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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @username Sounds like the real deal, even if it was just for 3 seconds. Just the fact that you could let go of yourself is a milestone along this journey. If you want to try something really cool, do that again in a secluded part of nature. Maybe take a hike in the woods, sit there and just let it happen. If it does, It may feel as if god is seeing through your eyes. The division between what is you and what is nature will melt away and become one field of existence. Totally amazing stuff!
  2. @xXguitarsenXx It sounds like sky diving would be a walk in the park compared to this stuff. At least you know you have a chute.
  3. @kurt I enjoy everything you have to share here Kurt. I can't say I'm all about the dharma and karma but the message there is always inspiring. I read between the lines, so to speak. Do me a favor, if you notice me getting too far out on a limb with any of this enlightenment stuff (which I do) knock me off my branch. The harder I hit the ground, the more I deserved the pain. And probably a little closer to enlightenment for it.
  4. Same place as karma and the three bodies. The eye of the beholder.
  5. It's a world wide zombie apocalypse out there of people sleep walking in a dream state of self, destroying this planet and each other. There is such a thing as detached action. Awakened people can have a very positive effect on those who are not yet awake. It takes no force, when a person shines with higher truth people recognize something special about them. When oneness is present, others naturally align themselves with that. Let it shine brother, let it shine through you!
  6. Could physics have it right that all physical reality is one connected field of tiny curled up dimensions called Calabi-Yau spaces? And that field has a wave movement to it. It carries time and gravity also through that wave motion. A wave becomes a particle when it is observed (awareness). particles=galaxy=planet=soil=water=tree=apple, but all one unified field. Calabi-Yau spaces are said to have a unified intelligence and a sharing network. Any effect on one part of this field (existence) is known throughout the entire field.
  7. @Whatever It sounds like 2 hours are working just fine for you. Good enough in my view. You don't want to become a meditation recluse so mix it up like your doing now. My thought- Stay with that healthy balance.
  8. @Progress Just my two cents, we become egoless in deep sleep every night. Possibly the same as anesthesia where we forget we exist. 1) You may have become slightly aware of that egoless deep sleep state. You were in deep sleep, yet aware of it to some degree. 2) You have been studying and listening to Leo's vids and you just dreamt the whole thing. Hard to say which exactly. Sorry. *I remember having anesthesia when I was very young and experienced a black void as your friend did. That must happen often. It does make me wonder if that egoless deep sleep state is another level of consciousness. I heard somewhere that some advanced meditators practice awareness of that deep sleep state. I'll find it for you............ Here it is!
  9. Remove the word "their" and yes that would be about it. Enlightened realize what they are is higher awareness itself. In actuality, everyone is already that. Most just don't realize they are because of the illusion of self that masks the truth. If you have a location, you can't be everywhere, can you? But most won't dare to let go of themselves, so they cling to the safety of ego-self and it's confined existence.
  10. @Seyed Surrender= ego death: the renunciation, rejection and, ultimately, the death of the need to hold on to a separate, self-centered existence
  11. @Jhonny Your probably meditating with a wrong approach. 2-3 years and you could be stuck in this same place. Too much emphasis on "I am meditating" won't get you very far. That's just more "me" which meditation is the opposite of. I assume the "difficulty" lies in the fact you can't stop being "you" during meditation. Change that up to-"No one is meditating, meditation is just happening of it's own doing".
  12. @wellbranding Any sense of well being is going to effect your overall immune system in positive ways. Stress is a big factor too. No self= no stress for the enlightened. I was wondering the other day about the effectiveness of meditation on Multiple Sclerosis. The immune system attacks the nervous system. Could just meditating be beneficial to slow progression of certain diseases? All important questions. Keep up the good work!
  13. @mr lenny That sounds like good stuff there!
  14. @mr lenny You gotta transcend TIME. Nothing will ever happen within time because that's just another aspect of "you". Your mind may be creating resistance by holding on to time (you), even though you may not realize the sneaky ways mind will hold it's ownership. Override that mind by transcending time, space, self/patience- and all those worldly confines. Do that and 30 minutes of meditation will seem like 5. You'll be amazed. Some days the mind just refuses to behave. When I realize that is happening, I "STOP" everything! Than put mind in it's proper perspective as "just mind", than move on. Usually that works. If not, approach meditation again when it feels right. The last thing you want is to experience frustration or impatience. That is the mind's way of winning over you by inducing a negative aspect into the practice.
  15. @Neo It is thought that during Samadhi, one part of the brain becomes quiet, and another part becomes suddenly active. That shift, when it happens is unmistakable. Unless it's experience it as you did, one would never know that possibility even exists.
  16. @Neo I remember the first time it happened to me exactly a year ago. I was saying to myself "Wow, what was that?" Amazing isn't it! I never realized that could happen before that first experience. After looking into it, the best description I can find is called Samadhi. A lot of that going around now. It seems to come in waves. Maybe that's just coincidence?
  17. @Neo Did it feel as if awareness suddenly came to a point of perfect focus? Like hyper awareness kicked in or something?
  18. @Dhal-Sim This sounds as if you experienced Samadhi- Union
  19. @Kuba Give yourself the time you need but face that ego down. By doing so you render it powerless. Someday you'll see and you will get the biggest smile on you face that you ever had. Sure it's not easy the first time, but so well worth it! After that it's a piece of cake to face it down anytime because you will see that it's only power is what you give to it. You will know that as a fact.
  20. @Kuba You say you have been meditating for a year now. For what? This is like buying a boat so you can catch fish, only to let go of the rod at the first signs of any resistance. All your doing is feeding the fish (ego).
  21. @YoungSeeker Annata (no-self or selfless self), Samadhi (union) Yes, different to experience at first but very cool at the same time. Good for you. It's not easy to take that first step into the unknown by letting go. Especially once you have established a stronger sense of self. I say that because I had this experience happen from time to time as a young child. One minute it was just me playing with my truck in the sandbox, doing my thing. The next second I felt a shift suddenly and I became one with existence. I would have to stop playing just to look up at nature around me. Almost as if it had called me by name. There was no separation. It felt great and comforting! Than as I got a little older I lost it and it stopped happening. But it left an impression that I never forgot. And now, many years later it's back again from time to time. I'm glad you found it too! It's wonderful! I like to get out into nature and sit with a still mind and just let it happen. That works best for me personally. Good luck.