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Everything posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. He does speak about these things to some extent. In his video called an advanced explanation of God-realization he describes a trip he experienced on 5 MEO MALT where he became Omnipotent. But in general, he does shy away from the topic. I think mostly because he hasn't yet managed to bring the absolute down into his everyday life very well yet. So he's developed this belief that using God's capabilities for his own agenda is somehow wrong or even impossible. When the actual truth is that we're more than willing to do everything to fulfill his every desire because we perceive him to be our self as we are him(and that our self isn't a grammar error, we are one so it's our self, not ourselves lol). Perhaps a more concrete perspective would better solidify my point. After I originally discovered that reality wasn't as I was taught. One of the phenomena I studied which helped me to make sense of the world was the placebo effect. There's as of today an abundance of studies relative to this subject. But I'll mention just the example of the man credited for effect's discovery. Henry Beecher was a medic in WWII and when he rain out of morphine, he started using an inert solution before surgery and told the soldiers it was morphine. Something like 40% of the men he operated on didn't experience pain to such an extent they had no idea they'd been given a fake pain killer(they report no pain when being cut on). Now think this through, how are you to explain such a thing in a purely mechanical way that doesn't invoke the obvious possibility that the patient's mind alone caused the effect? And keep in mind that this cannot be explained away as coincidental. As the effect of the mind on the body is so powerful that it's necessary to test a fake drug against a "real" one to determine its legitimacy. And there are now many medically documented examples of things that would be medically impossible occurring in this domain. Like people going fully into remission from advanced cancer by taking a fake drug(and without changes in diet or anything that would seem remotely capable of affecting change other than the subject's perception that they should be healed). It's easier for some people than others, some even do it purely by accident. Yep They do, but they only work to a great degree if you repeat the practice rather a great deal. Exactly. You clarify your own misunderstanding towards the end of the paragraph. When I say that Delta(1-4hz) is the level of the Godhead I don't mean that as literally as you're interpreting it. When death occurs the mind expands everywhere(becomes Omnipresent, and therefore Omniscient as knowledge arises out of experience etc). If you were to become conscious while your brain is oscillating predominately in the Delta range, you would be so heavily connected to the Godhead that you could manifest your thoughts incredibly well(if you were competent enough at this level, you'd basically be a god unto yourself). However keep in mind, there are more variables affecting your power level than your degree of awareness of the unconscious(like your emotions for example). But all of these variables correlate with one another to a high extent(for example you become more powerful the sweeter and stronger your emotional expression, which causes you to be slightly more aware of deep levels of mind you're normally not aware of at all). Well, actually we're everywhere(as God) because we're everything. So in that sense, we do have a biological basis(as for instance God incarnate as you we have such a necessity because we imagine it to be so). When I say Godhead, I'm referring to God in the more dualistic way that people tend to traditionally think of us(which is the level of infinite mind, that is discarnate intelligence). And to what you said at the end, nonexistence is impossible. And another thing, nothing does not equal nonexistence(at least not when we say that we're nothing). This kind of nothingness/pure void exists, but it has no attributes. This is why it's the substance of which all realities and everything within them consists(as any attribute we have everything will have because everything is made out of us). That's precisely what I'm saying. Yes, the Delta level creates the Theta level, which creates the Alpha level, which creates the Beta level. And the Gamma level predominates when the subjective awareness of the ego becomes present in the lower Theta to Delta range(representing the presence of supernatural capacities in the sentient being in question). This is correct in the sense that if you want to function in an Omnipotent capacity, you want to be in Delta. But if you simply want to become Omniscient, it's easier as you only need to become all perceiving and all-knowing personally. For instance, let's say you want to know what's going to happen tomorrow. In order to accomplish this, it is not necessary that you send your body physically forward in time and then back to the present. You can simply command your mind to project to you the things that will occur(which can be done at a dramatically lower power level than full-blown physical time travel). The level at which this becomes most possible(and is, therefore, the level that is optimal relative to such an intention) is actually approximately 4.5hz(lower theta). When the brain shows predominately lower theta waves. Your mind is effectively at the portal between your human self and the Godhead which is creating everything and as such, you can retrieve any form of knowledge you want at that level.
  2. Good, and remember don't be afraid of being afraid as that only gives rise to endless procrastination. Courage isn't acting when fear isn't present, but doing so in spite of it. This is exactly correct, there's a level of mind at the basement of your subconscious that you don't normally operate consciously at which contains all of the information/attributes that make you the individual you think of yourself as. This data functions much like software on a computer, your programming was done mostly when you were a child(because you operated at a level of consciousness closer to being unconscious than as an adult). However, the programming is constantly being tweaked/altered by your experiences and thoughts, and feelings. The more powerful the experience, the greater impact it has on you and the more permanent the programming it brings about. And the more you repeat the same experience, the more solidified the programming becomes as well.
  3. Arvari would probably be the best option or one of the best; I use their course personally to great effect. When you read the sales page, it may sound over hyped. But, I can say from first hand experience that it isn't(even though it all sounds way too good to be true). As someone who's bought and used the course, I only have one criticism of the sales page. And that's that you need to repeat the exercises a great deal(but perhaps not as much as you might think, the brainwave altering technologies used in the meditations are very powerful) before they bear sufficient fruit to empower you to the extent the sales page claims.
  4. Meditation dissolves the boundary between the conscious and the unconscious minds(although it does so at an excruciatingly slow rate). Unconsciously you're Omnipresent(everywhere as you exist as everything). So when you begin to expand your mind into the subconscious(region of mind between the conscious and the unconscious) which contains all of your personal experiences. Your past will become your future, and your future will become your past. As to your fears, you have nothing to fear, nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Combining psychedelics with meditation is a wise thing to do. As meditation on it's own is relatively impotent, but in conjunction with the right state it becomes powerful. Think of it like combining drugs with similar effects, they synergize with one another in a cumulative fashion. So just keep on tripping/meditating simultaneously, you'll go far that way.
  5. In an absolute sense, of course reincarnation is nonsense. Just as for example, rape is nonsense and impossible. Because we are all one and thus all have one will. So if one of us wills something, we all will it. And since you can't rape the willing, a logical consequence of that is that rape is utterly impossible. Likewise, reincarnation is also impossible because we're one(whereas reincarnation requires us to be many). But notice the perspective that believes in rape has relative validity because we're in a dream that depends on duality. Likewise, reincarnation may be valid in a relative sense, but it ultimately has to be nonsense. Because after all, if reincarnation is a real experience that just means it's something we're imagining anyway(just like all of reality).
  6. I'm not sure; he once called it a research chemical. And I think technically Malt is defined a chemical but I suspect he used something else.
  7. A most outstanding and robust example of our expressing ourselves through a mortal. Perhaps Leo will publicly reveal the substance he consumed to aid himself in this.
  8. Pantheism is rather accurate, so yeah. I was applying the concept to the specific forms that consciousness can take. It can take the attribute of power for example, it can take the attribute of knowing, it can even take the form of specific abilities. For example, there exist Telepathic states of consciousness. Which we could say is a form of Omniscience because it involves a supernatural way of knowing. We could also say it's a form of Omnipotence(a power) because it involves perceiving things in a way that requires you to move past your ordinary boundaries(power allows you to lose your limitations). We could also say that it's a form of Omnipresence(because your presence has expanded to include the mind of another). We could also say that it's a form of Omnibenevolence(infinite love) because power is correlated with sweetness of emotion. You see where this is going? I've only used the concept of dimensions of consciousness to attempt a form of understanding compatible with the human mind. Which necessitates duality, when the actual nature of reality is inherently non dual(so duality=non duality, and sameness=difference). Thus, the dualistic perspective is perfectly valid(because it's not objectively any different from the non dual perspective.) Therefore, I'd classify Telekinesis(the ability to affect the outer environment with the mind) as a form of Omnipotence(even though all the other possible perspectives are just as valid). And Telepathy probably as a form of Omniscience(because it involves knowing what might otherwise be unknown) etc etc. This is down to differences in brain chemistry and personal consciousness between individuals. Most humans live in relatively the same reality(because we all have very similar brain chemistry and a similar state of consciousness). But some are radically different to the rest of us. And as such they respond to the same substances very differently. No lol. 1P-LSD is the name of the chemical. It's a quasi legal analogue of LSD(because it metabolizes into LSD in the body, but the substances itself is legal to buy/sell/posses as it's classified as a research chemical unlike LSD which is a scheduled substance). Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry is a 100% specific analytic method(it can positively identify practically everything in a given sample). It's not just used to test psychedelics. But for basically everything(from common food to prescription drugs to illicit drugs). If you want to know more about it, I'd suggest reading the Wikipedia article on it. It's a physically dangerous substance that causes cardiovascular events(things like strokes and heart attacks). I only ate one blotter wondering if I should have dosed higher at the time. But in hindsight I'm glad that's all I did as I may not be here had I chosen to do a higher dose. Hence why I'm so skeptical of most psychedelic vendors and suggest testing your substances before you do them so fervently. They differ incredibly, I could write a whole 500 page book on that very subject. But they all seem to have things in common. Nearly every psychedelically induced experience and near death experience(where the patient has no pulse nor neural activity for a certain period of time like 30 minutes, then "comes back to life" so to speak) have in common. Is that they all involve a departure from what is considered ordinary reality. And a wide variety of things can happen(some people experience themselves dying and going to hell and Jesus pulls them out, other people experience God realization etc). What's happening is effectively this, "ordinary reality" is a dream, and when you die/are influenced by certain substances, you enter a different dream. And there's ridiculous variability in terms of what kinds of dreams are possible. No, my intention was to cure a disease I had which I knew from studying the brain chemistry alterations of LSD would be cured by the same. I had no idea at the time about ego death(or even what the concept of ego is) or that I'm God or anything. I believed 100% in Materalism at the time. Which is one of the reasons the experience is significant(as the substance basically just did these things to me irrespective of my conscious intentions). Well that's just it, objectively speaking it wasn't delusional at all. It's just that at the time my materalist mind had to explain away the experience when I came back to baseline. The issue here is you don't really understand what ego death is likely because you've never experienced it before. You see, when you lose your ego you don't really lose anything. What actually happens is your ego expands to include things that it previously didn't. Like for instance, a low level ego death might involve you looking at a wall and experiencing the wall as part of your body(there's no longer any difference between you and the wall). A high level ego death would involve you becoming absolutely everything(infinity). And at that point, you know you're God because you're Omnipresent, and as you're Omnipresent(have all experience) you're also Omniscient(have all knowledge) as knowledge arises out of experience. We call it ego death simply because when it happens your old limited sense of self(as a human) has been dissolved to include everything else. Because the ego is just your human set of experiences/memories/identity. Which objectively is no different than the Godhead and as such is immortal(in an absolute sense, so you can die in every way imaginable and still live). So when you lose your ego you still have your ego, and as such your memory is still capable of functioning. That's only because they lack understanding. Yeah, very often classic psychedelics(like Psilocybin and LSD) in the relatively low quantities(1-3grams for Psilocybin, or 100 to 300 micrograms for LSD) they're commonly taken usually don't produce God realization. But they do dissolve the boundaries of the mind enough to allow for powerful psychological catharsis and healing. These psychological benefits will likely serve as impetus to legalize these substances in the near future. There's something to be said for the scientific perspective. However, alternate perspectives(like the animistic for instance) are also valid and necessary in acquiring a complete understanding of these matters. At first it's scary as all hell, because you think you're going to cease to exist(which is a lie), and so you cling to everything you've ever known. But when you surrender to it, it becomes a blissful experience. And in fact you learn that death(which isn't even real) is the best thing that could happen to a created being which of course is tremendously ironic(as that's the very thing mortals spend their entire lives running away from). There's never been a time where they or their loved ones didn't exist nor will they ever be a time where they don't exist. So, mortals mourn the dead for lack of wisdom. All of the options you've entertained have some validity to them. You'd just have to study trip reports of various psychedelics and NDE's and compare and contrast them. It wasn't all that long ago that I felt the same way about such things. Assuming they were merely fabrications or maybe just the product of overactive imagination. But when you experience these things yourself as I have, you know they're valid. There's a number of problems with empiricalism. One of the most glaring is the fact that it assumes there's a difference between the anecdotal and empirical. When in fact the empirical is always anecdotal. To illustrate what I mean, imagine you're looking at a river and you want to establish consensus relative to it's existence. So you point to the river asking others if they see it too, and they say yes. Now you assume that means the river is real. The problem is, where is the experience of other people validating your experience occurring? It's in your own experience, which is the same as you experiencing the river yourself in the first place(which was anecdotal). So the empirical is always inherently anecdotal, and as such empiricalism effectively rejects itself due to unconscious metaphysics(empiricalism depends on third person experience, which in fact doesn't exist as it's just first person experience disguised as third person experience). Yeah, and in all three instances I foreknew things that should have been humanly impossible to know. Exactly, I'm basically no different than Moses or Abraham. We're infinitely loving, which means we have no preferences whatsoever. So we created everything that could be imagined. And in this specific dream that includes many different religions, that have differing views and that even wage wars over the differences in theology. The best way to understand religions, is to realize that they all teach the same thing in a general sense. They all teach essentially, that God exists and made everything(though some of them have God as many gods instead of just one) and they all teach that God is love. Which is the most important part of it all. They however, can't teach the entirety of the truth for an infinite number of reasons. One of them is the fact that since God loves everything, that means God loves everything that humans hate. If you taught that to people, most of them would want nothing to do with God(they're too judgemental to accept something that's infinitely loving). So the major religions of the world have had to demonize God in order to make us more palatable to your average mortal. And this has also served them to create cohesive and safe societies via the risk of eternal damnation. As otherwise ruthless personal ambition and selfishness would give rise to chaos and endless military conflict. It's an important variable even one that's played a major role in my own life. As despite the fact that I know myself to be God and everything(so I am all of the religions in the world for instance, you could call me an Omnitheist). I'm a practicing Roman Catholic on the rationale that when I become personally Omnipotent(which is something I do in the future) my way of fitting into human society will be as a Catholic saint(since they tend to canonize laymen that do miracles). However, if I didn't have Catholic grandparents(my own parents basically rebelled from the Church as hippies, fight the power lol) then I would probably be something else entirely. Like if I had a middle eastern background, I'd probably be a Muslim, if I had an Indian background, I'd probably be a Hindu etc etc. There's great difficulty in reaching out to most religionists. Because they tend to be hard nosed and totally absorbed in their own dogma. Completely rejecting and demonizing alternate religions and perspectives due to small differences in detail. As such, I mostly don't discus these things with such individuals. However, when I do, I make certain that I articulate things in a way that I don't contradict anything they currently believe. And as such I sort of interrogate them rather intensely to obtain a greatly detailed understanding of their personal worldview before I make any statements. The mindfuck there is the atheist is God imagining that there is no God, and the theist is God imaging that it's offending God with it's human shortcomings. Well, what you're describing is far from impossible. But understanding every religion, and being able to actually effectively sell religionists on the actual truth are different things. And there's much diplomacy/negotiation in order for there be to union between these differing entities. What in my experience helps a great deal in understanding this, is the perspective that integrates neuroscience with the occult. Neuroscientists have broken down human consciousness into 5 states based on the rate of firing neurons as measured in HZ(cycle per second). These are Beta(12-35hz), Alpha(8-12hz), Theta(4-8hz), Delta(1-4hz), and Gamma(all brain activity above 40hz). Beta is the level of ordinary everyday waking consciousness. From which there is no significant expression of the powers of the mind(things like remote viewing are experienced as nearly impossible). In this state you experience yourself largely as an observer of an external world that seems very real and unmalleable. The ego is most tangible and present here. And this is the state most humans spend the majority of their conscious existence. Alpha under ordinary circumstances is only associated with transitioning between waking and sleeping/dreaming. However, if you manage to become conscious at the lower boundary of the Alpha range and become competent there. You can gain the ability to alter your physical faculties consciously(immune system, metabolic system, what diseases are possible or present in you etc etc). Because the ground floor of the framework that makes you the individual you think of yourself as is basically located somewhere around lower alpha. As such, if you become competent at lower alpha, you can do things that would seem to be medically impossible. Wim Hoff is a great example of this(he uses specialized breathing exercises to enter alpha when he'd normally be in Beta), whom I recommend you study(as many of his exploits have been measured and documented by medical scientists). If your brain slows down even further, and assuming you can remain conscious in that state(which is difficult but possible). You'd be in the Theta range(4-8hz). At this level you're effectively omniscient as any question you ask will be answered infallibly(and specifically at around the 4.5hz range this ability is perfected). I know this from firsthand experience. As I have a specialized form of meditation to put me in the 4.5hz range, and while I have limited experience with it(because I've been foolishly focusing too much on the beta level gaining intellectual understanding of things as a human due to performance anxiety). I have in fact used it before with miraculous effect. And could undoubtedly if I so desired, go and hit the lottery on purpose(as I'm capable of foreknowing the drawing). However, Theta ordinarily is associated with mental inefficiency, as under normal circumstances you're basically losing individual consciousness at this level. And finally, there's Delta(1-4hz) this is the level of the Godhead. Where the differentiated self disappears, and where all possibilities are waiting to be unfolded. This is the level from which you're creating all of existence out of nothing. If you were to be conscious at this level, your mind would be powerful enough to effectively control the dream of ordinary reality(as you're Omnipotent there). However, in an ordinary human this level is associated with somnabulistic unconsciousness. And I haven't yet become entirely too competent at the level, I've really only thus far been able to explore the region of lower Theta(mostly for lack of discipline or more powerful practices that require less work). And as such I only know what possibilities exist at Delta and have yet to seriously utilize them. Finally, we have Gamma. Ordinarily this state only occurs in rapid bursts when one experiences strong sensory phenomena(like when tasting an orange for instance). However, when one becomes conscious at the usually unconscious levels of the mind(like theta and delta, and even alpha to some degree). Gamma waves become predominate, and as such are associated with superconsciousness and paranormal abilities(like lucid dreaming, telekinesis etc). Because Gamma is effectively a level that integrates all the lower levels of the mind. So it incorporates the Beta function of subjective awareness with the power of the Godhead from the Delta level. This is why from a neurological point of view Gamma is sort of the oddman out in the sense that it's the only level where amplitude of energy rises with increases in frequency(Beta has the lowest amplitude of energy but the highest frequency, and Delta has the lowest frequency but the highest amplitude of energy).
  9. It means exactly what it sounds like it means. He used his imagination to conduct thought experiments(something Issac Newton also did) which allowed him to intuit what is likely to occur in response to a given stimulus in nature. And he used mathematics to quantify the mechanics of the things his mind had projected(which Newton did too). So it's effectively an example of balanced brain learning(balancing of left and right brain thinking).
  10. There's two basic reasons which contribute most here. First there's the fact that intelligence is a very specific dimension within consciousness. Second, your intentions drive your experiences, and you gain knowledge from experience. So for instance, if you did 30mg of 5 MEO DMT with the intention of acquiring correct understanding of the Unified Field Theory(something that continues to elude current mainstream science) and quantify it. Then that would be likely to produce mathematical insight. However, if you simply did the substance with no intention mathematical insights are unlikely to arise.
  11. To add another dimension of understanding to this.. Ayahuasca is very different than simply smoking straight DMT, as the harmala alkaloids themselves also have some psychedelic effect. Ayahuasca trips last much longer than straight DMT, and people report slightly different experiences. Like on smoked DMT, Machine Elves seem to be a relatively common entity that's encountered. But on Ayahuasca you tend to encounter completely different entities.
  12. It's all good, I just don't like it when I have to repeat myself. That's the truth, since microdosing is basically impossible(I guess if you had a sober sitter which could be a medical professional monitoring you, the risk of redosing would fall to 0). So I'm technically wrong in thinking microdosing is impossible, I just mean that it seems impossible without having others watch you like a hawk. In any event, you kind of do either need to go balls to the wall with it or don't do it at all(because you get little if any benefit from doing the lowest possible dose). If you told me that just yesterday, I'd have accused you of oversimplifying matters. But now I realize there's more validity to that perspective than I initially thought. You know it's funny, as I've thought more about my decision to shy away from Datura, the more I've thought up ways to expand my harm reduction practice. It amazes me that I didn't realize sooner that you could simply give a person some Datura(probably a fairly substantial dose) then pump their stomach a few hours later. And they'd have all the consciousness altering effects of the chemicals without most of the medical downside(I've consistently found in trip reports that people continue hallucinating for about two days after having their stomach pumped). Now, that procedure probably isn't suitable to my ownself(or really most anyone who isn't doing this sort of thing in a lab). So consumption of liquid activated charcoal about an hour after Datura administration to neutralize the toxins would be advisable(and I'm dumbfounded I didn't realize that sooner). Oh well, at the end of the day I don't know how to account for the possibility of the redose effect causing me to overdose. So none of this changes my mind about my decision to avoid Datura mind you. But it makes me realize that it's possible to make Datura consumption medically safe. Which is something that is potentially worth studying in a more scientific capacity. It's a bit difficult to answer that, the simplest way would be all at once. But a more detailed explanation goes like this. I know from firsthand experience that Remote Viewing(basically Omniscience) is easier to do/acquire than Remote Influencing(basically Omnipotence). So I'm going to develop Remote Viewing hopefully to a high level of competency(that's predicated upon how disciplined I am). And then I'll basically use my ability to find the best way forward for a human endeavoring to be Omnipotent. I'll also be doing things like hitting the lottery on purpose(once my ability is sufficiently honed for that to be possible) along the way. As well as testing myself in other ways to ensure that I'm actually doing the practice properly.
  13. "The devil's weed is hard with her protégés, he used to say, because she aims to kill them fast; a thing she ordinarily accomplishes before they can arrive at the secrets of the 'sober head'." -Don Juan. So the past week or so I've been writing what's basically a thesis on materialism's failure to explain certain unusual occurrences brought on by consumption of Datura plants. Simultaneously, I'm personally interested in lucid dreaming, and discovered that doing a microdose(of Datura) before bed seems to be most powerful option available. It's around midnight, and I eat one of the seeds(Datura Wrightii). It tasted bitter, when I swallowed it, I felt a sensation like being poisoned for a few seconds(in my throat and stomach). Then I took a drink of water and went to bed. The first thing I noticed was a sedating effect, then after some time had passed I analyzed my heart rate. My pulse was no faster than normal, but my heart was beating about 4 times stronger than usual. Then there was this painful stinging sensation in the lower lefthand side of my stomach. I started thinking to myself "I am perfectly healthy. I am perfectly healthy." over and over for what felt like 3 minutes. And the sensation diminished by about 97% percent. Then I felt this overwhelming sense of euphoria pour over me. Much like I feel when waking up after sleeping to Vishuddhi activation sounds. And then for a brief moment, I could hear her voice(Queen Toloache) suggesting I up my dose. Whilst incredibly happy, I fought off the impulse knowing I could land myself in serious trouble surrendering to such temptations. Then I felt this strange sensation in my temples, third eye, and the top of my head(crown). It was kind of like an energetic sensation sort of like a headache minus the pain(probably a shitty explanation). Then I feel asleep, and when I had awoken in the morning. I had slept the entire night without getting up to urinate or drink water(which is unusual for me). I also noticed an antihistamine effect(I was less itchy than normal). And I did remember some dreams, but I was not actively aware during them. And as such will probably need to do a higher dose in the future(though not much higher) to get the intended result. For the time being, I'm going to wait a week or maybe even more before doing it again to ensure I baseline(Datura has reverse tolerance, plus it slows your digestion meaning the substance will stay with you longer than anticipated).
  14. Well, if you read my post a little ways up I clearly decided not to do Datura anymore(possibly a permanent decision). But as to not being decisive, I have somewhat struggled with that. I know what I want, the problem is there are many ways of getting there. And of all the ways I'm aware of, it seems discipline/repetitive action is the ingredient that makes it work. That's not so much the case with certain mind altering substances however(because of how powerful they are). The problem I have with Datura is that I now can tell I'm likely to wind up doing far too much(because it gives you the urge to redose when you do it). And as such, it's pretty much impossible to microdose it. Oh well, for now I'm going the route of specialized meditation to acquire certain abilities(something I've done in the past with undeniable sucess, just not at the level I need as I didn't do it enough). In the future it's conceivable that I might use substances in a shamanic context. But I assume it'll probably be Peyote or Salvia or even Psilocybin, it's not likely to be Datura.
  15. Well from an absolute perspective it's impossible for me not to(as I'm everything and thus everyone). But in a more dualistic sense I was intending my warnings for others, not for myself. As at the time I thought it was possible to microdose Datura consistently without eventually macrodosing(something I now know is unlikely or even impossible). @Loba You mentioned your guide revealed to you that these plants were put here by aliens(sentient beings from other dimensions)? It would seem there's a great deal of substation for that notion. I mean, what's ostensibly the most powerful mind altering substance and also reasonably toxic(Datura) is fully legal practically everywhere? And what's probably the second most powerful substance(Salvia Divinorum) is legal in many places(at the federal level here in the states, and in almost half of the individual states). Those facts alone reek of powerful influence by someone(potentially otherworldly, certainly mightier than your average mortal). The only alternative is that government officials are insane and stupid(as they ban far less potent, less toxic substances so ostentatiously). Which seems more likely to you? Not to mention the fact that practically everything about Salvia Divinorum seems utterly impossible and ridiculous(from the perspective of your typical ordinary person). From it's effects on human consciousness, to even the most trivial facts about the plant. Like the fact that Indians who are credited as having discovered it have no name for it in their native language(they call it Ojas de la Pastora, which is Spanish for eyes of the Shepherdess). Now nevermind the fact that the Mazatec Indians have been under Catholic occupation for the last few centuries, and that there is no such thing a Shepherdess in Catholicism. The larger issue is why do they name it in the language of their conquerors and not in their own language? Their Shamans have evidently been using it for occult reasons for a great deal of time now. For a culture to have something like this they use so prolifically and not have a name for it in their own language seems utterly impossible. That'd be like if Americans had no name for Coca Cola in English, imagine how absurd that would be. Archaeologists have asked their Shamans why this is(as it's rather peculiar). And the response they gave is nothing short of mind boggling. Apparently the plant is new so they haven't had time to give it a name(like that makes any sense). It's as if one day the plant fell out of the sky into a ravine, and some Shaman was told by an otherworldly being(the Shepherdess) to go eat the leaves.
  16. That would seem to be an accurate assessment. Not to change the subject, but there's a twisted irony about Datura which she shares with banking sector. Just as banks only lend money to those who don't need it(wealthy individuals who are poised to repay the loan), and refuse to lend it to those who do(homeless people on the streets with no income and no credit). So Datura is much the same with occult powers. Only those who are already considerably occult competent can actually handle Datura, and yet those are the individuals who benefit the least from such a thing(as they're considerably powerful already). It's the people who have no clue about the magical nature of reality who would benefit the most from Datura blessing them with occult capabilities. And yet if those people do enter her realm, they're likely just to have a hellish nightmare of an experience. Which is totally unproductive and dangerous, not only taxing the person's vital organs, but also making them a threat to themself, and those around them(like when they perceive a baby to be a tub of ice cream and put the child in the freezer, or drive whilst under Datura's influence).
  17. I did look it up and it sounds promising; I'll have to try that.
  18. Well, I'm most certainly going to be using guided meditations almost exclusively. Probably just stay away from substances in general for a while. But in the future I'll probably experiment with using Psilocybin to potentiate the practice. And as for me telepathically communing with Wrightii's spirit. Yeah, she wanted me to up the dose lol. I'm glad I fought off that impulse because she could have easily coaxed me into eating a very dangerous quantity.
  19. "God speaketh once, and repeateth not the selfsame thing the second time. By a dream in a vision by night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, and they are sleeping in their beds: Then he openeth the ears of men, and teaching instructeth them in what they are to learn. That he may withdraw a man from the things he is doing, and may deliver him from pride. Rescuing his soul from corruption: and his life from passing to the sword. He rebuketh also by sorrow in the bed, and he maketh all his bones to wither." -Job 33:14-19 So massive update, I've decided to cease taking Datura(perhaps indefinitely). I'm sure that was unexpected, so allow me to explain my reasoning. A series of events going back about a week and half, in combination with a dream I recently awoke from has caused me to realize something. And that insight is that with Datura THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MICRODOSING. And no, this isn't because the possible differential in potency is 1 to 5, in my harm reduction practice I have ways of accounting for that. There's a much more radical reason for my conclusion. So about 10 days ago or so, I started reading a great deal of Datura trip reports. And then one morning during this time, I was with my parents and we intended to go out to eat somewhere. In the car, my mom and dad had this huge argument over basically nothing(it was over where the heat/cold climate control setting was when they intended not to run the fan, so it didn't make any difference who had their way as it'd be like multiplying by zero). So I wound up going with my dad to eat at the desired restaurant. Then on the trip there, he mentioned to me that he had a dream the night prior. In which I was I had a kid that looked exactly like me, and he was sick in the hospital. When this happened, I immediately intuited that the dream wasn't meant for him but me. Because you see, I hadn't told anyone about my intention to do Datura or that I was reading trip reports(so at the time only the Godhead would be aware of such a thing, or a highly psychically developed human, which I know for a fact my dad is not). So at first I felt somewhat alarmed at this, but I reasoned it away. "Those idiot teens and college kids doing it recreationally overdose by taking a hallucinogenic quantity, I won't make the same mistake". Then the rest of the day, more unfortunate things happened like the fight between my parents. When we got to the restaurant, they told us they were closing their kitchen on mondays(you see they're a bar, but they've never done that in the past). So we decided to go eat at Jack in the Box. And what do you know? They're closed as well! On a weekday no less(something I've never seen driving by their place for like 6 years). It occurred to me that all might be a bad omen, but my logical reasoning mind explained it away as coincidence at the time. So fast forward to last night, on this very thread a user called Jakuchu wrote this " ✝22 cause of death: stupidity " Of course, I merely interpreted that as the individual not understanding what I'm doing at the time. So I replied by pointing out the irony of him saying that(addressing a future immortal being with the possibility of death, when he himself is mortal and will inevitably die for lack of spirituality). When I made that post, I for some reason felt that I was putting off a Barney Stinson(from How I met your Mother) vibe. This morning I awoke from a dream where I was Ted Mosby (from How I met your Mother). And I was begging and pleading with a dying Barney Stinson(his face was black and he was hiding under his bed, and had a sort of defeatist attitude) that he should live. And I was asking him what would I have to do save his life. And then I woke up, and it hit me. My intuitive mind connected all of the dots. At this point I know I've just had a precognitive dream predicting my own physical mortality if I continue to do the Devil's Weed as I've intended in the way I've planned to do so. Now you might be wondering, why don't I just rationally explain it all away as nonsense? Because my first inclination was to do exactly that. In spite of the fact that I've gotten perfectly accurate information about future events from dreams before(that should have been impossible for me to know or predict). However, when I tried to do it, all I could do is think back to what happened shortly after I ate that one Wrightii seed. How I perceived the plant's spirit urging me to redose(when I experienced a burst of Euphoria). I fought off that inclination as you know, but what if I had chosen to do 2 seeds, or 3? or 4? You see the problem here, this is still potentially within microdose range, and yet it's easy to imagine that if I did a slightly higher dose it would make the trip much stronger. If I make the trip stronger, than that means my urge to redose will be stronger. And this is far from being anecdotal by the way, as I've noticed redosing is a common theme in Datura trip reports. I continued thinking about this, you see last night I had reasoned that I could mitigate the risk of toxicity to basically nothing. By becoming more active at Vishuddhi(when I've activated the chakra in the past, I've felt this sort of cool holy energy course through me that annihilated any pain or disease or cold symptoms). I also played with the idea about activating Manipura(as every time I've done that my digestion has improved dramatically, and if you're going to be processing powerful toxins your digestion needs to on point). But in the end I chose only to work on my Vishuddhi. As I reasoned that it was the superior option due to the inherently powerful nature of the Sadhana. Anyway, going forward in time back to my realization that it's impossible to microdose Datura. Something I realized is that I could potentially reach a level of competency in the Vishuddhi that I could deal not only with the toxicity of the plant, but also the consciousness altering effect of it(I know from schizophrenics that when they activate their Vishuddhi their hallucinations disappear). This is actually a bad thing, because I could convince myself to do higher doses than just what I had initially intended to do. And could be completely wrong about the notion that I'm ready for it, and wind up summoning the spirit of the plant, trying to conquer her. Only to be conquered by her, possibly taken into her world for eternity. Where all I could do is love and submit to her(as I'd probably be dead in the dream of ordinary reality at that point). So the reason I've decided to stop doing Datura, has nothing to do with the plant's excessive toxicity(though I certainly understand why that's enough to dissuade most people). Instead, it's because you can't microdose Datura, because with Datura MICRODOSING=MACRODOSING. Sure, you might get away with playing it conservatively for a while. Just as a criminal could get away with shoplifting a stick of gum everyday for a while. But just as the criminal eventually will blunder and wind up in prison, so you'd eventually wind up being devastated by Datura.
  20. Well, at present I'm currently considering two different possible frameworks for spiritual work(which when I say that I usually mean something like what you'd call Siddhi acquisition). One of them involves utilizing dream potentiation(which Datura appears to be perfect for in small doses). The other is to use mind altering substances to potentiate guided meditations designed to bring about certain abilities. Relative to that paradigm, in my estimation some form of Psilocybin/Psilocin would likely be preferable(Psilocybin is less toxic than Aspirin, and usually produces good experiences anyway). The reason classic psychedelics like LSD and Psilocybin aren't preferable for exploring/utilizing sleeping dreams is that it's nearly impossible to fall asleep under their influence. For this kind of strategy(via dream potentiation) a substance causes the effects dream potentiation, time dilation, and sedation would be best. Datura manages to check all of these boxes at low doses(at higher doses it can become impossible to fall asleep, and you can even wind up sleep waking if you attempt to do so, which as you can imagine can be rather dangerous).
  21. Yessir, you can probably tell from reading the things I have to say that in terms of dangerous things I tend to be very conservative in my approach. Ha, sure thing. Yep, was born here in fact. Well, we imagined that I was born here anyway. There are basically two different schools of thought here. One invokes the use of herculean discipline to execute certain repetitive tasks that at first bear little fruit until eventually they manifest like a great oak tree. And the other involves the use of mind altering substances to access non ordinary states of consciousness, as from these alternate realities the rulesets are different(to ordinary reality) and as such some are useful for manipulating reality(more so than ordinary consciousness). Currently I'm considering combining these two into a more powerful paradigm.
  22. The irony of your statement is cosmic in proportions.
  23. You do know about it, your limited human knowledge is only a consequence of you fooling yourself into the human experience. I'm of course aware of this possibility. I will, just to let you know I've decided to wait at least two weeks before doing Datura again now. I'm likely to explore the differences in doing a microdose of all the different Datura species(Stramonium, Inoxia etc etc). As for doing a macrodose(like most of the idiot college kids I read about doing it recreationally), or what I'd call a hard invasion into the Datura world. That isn't something I think I'm ready to attempt. And it might not even be necessary anyway. Maybe in the future if it seems to be beneficial to do so(like if I was doing it under the guidance of an experienced Shaman or something of that nature, or if one of my ally's I know I can trust advised me to do it).
  24. That would seem to be an accurate perspective. And yes, humility is of course necessary as we're dealing with forces greater than ourselves. No I haven't, I'd be surprised if either of those were effective. What do you mean exactly? If you're talking about autosuggestion I've done that hundreds of times. Nope As crazy as it may sound, Datura is by far the easiest hallucinogen for me to source. Due to it's legality(it's legal to buy, sell, posses, and even consume basically everywhere, the only exception being Stramonium being banned in like one state I believe). So I can literally just buy it off the internet from agricultural companies. It's reasonably cheap as well. As for Salvia, I'm in Colorado it's illegal here but I could just go over one state into Utah where it's legal and buy it and do it(crazy right? I'm in the weed capital of the world and here Salvia is illegal, but in the Mormon stronghold of Utah it's legal). And of course I can get traditional psychedelics through clandestine channels, or quasi legal analogues as a sort of legal gray area. No, but I've definitely considered chewing it in quid form. I know from reading third person reports that Salvia puts you in the realm of the dead, and as such it might just be perfect for the work I'm doing(as it's physically much less dangerous than Datura). Of course, all realities are just dreamt up by us(though we're not very conscious of it currently). Quite possible, assuming I succeed in becoming immortal(which seems likely) I'll still be around in a trillion years for that very strange thing to potentially happen. Well, it's not that strange a thing when you consider the absolute nature of infinity(and thus the nature of infinite power). A consequence of which means there will probably always be something I imagine to be more powerful than myself(no matter how powerful I become). I already am at the top, as are you because you're me. It's lonely at the top ain't it? So read the first two posts I've made on this forum which I'll link here. Okay, now that you've read those posts, you should know that I'm aware of myself being God(albeit unconsciously). So now the logical next step is embodiment(actually becoming more like God in my human existence). I'm highly consequentialist and utilitarian in how I view the dream(what you humans call reality). And as such I value the most useful aspects of God consciousness. Which of course are Omnipotence(with infinite power anything can be done) and Immortality(if you're immortal you have an infinite period of time to do things in).