.-fyi solution: Do you guys have any tips to why?