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Everything posted by Arthogaan

  1. You mentioned permanent damage done to your system via 5-meo. Could you describe the symptoms? Are they still pertaining?
  2. What guru derived view? Let me ask you something. Do you believe that if I meditated for 1 hour in the morning and now I am literally blissing out because I see the beauty of Creation anywhere, then i have all the right to smile in public and radiate that love onto others?
  3. I did not say other's care. What I say is that there is a construct of some kind of "politeness" that I should not bliss out in public because some "serious grown up" may not like it. I did not say need or should. I said if you want to bliss out and smile then do it. If you don't then don't.
  4. Hell yeah brother.
  5. There is this weird social construct that If I am happy I should not show this too much because someone who is sad could be bothered by this, so let's all just tune down our happiness and live in a fucking meek society. It's a ridiculous deep program. Fuck it. Bliss out in public. Smile to everyone if you feel like it. Culture of Bliss babee.
  6. Great stuff man! To be honest I feel into different aspects depending on day. Sometimes I feel kind of lazy empty and uninterested - on such days I like to focus on memento mori acutally. That this precious incarnation will not last forever and so on and motivate myself just as you described. But on other days when I get caught up in daily bullshit, feeling the time pressure, feeling stressed out because I won't accomplish everything and so on - I like to remind myself that death does not exist, I have all the time in the world, and that actually none of that matters and I can chill. So I find it most productive for myself to counter-attack my monkey mind with different sides of the same coin depending on day, so that I stay in consciouss flow-state. You can feel into archetypes/energies of this game without claiming them as absolutes. Meaning even though I don't believe death exists, I practically focus/channel Memento Mori Archetype/Energy to just play as I want. Cheers.
  7. I imagine that at some point I will just feel that my mission here is done or that my body does not longer allow me to pursue my mission so I should just move on. I think if we would know culturally that we are indeed Consciousness/Gods it would be normal to just come to realization in old age that it's time to move on. Imagine it. That it would be normal to decide that you know, I think I'm done, it was such a beatiful life, let's go further. You would inform your loved ones, and everyone would be rejoiced that you are going to transition to the next phase, you and your friends and family would make great last party and so on. Yeah. But realistically I would just travel to the country that supports euthanasia which I believe will be plenty when I get old. Or just stop eating and leave in meditation. Whatever. It's not that difficult to commit suicide.
  8. I firmly believe that when my body will start to collapse I will have no problem just killing myself in some cool peaceful way and just moving on to the next dream. I think we are quite obsessed in living as long as possible. I don't think that's healthy.
  9. This is a dangerous teaching. This life is meaningless. And that's a beautiful thing. This is Freedom. And you will keep on dreaming forever. Sorry your ego does not like it. You have all the time in the Universe. You are Consciousness. Sorry to take away the illusion of Urgency. There is none. Your argument is like: I don't like the idea that there's no death therefore truth is there is death.
  10. Unconsciousness is something that you imagine. You never experienced being asleep. You never experienced Non-Existence. Because You always Are. Eternally. You just imagine there was some sort of "time jump" or unconscious moment in order to create the illusion of Non-Existence being possible, and therefore to create the Illusion of DEATH which makes this dream feel so real and juicy.
  11. Love is great and all, but for me it's all about Freedom Obviously it is the same thing ultimately, but I like the taste of that facet.
  12. Relevant to the discussion. You cannot go more scientific than direct investigation of the present moment.
  13. I had a small epiphany and wrote it down. I will gladly hear your thoughts. There is something in connection-desires/connection karma that is really deep and subtle when it comes to last threads of separation. Believing in connection with others is externalising connection. The moment I have a desire to connect with person (or food or anything) i take away that connection from present moment. The more I see there is no Connection to be gained in external reality the more naturally construct-aware I am and connected in Now. The less I seek to eye-gaze into another's eyes the more walls of my room have eyes themselves. When Tom Cruise in Cast Away finally accepts that he is totally alone and no connection is possible only then the whole island will start to stare back at him and fill his experience with Connection.
  14. Beautiful report brother
  15. In "The Law of One: Ra Material" Sun is desribed as Sub-logos. A very inportant powerful being that generated the creation in this part of Universe. You might be interested in reading that.
  16. I just know that their "Soul" animated movie that came out I think 3 years ago is like my top 5 movies ever.
  17. That why God didn't bother with subscriptiom, he just chose to incarnate
  18. Hi, what do you think on this topics: 1. Are women wired to be more social and need social life more? Or is it cultural. I am a loner type and really do not need much social life to feel blisfull and fulfilled. I can romanticize the idea of being a loner sage for the lest of my life. I do not know many girls that would like her future to be like that. Most of them seem to always need a partner in their future or at least very close circle of friends. Do you think that is cultural and eventually more and more woman will realize that they do not need anybody to be happy and will embody that? I see more female creators on youtube just living in a forest or a van alone. Or rather that is something that just is part of feminine energy and it will probably continue to be like that for most? 2. The same question basically but in the context of sex life. Do you think that women will in the future embrace casual sexuality more or rather feminine energy always will tend to want this sexual activities to be only with a really close one/ones? Because when I feel into the feminine energy it is really connected to the body and it's needs. It actually feels more sexual than masculinity but in current society it does not seem to express in that way. For example I heard that in some country (I think Cuba?) there is a whole culture revolving around being sexy, seducing and female sexuality. To me it seems more natural to femininity, but I am not sure. Have a nice day @Leo Gura, @Emerald, @MsNobody, @flowboy, @puporing
  19. Terence for sure had still a lot of materiality and external world left. As for Watts I genuinely don't know because many teachers seem to kind of water down their message especially around solipsism to not freak out their audiences.
  20. I agree. But we still have to communicate it somehow on the forum. And I believe that this experience of no structures is better described by "others have no pov" rather than "others exists". Because Solipsism requires much less additional structure than the structure of whole other being having their own perception. So its the closest in the game of communication imho.
  21. The same could be said inside a nightly dream. And yet a dream is imaginary.