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Posts posted by kwax

  1. my purpose is to find what my purpose is. it doesnt stop.

    its even in leo's life purpose course. that course can point you in the right way but even after completing it(i am only half way) you wont get a exact definite answer and even if you do that will change as things happen in life.

    In my opinion. your purpose is to never stop growing and learning and trying and evolving.

    it doesnt just pop up and then that is it .  

  2. 1 hour ago, SFRL said:


    Thanks for the feed back bro. Yeah Ill keep working on improving the actual show its baby steps. My very first podcast episode has evolved alot since and it really is because people are giving me feed back so I really appreciate it man and will take it on board.

    @electroBeam . Sounds great and I wish i had the money to attended because I am in Sydney now :(

  3. G'day guys. I would like some feedback on a project/life purpose idea that I have been working on.

    One of my aims through this project is to catch up and have deep and meaningful conversations with people who I look up to and inspire me (similar to Tim Ferris). 

    My aim is to have deep and meaningful conversation with these unique individuals in hopes to gather wisdom and ideas that I hope will help me and anyone else struggling with mental health.

    Some of the individual’s in these episodes may have a better grip then others.

    Some might not even have a grip at all.

    But I hope that with their participation and consent. By sharing these conversations online I would like to think that it helps us all somehow by simply sharing our thoughts vulnerably and authentically in hopes to connect us all on a deeper level because it is so easy to get caught up in our own minds.


    This project will also be connected with RRpeat :
    An online space that myself and a few other friends plan to use to create and share videos,podcast,blogs on self help content for mental health,physical health and spiritual health.

    So far I have been trying to build up the habit of simply creating podcast and interview as many people as I can to get in my hours and training. 
    This is also in line with my "Life purpose course" ( I am half way through it).

    If you guys could give me any sort of feedback,suggestions,advice I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you 
    from Sydney Australia :)

  4. Sup bro :) ill have a stab at this. 

    You enter this world on your own. You will leave this world on your own. 
    and in between that IS ALL CHAOS.
    There are forces we cannot control. Some of them are people (to a certain extent)

    Think critically on all those cliche sayings because it will resonate and be relative to each individual who reads it and makes their own meaning of it.
    For eg some one of those cliche sayings that comes to my mind is "Life is what YOU want to make it" 

    The only thing you will ever have control of is your mind and experience.
    To live authentically to me means to have the balls and courage to do and say what you truly believe in and sometimes those beliefs are right and sometimes they are wrong . Sometimes they can help people. And sometimes they can really hurt people and also on yourself. But hey.. thats life and as the New zealand people like to say "such is life" and "You live and you learn" There really is no right or wrong except the wrong just gives you a shitty life experience like jail or some illness because you eat shit and dont exercise.

    Follow your bliss man. you only got 1 life (in this dimension anyway :D ).

    All the answers and advice that you seek... you should put that into your music and create a conversation that helps not just yourself but whoever listens. They might not hear the same msg as you intended but thats just how people are. We are all so different and have our own realities and beliefs and our own paths.

    Live by example. Live bold. I understand the bond with family but at the end of the day it really is upto you how important that bond is and what you want out of that family experience and those relationships you have.

    I also believe that life is all about relationships. With everyone you meet and the biggest one is with yourself or as some would say.. The EGO.

    I could be heaps wrong :P So please do take it with a grain of micro lsd... <3

  5. everything is meaningless . there is no purpose. 

    But i have the choice to make it mean something and give myself the purpose. Knowing that I have that choice is why I do this. 
    I didnt know I had a choice before. I was a slave to my own emotions and the stories I told myeslf. 
    Disconnecting from that ego and being in control of my emotions, my mind, my suffering, my love. Is why I somehow came to surround myeslf with leos work and many other mentors who are on the same path.

  6. copy and paste from the other similar thread.

    I would like to think and believe that its marketing for an up coming film/project .

    Its grabbed peoples attention. Maybe its a form of method acting. 

    Maybe its to promote an up coming film about a guy that goes through spirituality and enlightenment and first goes through an spiritual EGO which is a representation of what most spiritual practitioners and mass media and ppl are at currently with this new sudden trend of mindfulness,meditation,lsd etc

    I think you guys get my point.. 

    I could totally be wrong and Jim's just totally lost his shit and didnt catch himself and was neurotic to the majority of "asleep" people that dont understand the esoterics of what he is on about

  7. I would like to think and believe that its marketing for an up coming film/project .

    Its grabbed peoples attention. Maybe its a form of method acting. 

    Maybe its to promote an up coming film about a guy that goes through spirituality and enlightenment and first goes through an spiritual EGO which is a representation of what most spiritual practitioners and mass media and ppl are at currently with this new sudden trend of mindfulness,meditation,lsd etc

    I think you guys get my point.. 

    I could totally be wrong and Jim's just totally lost his shit and didnt catch himself and was neurotic .

  8. I am in the same boat. I am working on a pod cast that talks about and trys to gather information on spiritual health, mental health and physical health. 

    I actually first wanted to do psychology. But i kept thinking and diving which lead to counselling.. and then i kept thinking again and it lead to life coach/nlp and then further boiled it down to youtube and now pod casting so my plan is to raise awareness and consciousnesses through the pod cast and see how that goes. Its a place to work on my communication and understanding on information and wisdom etc.

    Like others have said . Values etc change as you go but you wont know unless you just go for it. Gotta be in it to win it.   

  9. Tim ferris <- money,self development, self hacks mentally,physically,spiritually

    The pshycology pod cast with Dr scott barry kaufman <- covers most things about the mind and quality of life

    Under the skin with russell brand supe fast paced crazy mother fuker 

    Mysterious Universe <- 2 aussie dudes from sydney who cover all things conspiracy,aliens,occult,magik,physic abilities etc etc more so entertaining but very interesting considering leo has done a video on paranormal etc. 

  10. Hey guys I know that "This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one."

    But just wanted to let you know that I am currently doing Leo's life purpose course and am upto #54 and am far from depression and suicide as of right now and have a clearer vision for my life now :) 

    Thank you for those who commented and spent the time to write what they wrote. Sorry it took this long to get back to you. I hope you guys are doing just as well as you were then.

  11. Heyyyyyy.... Its me. Another tiny spec of a human on this giant blue earth with illusionary problems. 

    for the past 3 months.(well actually since 15. I am 29 now) 

    Ive been going through alot of over thinking, depression, anxiety, negative beliefs, self sabotage. and using weed, porn,lsd and alcohol to distract myself from all this bullshit Ive created for myself. It helps for a tiny bit but as we all know it actually makes things worst. 

    I am in a really really low point in my life right now. Its effecting not just me but everyone around me, my career. Everything. I have  a fuked up aura and its all because I am having a really hard time changing. Thoughts of suicide have come up because its the easy way out for me but I know I cant do that because my family, girlfriend and friends would be so hurt.

    I am wedding photographer and when i am in my bestest state. Im friken good at it. but other times I just have to put on a mask and act all happy but deep down im dying and when I get home after a 15 hr day of being a happy chappy social butter fly i crash and burn for days and hate life. 

    i live a very comfortable and easy life. I work maybe 4-6 times a month and the rest of the time I try to gym and do jujitsu. I try to catch up with friends when I can but lately I feel i get major social anxiety and feel very intoverted. 

    I live with my parents and they dont nag me at all. They give me a roof over my head, bathroom, toilet, food and just enough money for me to be very comfortable. Ive got it so dam good. Im spoilt and my family is just above middle class. I have so much guilt because of this because I know there are others that have it so much worst then I do yet here I am with my first world problems. 

    Anywho. in the past I have done landmark which helped for a time. Ive watched the shift by wayne dyer and Ive read eckhart tolle and i was into tim ferris for abit. that all helped me for a time but i always find myself back in hell sooner or later. 

    Lifes been a summary of a bunch of Ups and downs and never steady.

    Ive taken lsd and had a massive bad trip which lead me to having a big breakthrough and death of my ego. It lead to me eating super healthy and going to the gym. I lost 6kilos and even got a tiny bit of abs. I even got inspired to give youtube a stab because it felt right and passionate. but that only lasted about 8 months untill it suddenly just fell flat on its ass..

    I am now back at square one but I feel this time its even harder to figure out this next step in my life because I know exactly why i feel the way i do physically, spiritually and mentally but fuk my ego/lower self gets more cunning and evil everytime I catch me out.

    I am very desperate right now. I cant live like this anymore. think the way i do. its terrible. i just want to die but i dont even have the guts to kill myself. Please guys, anyone, Leo, obiwan!? Help me! Theres so much more i could be doing with my time and life and for this planet and the people around me.

    Would getting the life purpose course help me? I dont think I have the discipline to complete it.. i am seeing a shrink but i think i need to see another one for a different opinion.

    Thank you for those who have taken the time to read this.


    selfish me.