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About waterfire

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  1. So I assume you are talking about synthetic right? Because for Bufo/toad… i am dosing 65-110g? also do you notice the difference between Toad and 5 MEO most people say no, but I do notice the difference. And have had more profound experiences on Toad… but also want to protect the toads… i was using 5 MeO daily for a month to learn more and to apprentice with this medicine … working with the synthetic for dosing myself felt safer for some reason.
  2. I was doing it everyday for about 3 weeks and prior to that maybe once a month. I am not doing it as much lately because i am a facilitator and I am so busy lately holding space for others… and my physiology has definitely changed. My system is super sensitive. has this happened to anyone else? I have also noticed as a medicine women and psychedelic facilitator it has opened me up to a kind of telepathy when working with clients… this is hard sometimes because I feel like I feel all there stuff and am working on not processing other peoples traumas… it is such powerful medicine! It has changed me in so many ways. i have not tried buffing it or intra muscular but will .
  3. As I see celebration of Colorado’s legalization of psychoactive mushrooms for the specific use of therapeutic purposes, I can’t help but wince at the inversion of truth. The very people we elect to uphold our sovereignty and freedom enslave us, the offer crumbs and we celebrate being given access to what was already our birth right. Earth Medicine were given to us by Earth and It will not be a surprise when Pharma is the distributor of these medicine. don’t get me wrong, i am celebrating the crumbs… and yet, in someways it highlights how unfree where really are.
  4. Obviously they are just tools for transformation and incredibly profound tools at that! And, obviously having an enlightening experience with a psychedelic is different than being enlightened. There is a lot of work to do to integrate the wisdom, learn how to master our minds, impulses, and habitual patterns... there are belief systems to conquer, wounds to heal, and a path to self love that requires true humility, courage, ego disillusion and integration, we need to hone our daily rituals and practices and master skills and ultimately birth the greatest expressions of ourselves in service to something greater than ourselves. Is a psychedelic going to do all this for you, not, but am I missing something, because I don't see that as the message here. I have never got the message that Leo believes that psychedelics are the end game, but more, one of the most profound tools to create breakthroughs and provide a direct experience of the Infinite/Reality/God/Mind. I see the lean in to psychedelics as a progression on the path of awakening and self actualizing, because after years of mediation, yoga, mystical experience, contemplation... psychedelics found me, and for me, they have offered me the most radical shift in understanding of who I am, and have shined a light on some of the work I needed to do to become more authentic and in alignment Truth. They are still showing me the next level - how to embody the philosophies and the Infinite Sacred Being that I am. My understanding (which seems to be mimicked by this website) is that contemplation, meditation, yoga, exercise, diet, continual learning, creative work, healthy relationships, discipline, selflessness, truth, learning how to create balance in mind, body, heart, soul, and relationships, work are all part of the lessons and tools being taught here. I see the open sharing of using psychedelics for authentic transformation and enlightenment helpful because normalizing these tool means more people will try them and hopefully experience Love and start awakening. The secret is out - the greatest scientists, gurus, artists, visionaries, philosophers, inventors, entrepreneurs, wisdom keepers, teachers... have used these plant allies and synthesized tools since the beginning of time...We are living in a time, in which perhaps, we will discover what happens when these forbidden and hidden tools become available to all of us as we explore Consciousness and to awaken. Perhaps, partnering with psychedelics we can awaken each other and create "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible" I am witnessing the evangelic psychedelic tone of the website, and yet I am also witnessing content that is balanced with essential tools for true awakening... lessons on holism, spiral dynamics, sense making, meditation, first principle thinking, epistemology, Aztec non dualism, shadow work, ego development, Taoism... I am actually really really grateful for the 5 MEO MALT share (I had not heard of it)!!! I am grateful that these tools are being shared (all of them) I have tried 5 MEO DMT (Toad, which I love) and see that psychedelics and many tools are part of the process of true awakening.
  5. Leo, Good job on always pushing the boundaries and exploring in ways that are authentic yo your journey of God realization and transformation. There are not many sources out there covering such topics as: holism, spiral dynamics. psychedelic awakening, sense-making, epistemological empathy, non-duality, God realization... I have been on this path along side you and have also found that awakening with psychedelics the one way I have found to access both deep hidden trauma (giving me access to healing my childhood survival patterns), as well as, access to God in a non-dual, infinite ineffable way. I still do yoga, meditation, vision quests, dream work... as a means of supporting my psychedelic work, and like you, have found that these modalities are amazing, and fall so short of providing a radical transformational wisdom, insight, and God realization that plant medicines do. I have tried many psychedelics, all for the purpose of deep understanding of myself and Spirit: - Iboga, Aya, Toad, Ninos, MDMA... I have love 5Meo DMt!! and am looking forward to trying MALT and the ability to deconstruct how God (I,We) are creating this reality! I have a few questions I wonder if you could answer: As God (limited in the human form) what is your belief in our ability to manifest - To experience and participate as humans with our non-dual nature and have this reflect in our material reality. Dp you feel your experience with psychedelics and the wisdom you receive from them and the felt sense of infinite love has changed you... i.e. have you moved closer to the embodiment of this infinite love in your life? I work in the field of psychedelics, integration, facilitation and it is amazing to witness the childhood survival patters that hack the human physiological systems and how hard it is for humans to transmute these patterns and live in true sovereignty and wholeness. There is a great book called the 5 personality patterns that has been quite insightful! it Maybe worth reading and sharing... Anyway, thanks for sharing your process.