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About toczix

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  1. I've noticed that sometimes with some people, I get an adrenaline spike when thinking about them, or when they text me. Sometimes its about potential love, or a girl I like. Other times, its when i'm in an argument, or someone I hate. I literally feel it ramp up inside of me, and sometimes I'm shaking (especially with the back & forth arguments) and I know it's not healthy, in EITHER context. What is this, and how do I detach from it? How can I unwire this ASAP? Any advice is seriously appreciated!
  2. I think this is certainly the best explanation! Thank you for providing some clarity. Since I have some blocked kundalini/lack of love, what are the best steps for me to go from here? thank you very much. Wow... that's a beautiful story and i'm thankful that you were able to have the experience. It seems like this was really the case for me, I thought my mind was going to break, completely. Thanks for taking the time to write it out, it's really helped me get clear on what happened.
  3. It makes me wonder. I think the city I was in (southwestern US) definitely has an extremely hedonistic, low vibrational collective consciousness. It may have just been a bad environment to do it in.
  4. Agreed, I recently put myself on "house arrest" for 6 months to build a business and although I came out of the other end successful, it put a great deal of stress on me and I was operating FOR SURE in a lower state of consciousness. (maybe still am)
  5. Acid had always been an incredible experience in my life, my three previous trips of around 100-150ug were truly amazing. Life changing in a beyond positive way. However, my trip four weeks ago was unpleasant, to say the least. I don't even know where to begin, but I don't want to make it a drawn out story, so I'll do my best to describe what was happening to me. 1 tab dropped at 9 am, and another at 10 am. (200ug total) The come up felt "humbling" to say the least - it was very disorienting. It seemed as if I was just "confused" and a bit overwhelmed, nothing was enjoyable, or magical whatsoever. As I started to come up, I felt a very strong feeling within my body, as if I was being attacked spiritually. I looked at my iphone, and Immediately thought of it as some random piece of egyptian technology, and that combined with the 5G towers was causing a spiritual attack on me. I felt three waves of energy, like that trembling eardrums feeling you yawn. It was extremely disconcerting and confusing. From this point on, I was a little bit spooked. Thank god I had my friend (who is conscious) over to look after me, otherwise I may have ended up naked on the street, in the hospital, or dead. After those waves of energy came over me, I was sitting cross legged on the ground looking at my friend, I said "bro, I think my ego is dissolving and I'm not ready for it, I like being me. I do not want to leave my body, I like my body very much" Right after I said that I was "blindsided" by a spirit, ghost, or energy. Im not exactly sure what happened other than I literally started foaming at the mouth because of how much energy was surging through my body. On top of that, I was physically knocked over and thrown on to the ground (once) and I got back up and I asked my friend, "WTF was that???" and it happened again. Thrown on the ground, AGAIN. Random muscles were firing off in my body, contracting, pulsing, I didn't know what was happening. At that point I felt like there may have been something very malevolent trying to take over my body. So I started pacing in my apartment. I felt that if I stayed still for too long that this "thing" was going to enter my body. Every milisecond of my walking allowed me to stay conscious enough to remember that it was me and stay in my body. I thought, if I keep walking, I can endure it second by second and with each second it's progress towards the trip ending. BUT If I slowed down, even for a second, then the electric shocks were going to come back. So I paced back and forth in my apartment, for 8 and a half hours. back and forth, back and forth, reciting that I liked jesus very much, and that I like to be in my own body I felt like all of this information was flowing through me, Apple is connected to egypt, the iphone's aren't human tech, jeff bezos is not human, all the typical conspiracies but I said this like it was coming through me, not from me. Finally, after 8.5 hours and 70,000 steps, yes 70,000 steps later the effects subsided. I would only get an electric shock every once and a while. Now, over a month later and I only get them periodically during meditation. However, funny enough they came back at full force when I took a weed edible. So at this point, I try to stay as sober as possible. It was a lot for me to handle, and I don't think i'll be tripping anytime soon. If you're asking me, what's the point of this post? Well, I am hoping for some kind of insight, if you've got any ideas as to why it happened, physically or spiritually any information would be much appreciated. Thank you ?
  6. UPDATE: Turns out it was the CBD! My life is changed forever.
  7. Hey! This is my first forum post, so please excuse any formatting issues, etc. I'm still learning. Earlier this year, I had a period in my life (about 2 weeks) where I felt high. It wasn't a psychedelic high, not a molly high, not a weed high. I felt energized, I had zero social anxiety, workouts were amazing. All conversations were fluid, my mind was clear, concise, and ready to go. For two weeks this stayed, and I felt like I could do anything. I thought initially that this was caused by the breathwork I had done, or maybe it was the plant based diet, or maybe the sound healing. (all three activities I had participated in at that time) However, this feeling escaped me and I had no idea why. I tried the breathwork again to no avail, I tried the sound healing - didn't work either. I switched from plant based, back to animal based, didn't make a difference. I just wanted to get back to feeling like that, but I just let it go and let my old, non-energetic and brain fogged self back in. I had no choice. BUT THEN Just a few days ago I met up with some friends that I had not seen in a while. We shared a joint and this is what happened. I don't really smoke weed, so I mistakenly took 3 hits of this thing, and the weed was incredibly strong. I then proceeded to get so high that I was barely hanging on, but I was able to keep myself calm. The vertigo came, the heartbeat racing, the muscle relaxing, it was all symptoms of getting super high. So it was fine, I ended up passing out on the couch and slept. About 8 hours later, the next morning I woke up. I had a little bit of grogginess, but nothing more than the usual morning. Then about 2 hours later, I noticed it --- the "HIGH" was back. I felt euphoric, clear, happy, and extremely driven to take on the day. I was incredibly fluid in conversation, and had zero social anxiety. So that was yesterday, and the feeling has continued on to today. I feel perfect. I'm back. So I am trying to narrow down the factors here, and eliminate some others. Is it possible that I was missing something in my brain that the cannabinoids have provided me? but only the days after. Was there something that flipped a switch in my brain when I got stupidly high? Is getting stupidly high once every couple weeks the solution to fixing my energy problems? Lots to wonder, any insight will be much appreciated, thank you!