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Everything posted by Truth

  1. I just wanna say that the life course would do wonders for you and really answer some questions for you, Leo goes deep to finding in yourself what's truly meaningful to you, what you value, but sadly all he can do is try to point you in the direction, and in the end it's up to you to find that. Start looking inward for solutions, not outward.
  2. From doing mindfulness what I've learned is when I have that thought of, "oh shiz I need to be doing this", I either procrastinate or do it, It really is that defining moment, you either do it or you don't, what I've realized more and more is that, each time I just did it, it's built up this "muscle" and it gets easier to do those things over time as long as you push through the resistance you feel, (building that muscle) it really does get easier and easier to get over that resistance. Leo's videos I recommend watching - Willpower, How to stop procrastinating, Self Control, Self Dicipline vs freedom, how to stop being lazy. just keep watching and watching and gaining more insight, you'll find your solution.
  3. "For there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Shakespeare This is probably my favorite so far.
  4. I've listened/watch this video about 8-9 times, along with his spiritual enlightenment intro, FAQs 1,2 and 3, free will vs determinism, understanding awareness, if you seriously look closely its almost as if Leo is doing his very best pointing at this blind spot. Meditating and gaining knowledge and not distracting yourself with media and entertainment I found really helps.
  5. Never heard of this, reading more on it, sounds really, really interesting, definitely gotta experience this.
  6. It's just a guide, and it also builds this big picture that he talks about, having finished it, what I can say is it cut out a lot of the guessing games, I now have more practical ideas and a more focused outlook on the direction of my life, it's not waffly anymore like it was, even if you go through this course and all you get is one little piece of information that could make your life better? to me that's worth but I gotta tell you, I got way more than that, it takes a little wisdom to see what this course could snowball into in time. I finished it a little over a month ago and I'm only now starting to see the benefits, and I'm so glad I went through the work and put in my best, it builds my self discipline and makes me realize how much hard work can pay off.
  7. That's exactly what happened to me, I was going strong for about 4 months, then I started to slowley miss a day there, and here, and eventually missed 3 days in a row, and I had to re-commit to it and build a stronger vision just as you are. since then I've been going strong without missing a day for almost two months now for 30 minutes a day. I actually feel really good about it, but I do miss the memes, that stuff is fantastic haha. but I'm gonna keep going here.
  8. I love looking at the underlining meaning in music, one of my favorites is Alesso - heroes, she talks about running away from problems, hiding from problems, and when things are good, that's when we come out, and goes on to talk about how everyone does everyday things (unaware of what they are capable of) and not being that person, and for the people that can "hear" what she means that " We are a different kind, we can do anything. We could be heroes" Just my view on this song, I love it.
  9. Leos newest video "The Ultimate Model Of Human Knowledge" really laid the foundation for how I came to this realization, sadly to build this understanding wasn't simple, it seemed I had to gain all the knowledge and wisdom I could only to eventually destroy it, to step back and see it for what it really is, very counter intuitive, but even as I write this it's just more concepts and more beliefs, it's like the ego trying to tell itself it doesn't exist by telling itself it doesn't exist all the while being aware that it's telling itself it doesn't exist. really interesting though. Cutting out social media has made me realized how stuck I am, not in a bad way, but, when I'm on social media compared to when I'm not, it's almost like I have the illusion that I'm being productive in my life, which I wasn't, looking inward instead of outward has been huge for me.
  10. I absolutely love this, but also its unsettling, because it boggles my mind that the illusion of the ego is way more deep and even more profound than I'm aware of because it feels real.