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Everything posted by cetus

  1. Why did humans invent the concept of gods? -to solidify the concept of an afterlife. "Valhalla awaits you!"
  2. I Just turned 67 and I started this journey when I was about the same age as you. And as life goes, I started working a steady job, got married, two children came shortly after. You get the idea. Life happens. And even though life took center stage over enlightenment I never forgot my first taste of awakening. It may have been overshadowed at times by life's events, but it was always very close. And even to this day it's a bit of a struggle not to be swept away by certain life events as they pop up. I'll tell you one thing that has recently happened that has upped my level of consciousness 10 fold 24/7. I have recently been diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. So, I have become almost hyper-conscious no matter what is happening in the external world. So, my suggestion is very simple. Appreciate each moment like it's your last. And every time you find that you have slipped into an unconscious state bring yourself back to awareness being at the forefront just as you are doing now. A mantra meditation is often used to bring the attention back to a point of focus. When one catches themself wandering from their point of focus, they gently bring themself back to awareness. And one can learn to expand that practice to living life as if it were one long mantra meditation.
  3. @freddyteisen Stick with it and it will all integrate over time. You're young and off to a great start. Some may not discover what you have until their 30's 40's or even later. Cudos to you!
  4. Meeting the best living spiritual teacher is like being handed the best violin on Earth. If you don't know how to play all you'll get is a lot of noise.
  5. Imo this is the sound of infinity....
  6. You wanted answers and you got them. Just not in the way you expected.
  7. Assigning meaning to aspects of reality is like assigning meaning to cloud formations. -RBDC
  8. I once dreamt there was a Guru other than myself. Why did reality deceive me like that?
  9. And all else are partitions of the mind.
  10. @Anon212 Seems like a lot of effort so I ask what's missing here? I mean you have all the groundwork laid out. Perhaps a lack of absolute surrender? Have you ever let go of that last silver thread that tethers one to their ego?
  11. Grasps and understandings mean nothing. Clear away all such notions to make room for the direct experience that you are the very fabric of reality.
  12. Don't feel too bad. A friend of mine stopped by one day and wasn't looking so good. So, I asked if everything was O.K. He said he did some acid the night before and hung out with God. I said wow that sounds very cool. He said it was totally cool up until the point he got brave and decided to have a peek under Gods glowing white robe. I said what did you see? He replied, "A thong".
  13. It just shows you how nothing can be forced. But given the right conditions lightening will eventually strike.
  14. @Princess Arabia You are authentic and honest foremost with yourself. It shows.
  15. Your intuition was correct, but your ego had to have a look see like a voyeur in the night. You have nobody to blame but yourself.
  16. It was my vein attempt at humor. I didn't want to reply, "Let me count the ways". But seriously I just needed to "speak it out" as Mooji says. You and so many others bring a positive presence to the community and glad to have you all here. Life is short and I wanted to say that.
  17. @Princess Arabia I know good wine and food when I taste it. Likewise, with people. - (some taste better than others)
  18. @Princess Arabia So glad you came to hang out with us here at the community. You're a keeper!