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About PataFoiFoi

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  1. But if we cant prove something trough facts or direct experience how can we certain of anything then?
  2. @FourCrossedWands i dont think so. U say that a healthy millionaire suffers the same as a starving child in africa?
  3. @Hojo these are outrageous claims were is the evidence for that?
  4. @Hojo But how can that be god? He is never happy no matter what, if ur in god state u get bored from all the hapiness and bliss and proceed to create a hellish life were you are also not content because its horrific and painful. Like wtf its so paradoxical. That wouldnt be an omnipotent god at all.
  5. @Holykael then arent we just living in hell? How come you guys be so happy, blissful about this?
  6. But wtff.. who tortures oneself and also has no enjoyment in that. Thats so ill and insane how are you guys managing to cope with that and even be happy and at peace?
  7. If im God where all the evidence for my omniscience, omnipotence? Why cant I just show myself all the evidences right now? Whats so hard about it. Since on psychedelics its easy to feel like god and have all those experiences. But as soon as the trip is over all the questions about reality rise again and nothing makes sense infact even more questions arise. Why cant u be 1000% sure that u are god trough a miracle or something outside psychedelics? And why would you dream yourself a hellish life, having goals and dreams and working your ass off to see yourself never accomplishing them and having to accept that you cant do anything about it. On top of that you might be god that denies yourself that and tortures you in this life. Like wtff is one of gods traits beeing crazy, dumb & mentally ill? Its paradox doesnt make any sense anymore.
  8. Most of emotional pain or suffering is in the mind due attachment and can be overcome counter intuitively. How about physical pain like getting kicked to nuts or more extreme surgery without anasthesia or even getting burned alive like some monks do?
  9. So there wont be a way to break that cycle and just stay in Godstate for enternity
  10. Leo stated several times that we have to live trough every single human life, animal, organism or other entities after our own death or awekening? But why cant God be content with its awekend state and „stay“ so? Because imagine all the suffering you have to go trough each time to only see that you are God and after a time you will go to sleep and repeat that for eternity.
  11. The burnout itself is the health problem. A physical and mental Exhaustion were a cant pinpoint the cause or root to it. It got better these days but other illnesses like suicidal depression, anxiety and anger issues are now dominating my life.
  12. @Caoimhin Your really summed it up well. That might be it. I was never in touch with Love or Self-Love trought my life or while doing all this Spiritual work. Also from previous answers i just have to surrender and turn inward, read the signs and surrender to my Destiny. Starting to really make sense now. Thanks for the answers?
  13. Thanks definitely going trough it this evening.
  14. Not just that but anything in life. Relationships, hobbies, goals and ambitions, spiritual development and coming closer to Truth. None of that seems to work to the point where you have to stop pursuing and working on them. On top of that bad things keep happening where you start to think that you are getting tortured like in hell
  15. Yeah i might have to focus my gaze inwards for a while and try to interpret the signs