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Everything posted by CARDOZZO

  1. I'm reading about deep stuff on science, engineering, technology, computer science and physics. I will develop a deep understanding of these fields to create new solutions to humanity. I will share resources, books, lectures on these fields.
  2. Radical Abundance: How a Revolution in Nanotechnology Will Change Civilization
  3. I was wrong not admitting that I am whole, complete & powerful already.
  4. If you're wrong about being wrong, you're doing a great job.
  5. A Path Towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence with Dr. Yann LeCun
  6. Leo, why do you often bring rape to your discussions? Is all about triggering people's perception of reality? I know that you don't give a fuck but rape is on another whole level (humanly speaking).
  7. Secrets of Personal Mastery - L. Michael Hall
  8. David Deutsch: Knowledge Creation and The Human Race, Part 2
  9. David Deutsch: Knowledge Creation and The Human Race, Part 1
  10. Actually, I don't have fear of death. If I die, whatever... I would like to see future generations, explore the cosmos and travel to distance places. It's a desire to live on a sci-fi plot.
  11. @Nilsi I appreciate your POV. I'm considerably biased because of STEM background. Death is one of the most powerful inventions. Why not change a narrative, explore the cosmos and turn into a hybrid species? I'm here for it
  12. If you have a bachelors degree, U.S citizen and want to teach english while making money here on Brazil... There you go, make your application here
  13. Look around you.... How do you think your devices can do magic? CHIPS & SEMICONDUCTORS!
  14. It is more complicated than that unfortunately. Bryan is crafting a new human paradigm where death doesn't exist. In the past, philosophers/artists were inclined to revere death as a powerful thing that drives humanity to make the best out of life. This is not the case anymore. We want to be more like God, expanding our power/intelligence through the entire Cosmos.
  15. We have to advance here. AI will reach insane levels of intelligence. Immortality is a gateway to explore different narratives. We'll want to do different things than AI.
  16. Post here your favorite music live performances
  17. I'm reading a book called "The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion". (Thanks @WonderSeeker) There is a section of the book that is making me think about all my dating journey. I want you all guys to think deeply about that and feel your body. Do you love women with ALL your HEART?
  18. @Recursoinominado It's all about your carioca juice dude, you have to teach it 😂 Also, carioca women are extremely playful, they don't have fear to make the first move 🔥