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About IvanJohn

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  • Birthday 12/06/1990

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    Split, Croatia
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  1. 1. Belief - in the product 2. Authenticity - with your customer 3. Transparency - in your intent 4. Reciprocity - your expectation of value 5. Knowledge - about your influence
  2. I agree with the article for the intent of it. But I also agree with you, the ways you mentioned are completely valid for obtaining some form of information or knowledge. It's rational Wiki, what did you expect?
  3. Change the topic name to "Help Leo make an app" = profit? Just kidding The main site is not responsive, so migrating that to a newer tech will probably solve all/any user experience issues you have with mobile usage. The trend is moving towards hosting your apps on existing apps services, as mentioned due to app costs and compatibility issues. I took a minute to look at the code of the main site, seems like it's custom, no CMS like Wordpress, making it lightweight in code, but missing out on some functionality which is probably not needed. I'd definitely recommend staying like this, the code seems pretty neat and lightweight. Using strictly HTML5 and CSS3 to change to a responsive, and if you've done everything yourself, shouldn't be too hard.
  4. I think duality is useful as a way of having a reference point to what you are not, or as a mental exercise, of thinking what you are as opposed to what is not. A couple of thoughts; A monkey can't see outside of the monkey with the mind of a monkey, but may be able to see outside as a reference to itself, with the mind of another monkey. Can you elaborate on being dualist as soon as we use language? I don't know about this idea
  5. I really don't have anything good to say about this book. With all respect to R.K. as an author I think this book is more a feel-good book than genuine applicable advice. No real finance advice is given, just a story. The story part is really interesting and worth a read (true or not), for the psychological implications of wealth management more than anything other the author brushes on. With regards to house flippin' and the complex concepts, there aren't any. Try to apply the advice and you can't. You don't have any contacts, no knowledge of applicable laws, no houses to flip. I read the book some years ago, thought it was great, but moving on trough life and reading other books, my opinion changed greatly. The rich dad poor dad dichotomy is not a good way to perceive the world. Why? I don't know, for me it just feels wrong. I couldn't find any real application of the book, no I haven't flipped any houses. Would love to hear your reasons, did you manage to apply this advice to some part of your life? Cheers!
  6. Nikola Tesla was a great deal of artistic inspiration for me, as I was romanticizing the life of him as a scientist. I'm not a scientist myself, but I was able to draw a lot from the stories surrounding him, both from the real, historical perspective, to the romanticized, progressive and visionary one. So, after a year and a half, I've returned, not that I left anywhere, I went out there to implement what I set out to achieve. If I can give unsolicited advice to anyone reading it would be this, to set your intention and disappear completely into execution. Just a quick update on where I am with my goals, to give you a better perception of how life changed for me, how my goals changed and how successful I am with regards to the goals. 1. We're renting out the properties as of last year, it's been going well, providing our family with an income boost during the summer season. 2. The franchise model is unviable without some sort of external financing which we've projected to not be a viable business model. 3. I'm not writing a zombie apocalypse blog, but started (just recently) a half personal half business blog, people don't really get it, but I think it'll crystallise into something wonderful with time. 4. I still continued to outgrow my pants and I own just several pairs that fit me well, so it' still a goal to me 5. Calisthenics and Floreio are secondary to what I set out to be more of a cardio goal, as I've noticed that my progression in that sense was slow, so I'm still following Ido Portal and doing basic calisthenics but I'm prioritising cardio with Fitness Blender videos. Thanks all for reading, this is quite an old post, and I just returned to the forum to contribute with some ideas since the last post so cheers everyone and have a great one! Over&Out
  7. So, the first update to this, my intention is to do it as frequently as possible, was going to do one on Sunday but had to attent a meeting regarding the Cafe business, seems like a straw of hope was thrown at me when I decided to let it go, but it's a matter I will conclude by sticking to the decision to let it go, as the people involved have reached a concensus about it not being profitable enough without a seemingly impossible investment, the kind of investment that would guarrante us working overtime for someone else, not in the common interest. So Let's Do It Again The Journal Sunday morning I woke up even earlier than usual, the alarm sets of at 06:00 but I was awake at 5:45 roughly, again bad sleep, but doing as I started doing a while ago (a routine that seems to be cracking up for me every year only to re-establish it again) - I took a deep breath, stretched got up, wanting to write in the dream journal but the dream had faded already only remain was a glimpse of the conclusion; The feeling of being undermined by the work of others, in a seemingly fragile to destroy but too distant to be able to do so authority of seniors around me in their attemt to keep the status quo going... The dream ended with me meeting the woman who displayed my bookee/accountant, secondary lawyer, the lady from my ISP who I met the other day to get a faster internet connection, she represented the mutual lawyer's firm that defended the corrupt city council and my company, but the conversation we had and the thoughts that were running trough my head were strange in a sense that she knew I wanted to develop web pages and apps and she started giving me pretty worthy advice in programming, which I can't remember or seem to comprehend from that glimpse, even in the dream my thoughts were - "wow, this is some nifty advice, I oughta write it down" Also that night I had dreamt that I removed my bracers (I wore them as a teenager) after realising that I've been wearing them for too long (about 6 years too long in the dream) to see that my teeth were shortened, seeing my jaw was quite grotesque. Someone importaint was present there but I can't remember who, standing firm with me in blaming the dentist for not caring to remove the strains from my head in time. In conclusion, the dreams are not so complicated for me to analyse; The ISP part corresponds to my predominant thoughts about enterpreneurship as it is in the country I live in, it is a deeply seated need for me to go "greener" in order to reduce the chaos between the government and the enterpreneur community, but the status quo is a manner not able to be changed due to the demographics of society, not enough young people, so the lady giving me advice is the straw I am and will be able to use to leverage and not fight the status quo, but rather using the newfounded sense of self to make a change by being the one. The teeth, I have no idea, mentioned it at a family lunch on sunday, my mother googled it and after looking at some website we toasted for the improvement of the material/financial situation! The Here And Now I was looking at some of Leo's videos today, I'm going to show them to Mia and let her choose one, I think it will be the jealousy one hehe (Leo's talking in the background as I am writing this). The one I listened today was in acing life and I pretty much agree on the whole idea to theory that doing the emotionally most difficult thing will provide the best results for us, doing the thing we fear the most will make the biggest increment to the situation we place ourselves into. Shake 'n' wake up !? The Visions And Goals My Vision for the summer and beyond + Business and Finances + I am generating a passive monthly income of 1,5x my current salary from renting out 2 vacation houses on the island of Čiovo in the vicinity of my current city, Split, I am investing in the property as a means of making them more valuable for the next season, and ultimately as a family vacation house, the bigger of 2 houses is equipped with the pool engines from the Spa that is sold by then, the season is progressing well. The franchise model for our Spa and Wellness business is being developed as a viable model for the Mediterranean market, this is delegated and in and outsorced to a mastermind group I am paying of the bank loan with the help of the money from renting and it is almost paid for I am writing a blog about criticising, a satire kind of blog, in a fantasy setting of a post-apocalyptic zombie world (a recurrent dream of mine) We are planning to establish the Web Design / Programming company that was due this winter, as we have completed several good project and have a team of people dedicated to the cause. Lifestyle, home, environment - I have made the small scale lettuce grow tent in my apartment for the purpose of growing our own foods, still living on the beach apartment, but considering moving to Čiovo for the logistics if needed be. Everything is perfect in my home, our balcony is becoming a nice little garden, we have planted roses. We've replaced the wardrobe, I put the blackout curtains in our sleeping room. Doing the writing on a nice PC I've assembled. + Health + I am progressing trought the calisthenics routine and in my beginnings of Floreio Art movements. I am feeling vibrant, full of energy, my caffeine consumption is on a healthy level, looking forward to buying some Bulletproof coffee for the first time, as I've known it for some time now and wanting to try it. I am happy with my emotions, for the resolutions that have happened, happy for the cause that I see, well on my track of progress and tougher than ever in decisions I know are best. I've bought new pants and they fit perfectly! (I've outgrown all my pants as I am writing this) + Life purpose, qualities + "Put kojeg nitko ne zna je put kojim trebaš ići" "The path no one knows is the path You must go" I'm calmer, I'm accepting, I'm more thoughtful, planning family life + Relationships and relations + I am getting in touch with friends who were distant when I was working too much. I am making new friends and meeting people on a similar path. I am happy with my family as we have finally come to an understanding of who does what in the family business, we have separated our businesses and lives in a beautiful manner. My brother is happy he is able to pursue his dreams. Mia and I are stronger than ever, she quit smoking, we are ready to establish a family, I'm ready to propose, feeling joyous and fulfilled with what we've got, planning on travelling after the summer for a fun vacation on the Azores maybe or Iceland or whatever we see fit, we were talking about Asia - I'd like to visit China. This feels good!
  8. Sure thing@The Alchemist , I hope we all learn benefitial things from this and turn it to a template. So without further ado, let's get to writing - god I love the written word A couple of guidelines of what I'm including in the visions, all importaint stuff; Physical health and mental / emotional wellbeing Relationships and relations to other people Business and financial aspect and results Geographic and close environment I'll probably start more broad, but the general idea is to be as specific as possible, and I'm getting to it as soon as I can and then let imagination run rampant within the borders of own dictated reality writing, speaking and thinking in the present tense, acting on my dreams, wishes, things I know are right for me, being and beginning to see, exhube confident and positive action that is changing my life for the better and within as well without that reality the lives of people around me, ultimately all life. Do It The way I am turning my imagination to reality is trough setting specific goals, the goals are like events - ticks and notes - in the timeline of my life which is the ever unfolding process of turning my imagination to reality trough setting even more specific goals, events, notches on the timeline, unfolded from my mind which is the body leading myself to a final destination. I'm selecting wich goals I'll be working on the next month and breaking them down to daily actions, allowing daily and weekly improvements in all areas of goals set. It is the purpose of all this, the way nature intended. My Vision for the summer Business and Finances - I am generating a passive monthly income of 1,5x my current salary from renting out 2 vacation houses on the island of Čiovo in the vicinity of my current city, Split. Since we are closing one of our business locations, the Cafe Bar Galerija at March 15th this is my primary source of income for the summer. The franchise model for our Spa and Wellness business is ready by the end of summer since we are operating on just 3 locations, instead of 8 like we did last summer, the revenue is less but the profit margin better since we have cut all the bad locations and remained just on the 5* ones which results in a better knowledge and experience base for the franchise/consulting model we plan on selling by next summer. I am paying of the bank loan with the help of the money from renting I am writing a blog We are planning to establish the Web Design / Programming company that was due this winter, as we have completed several good project and have a team of people dedicated to the cause. Lifestyle, home, environment - I have made the small scale lettuce grow tent in my apartment for the purpose of growing our own foods, still living on the beach apartment, but considering moving to Čiovo for the logistics if needed be. Everything is perfect in my home, our balcony is becoming a nice little garden, we have planted roses. I bought a nice PC and sold all the old ones that I've repaired, the garage is cleaned out, ready for the ownership transfer to the new buyer of the Spa (garage is part of a former Spa and Wellness Centre). I am sad for the Spa centre but happy for the resolution the purchase of the real estate brought to our family and business. Health - I am progressing trought the calisthenics routine and in my beginnings of Floreio Art movements. I am feeling vibrant, full of energy, my caffeine consumption is on a healthy level, looking forward to buying some Bulletproof coffee for the first time, as I've known it for some time now and wanting to try it. I am happy with my emotions, for the resolutions that have happened, happy for the cause that I see, well on my track of progress and tougher than ever in decisions I know are best. Life purpose, qualities - I am clear with my purpose, on how to achieve it, clear with the path I am going "Put kojeg nitko ne zna je put kojim trebaš ići" "The path no one knows is the path You must go" Relationships and rela tions - I am getting in touch with friends who were distant when I was working too much. I am happy with my family as we have finally come to an understanding of who does what in the family business. My brother is happy as he is able to work on festivals, maybe as a DJ maybe as a bartender. Mia and I are stronger than ever, she quit smoking, we are ready to establish a family, feeling joyous and fulfilled with what we've got, planning on travelling after the summer for a fun vacation on the Azores maybe or Iceland. Sounds good, don't You think!? I'm hungry from all the writing and Mia is just entering the house!
  9. Greetings all Hope We are having a great day today. I will explain briefly what I will be writing here. The Journal I've started a dream journal recently, so I'll be starting some posts with dream analysis and reference then to my life as I see fit and correlate. The Here And Now I've kept notes about the here and now since I started journeying in self development and actualization in various notebooks and journal type diaries and such, so I'll be posting some research from then in relation to now and in preparation for the future. The Visions And Goals This is the main part of my journal, I'm creating a vision of what my ideal life would look like in 2, 3 years from now, imagining that everything went as planned, perfectly so to say. I'll be rewriting this a couple of times on a weekly basis, posting how I took action with the vision in mind, and how much does it fit into the state of matters I attended. This is where I want to hold myself accountable for keeping up the good work! I certainly have had some already mr. Beethoven
  10. Time will tell what's beneficial for You if You're not seeing it now, from what I'm reading got the feeling You're biased by not being biased, let's not overthink the matter, as it only brings what's called analysis-paralysis, I'm seeing in You a similar experience that I've had; Couple of years ago when I started getting into self development very abruptly I had similar thoughts like You described in Your first post, and I was overwhelmed with all the information in the form of data from various sources, while in the same time feeling that I've got to live up to the more-than-perfect standards of behaviour / thought, the real deal is when I was able to be less cautious about this and let go of "trying" to live up to the standards I was biased to set for myself based on the teachings of other people. It could be called, finding Yourself. This happened with time and I learned to more clearly present to myself the information I was consuming, avoid being overwhelmed with data and information and move to the place of knowledge and wisdom, these stuff I did with the more unlikely (at the time these stuff seemed very unlikely to get me to the place I was wanting to go to better understand - hence a mental excercise or so I thought) and some of these stuff were; Excercise Dance Nutrition Interpersonal relationships Basically what I'm suggesting is starting something new, try a dance lesson, try a new cuisine, improve a relationship with someone in and out of family and work up those neural pathways, possibly the best way to do this is to stop reading self-help for a day or a couple and try one of these, a couple of new things brings freshness in one's life, and more importaintly makes one remember not to take everything too seriously by stepping out of one's comfort zone. So the grand finale; What are You wanting to understand about judgement or about Yourself? or What are You wanting to understand about making Yourself laugh and feel good?