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Everything posted by thierry

  1. Before judging this thread being irresponsible or and immature. Take a moment to really understand my project: basically I fucked up in this life. I had trouble from 14 to 18 and ended up with fatigue chronic and bipolar disorder but I did well att school because I put all my eggs into studying. Anyway after when a gf entered my life the first time, that s here I understood how fucked up I was. I squander the relationship from a to z. The girl was totally in Love with me. It was easier to not screw than to screw but I like challenges! anyway I was very serious prepararing ingenireeng school and made lots of sports from 19 to 22 but at 22 I discoverd Leo so of course at 23 I started my psychedelics journey or should I say my shroom journey. One year was enough to put me into psych ward were my body mind has been forsaken forever. I’ve been in a very very very dark place for 4years. But enough is enough, I won’t carry all that unconsciousness/ shiet my all life. I wanna die with a mignimum of dignity and the more I wait the more my dignity decrease. Anyway, I ll find a way to kill myself and to know what there is after you kill yourself !! I’m so excited for this adventure. Sorry for the excitements of this post I took to many xanax before writing. That shit is gooooood. I hope some people will understand that this surfing ntil suicide attitude is my best possible attitude regarding now. I have nothing to bring to anyone, I am a leash to my wonderful family. I just can’t wait to put a bullet between my two eyes. plz don’t judge. It’s actually a very serious topic. I don’t recommand that to anyone unless you are in a similar situation where you are carrying an enormous amount of shiets. I’ll of course write loving letters to all people I love and once I will become a demon if god does not let me pass to Heaven I’ll send all that touch my family in hell. kiss kiss
  2. Live honorably and don’t give a fuck what people think. Reputation will follow.
  3. I'm really sorry to hear your story and I can feel your pain. You need to give a shot to time healing you. Try to stay as calm as possible and remind yourself that all you are going through is just an illusion of the mind and it shall pass. I would also urge you to NOT do psychedelics right now, that is a terrible idea. You need healing and grounding right now. Psychedelics will make things worst and you'll feel even more lost than you are now if you do psychedelics.
  4. How can they ruin your physical health? In what ways does it ruin physical health? I'm genuinely curious. What kind of usage will lead to physical damage and what kind of usage won't? Will 1trip a month lead to physical health damage? In the end it seems to me that psychedelics are really dangerous especially if they can lead to chronic health damage.
  5. Thanks for all the lovely messages, I read them all, just came back from an intense trip on lsd, I feel good.
  6. Lol committing suicide for economic reason is retarded. commiting suicide for broken mind and health is exquisite
  7. The only thing I am scared is will I still breath after death ? I don want to choke to death after death.
  8. I can not wait for that moment where absolutely nothing would have matter !!
  9. I just felt upon one man that explained that electromagnetic waves could open something in the brain that makes it easier for heavy metal to pass. What do you think about that ? Should one eat sea food in the forest rather than in town?
  10. I’ve lately been contemplating self and others recently. It’s obvious that other and self are construction of the mind but can we jump on the conclusion of sollipsism to be true that fast ? I just mean: can’t I share a dream with another myself ? I do not know for exemple just the simple fact that: I’m 100%sure that I the consciousness is writing this topic and you are 100% that you the consciousness which is another one is reading this topic. Does not that contradict sollipsism if we are both right ? I mean I’m here and now 100% that I’m sending this information to you. Are you 100% sure to receive it ?
  11. Depending on the situation, surviving can be an act of courage or cowardice. In your case it seems that it is an act of great courage. Be brave and give it a shot, time itself may get you out of the darkness. I really hope you’ll be fine. Hold on
  12. If you want her, don’t logically communicate with her about that. Next time you see her, flirt with her and see how she reacts. If she reacts in a good way, lead her to the bedroom. Then you talk about a potential relationship
  13. Si basically It has been really hard to forget about one girl and I sometimes have strong negative feelings and panic attacks so I opened myself up to see one man who works with energies. I really do not know what to think about this now. I told him the story of me and this girl. And he told me that she was a perverse narcissist and that she was spiritually leeching energy out of me even when we do not talk to each other. That’s why I feel I have no energy and she feels like she’s full of energy because she is « vampirizing » me. I have to admit I do not know what to think about it. It’s true I feel bewitched. And he kind of make me a little paranoid if that is true that she’s leeching my energy spiritually everyday. Basically he told me that we were all connected on a spiritual level and that she was vampirizing me leaving me on low energy while she’s full of it. I’m skeptical. He also told me that he will have to cut all spiritual links between me and her to make me move forward. what do you guys think about it ? I personally am openminded about this situation but isn’t it bullshits. Maybe I feel bad cause I feel bad and she is not a « demon » like this guy say ? What are your opinions. Does he really have power ?
  14. Spirituality can be a very explosif process and you have to be very cautious when you go about it, thinking deeply about what kinds of spirituality fit with your soul. I personally do not really like how Leo eventhough claim openmindedness put the presupposed frame that his work is above other kinds of work.
  15. When you bust a nut three times in a row.
  16. Okay so let’s put the context. I am a 27yo Man and have a very fragile psychology I would say at that time, and have an opportunity with a 17 old virgin girl. And I am opening myself up to the idea of transforming this opportunity eventhough I can feel there is something wrong. So this is the story: I met this girl 2years ago. I was 25 she was 15 in the summer. I was working as a beach volley ball trainer for the summer and she was one of the female player. at the time I was completely suicidal and going through life hopeless but this summer job giving me some responsibility eventhough I was very very tied made me feel a little better. anyway I do not remember how it happened in details but everyone liked me as a trainer. And particularly this girl. She ad me on Instagram. She basically once told me she was going to be late on insta but we kept talking. at the time, it was obvious I was not gonna do anything about her. I am a 25years old adult and she is a child. but anyway, I am very friendly towards all the childs that trains and I liked her so I was gonna befriend her eventhough even at the time, it was obvious she had an eye for me. anyway, then I came back to my life after summer and the darkness which was lighten by this summer job came back as well. I thought I was gonna spend another year in darkness except eventhough I thought she would give up on me. This girl kept sending me messages on insta or text, I was just replying at the beginning but as time spent I have to say, it felt really good having her in my dark time. I told her things like « you’re really a friend I can count on, I appreciate that » and she would reply « yes you’ll always be able to count on me » so I was glad eventhough she was very young I had a friend showering me with girly Love energy every day. the thing is eventhough I would thought she was gonna be my friend and would find a boyfriend which would makes her detach from me one day or another. It has been now 2years and we still talk and she did not have any boyfriend during this 2 years. during this two years I can say I developed a genuine care and respect for her. I really appreciate her. It feels really good to have her energy around me. I can really feel I can count on her. anyway now comes the problem situation. Last week end, I spent my week end where I train volley ball (2hours from my home) which is where she lives. I told her and of course we saw each other the day as usual as friend, except this time, she invited me the night in her jacuzzi, I told her yes and it would be even better if we went in the cold sea at night just before the jacuzzi, so that’s what we did. it was cool and in the jacuzzi we spent like an hour in silence, and then I’m looking at her. She’s in complete silence looking in front of her and saying to myself I want to hold her hand. So I’m hesitating for like 30 minutes and then take her hand and start playing with it. Then she comes right beside me and put her head on my chest, I start cuddling her in the jacuzzi for like 30minutes then it is 2am and I feel tied and tell her I need to go, she tells me I can stay sleep in her hut with her as her parents will get up very early in the morning and won’t notice. By the way her parents accepted that I would go for a jacuzzi with her. They know me and trust me. but for them I would go home after the jacuzzi. anyway so we went in the hut and « sleep » except of course we cuddled for two +hours. Her breathing was accelerating as I was cuddling her. I restrained myself not to go in sexual territory telling myself I should at least think through it. anyway I’m home and her text are more than never gf types of text, and of course I enjoy it. I won’t lie I’m going with the flow myself. Now I do not know what to do. It is the moment to say yes or no I feel. I also have to say I have a very good reputation in the town she lives and as a volley ball trainer so I would not want to tarnish that. What are your opinions about this ? Is that wrong ? What do you think I should do about that ?
  17. some people have a brain wired to really love several people. Try it if you want to find out how it goes for you. Just keep being honest with x y and yourself.
  18. Maybe, personally I’ve never seen an improvement due to plastic surgery. Generally the only improvement is in the eye of the one that did the plastic surgery cause they are so obsessed and focused on « fixing » what they believe to be ugly on themselves.
  19. Plastic surgery makes people uglier any way
  20. I know I’m just talking about where to invest to be more physically attractive.
  21. chest shoulder arms(I would define those as the most masculine muscles) are the most important if all you care about is attracting girls I would say
  22. Bro I don’t know why you took my words that personally. If you manage to have sex 1-3times a week this way, congrats. I am not talking about holy integrity, I am talking about something very tangible. You make it sound as if I am talking about some religious hypocritical stuff.