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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @ULFBERHT Time, space, movement and a seemingly continuous experience (duration) are just a few of the tools the mind uses to navigate within it's reality. Otherwise everything in reality would be bunched up into one heap. As it truly is.
  2. @Leo GuraDoes any of this fit into your experience with 5meo, God/infinity and reality?
  3. I watched a vid. today on David Bohm and The Holographic universe. I thought it was excellent btw. But here's the thing, in it there was a part about the pineal gland producing natural DMT and a duct that leads from it to the back of the throat. Have you ever tasted "The Nectar of Enlightenment" during a deep meditative state? It's said to leave a bad taste in the mouth. Thought that was interesting.
  4. When I was little sometimes reality would suddenly become one fabric with a texture to it almost like cotton. Not to the touch but I would just see it that way but not as the eyes see it either. That experience would have a very surreal feeling to it. It wasn't a bad feeling, just very different. Maybe that childhood memory has some real truth to it. Do you ever perceive reality as being one fabric woven in the mind?
  5. @Dodoster Yea, it is a paradox. Size has no bearing over any of this. It also seems to be self replicating at the same time. Something can come out of seemingly nothing from nowhere. That's where the common sense needs to be thrown out. Is there really any difference between what is infinitely small from what is infinitely large? Infinity is infinity. *just talking about this moves us out of this dimension. This is why the common sense in not applicable here. Here is an excerpt from Allen Watts The art of contemplation We believe so firmly in the maxim "ex nihilo nihil fit" – "nothing can come out of nothing" – that it is almost impossible for us to see that emptiness is the essential prerequisite for every form of being, unless we can conceive that space has some structure concealed from our senses.
  6. @Dodoster Check out The Banach-Tarski Paradox. It gets pretty deep so common sense doesn't really apply here.
  7. 0 contains all numbers from one to infinity because it is empty.
  8. This makes me think of what physics refers to as Calabi-Yau spaces. Infinitely small spaces that are infinite within themselves. But yet they exist in infinite numbers.
  9. For whatever it's worth. I was just meditating on infinity with an intention for it to show itself. To maybe get a glimpse of infinity like Leo describes. But something else happened. What I first experienced was a mind that was totally empty of all content. The usual meditation but deeper. I observed the mind in that state for quite a while. And just as a note, that totally empty mind does feel like it is infinite. Infinitely empty. So that is the closest I experience of being infinite. But than the infinitely empty mind vanished too. There was nothing there. Not only was the pitcher empty of all content. But the pitcher itself no longer existed. So did the pitcher return to infinity? Or did it return to nothingness? Or something else? What is that when it happens? It's just a total blank space there. Where would experiencing infinity fit into this? Anybody else experience this happening to them? Maybe all the time? Maybe never? I just don't know where this fits in. Should I try to stop that vanishing from happening for now on and just remain in the experience of mind empty of all content? I really don't know what to do here and it's happened before on occasion. Does somebody have some experience with this happening to them too? Thanks
  10. Stare at Leo's vid for 2 minutes than look at your keyboard and see what happens. Woah!
  11. @Deep That's interesting because one time I purposely surrendered within a state of Samadhi just to see what would happen and I vanished for a while. Of course I didn't realize I had vanished until I returned to the Samadhi state (sorry, I don't know all the exact lingo but you get the message). 2 days ago I left a reply on another topic that stated "At the heart of Samadhi lies nothingness". That experience, or should I say non-experience, is what I was referring to when I said nothingness. There was no awareness of anything because I didn't exist (no mind/thoughts). There was no experience, no bliss, no infinity, no God, no awareness, no emptiness, no nothing. After that happened I wondered if there was a level of awareness that enlightened people have achieved that could experience that state of absolute nothingness. So I'm asking, what do you see here that I may not. What are your thoughts or better yet, direct experiences on this? You seem to have knowledge in this area. Thanks
  12. @Joel3102 Yes I've had that experience of flat field from time to time. Sometimes it just happens out of the blue. The first time it happened to me I was doing a no-self exercise and something very similar to what you describe here happened to me. I also freaked out a little and backed off because everything was getting so strange. I was definitely out of my comfort zone. At that point I gathered up all the nerve I could muster and thought to myself "something is presenting itself to you, just go with it". So I did by surrendering to it and I entered into a state of Samadhi. As far as I remember I had my eyes open but what I was seeing was not the surrounding room any longer but removed to what felt like a field of absolute calm. It gave me the impression that it was the source of all things. It was absolute emptiness but yet it had an overall quality to it that is really hard to explain from a mental/physical point of view. It felt as if I had entered another dimension or something. Just to mention also, as it was starting to happen I noticed a dramatic shift in awareness. It felt as if awareness became super concentrated. It came to a heightened point of focus that I never experienced before and was no longer only located at my body location but was filling the surrounding area. That feeling was really freaky because I felt ghostly. That was just before I surrendered and the Samadhi state happened. The next time it happens to you it won't feel so strange and different. For me it was more like "Oh, there it is again". It was still strange but not so freaky as the first time. If you can, when it happens again, just surrender to it and see what happens.
  13. Your very question is a game. All this is an endless game with no absolute winner. Wake the FUCK up.
  14. @Afonso You are the Moth before the flame. There is no going back.
  15. Everybody wears a mask, plays a role. Nothing difficult there to comprehend, newbie or not.
  16. Pick your mask from the ancient gallery and walk on down the hall.
  17. @John Hea John. Just my 2 cents worth but I see it all like a wagon wheel. At the hub is where we are infinite/stillness. As you move away from the hub to where the outer wheel hits the road is where the most movement (action) is taking place as life. Remain centered at the hub of what you are and just observe the movement taking place at the outer part of the wheel.
  18. I agree. But awakening from egoic self has got to start somewhere. That somewhere is a union called Samadhi. The absolute will than be revealed within the heart of Samadhi. Again, it's a process of unfolding. If you take it to the limits from the start, you often loose people because the ego can't relate directly to the absolute. This is where Samadhi comes into play.
  19. Samadhi is the direct realization of the true self or Anata which is the gateway to the absolute. There is no one to seek, understand or chase anything. These fundamental misconceptions only arise in the absence of Samadhi (union). @Deep What you say here is correct, to a lesser degree only because consciousness is being experienced through the individual self/mind awareness. Only through awakened awareness, (Anata) can the absolute be realized as it has no direct experience of itself. This is where the magic of it all lies. As long as we're in this body/mind/time/space existence, someone would have to be totally stone enlightened, I'm talking non- existent to be absolute consciousness 24/7. That being said, absolute consciousness can still be visited through Samadhi. And one day we all awaken from the dream of self and return again to the absolute we once where. This is all a beautiful process of unfolding that is meant to be. You are exactly where you should be as part of that process. This is it happening now! To be one with that infinity unfolding process is to be one with God.
  20. Nothingness lies within the heart of Samadhi. Samadhi is the link between what is this and what is not.
  21. I think I remember Leo mentioning unfolding patterns here on the forum.. "There are patterns that exist outside of space-time that are participating in the ongoing process of creation."
  22. @OBEler A@20:00 is where I had to pause the vid. because something was shifting in perception.