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Everything posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. This is always the excuse used by evolutionists to justify their unsubstantiated beliefs. It can't in any way discount the fact that if it were true(the hypothesis of macro evolution) there would be millions of living interstitial lifeforms when in reality there are none. In fact, the argument you're making not only changes nothing but actually makes things worse for you. Because if this highly progressionistic view is true, then there would be even more living interstitial organisms of which in reality there are none. So the only possibility then would be exactly the opposite of this. That for instance a pure ape gave birth to a pure human. Which obviously is also unsubstantiated nonsense as well. You're conflating different definitions of things here. Natural selection has nothing to do with neo-Darwinian delusions. Furthermore, abiogenesis is relevant as such a thing has never been observed before, and without it, Darwinian theory is effectively multiplying by zero as you need a simple organism in the first place before it could be possible for it to evolve into greater organisms.
  2. This is probably a somewhat unpopular position, and likely Leo would criticize me for giving creationists ammunition with which to defend their wrong views. But the versions of evolutionary theory taught in universities and also the variant originally conceived of by Darwin are not factually correct at all. You can be certain of this for one simple reason. That being that supposedly, for instance, humans evolved from apes gradually. If this were true, then there would be instances of lifeforms that bear 1% human dna and 99% ape, as well as half ape half humans(otherwise known as "missing links" for good reason). Forget about fossils for a second, and realize that there would be countless LIVING missing links if this hypothesis of macroevolution were correct. And there would be no doubt millions of examples of these living interstitial forms naturally occurring. And yet there hasn't been one scientist to publish a paper, not even one to try to create a fake study claiming to have observed such an organism. The only logical way out of this(besides the possibility of punctuated equilibrium, a completely unsubstantiated hypothesis I don't feel I need to address), would be to argue that evolution stopped with man. There are obviously many problems with this position, not the least of which is the fact that it wouldn't explain why lifeforms "below" human have also stopped evolving when man came to life. And yet, it's a direct logical consequence of evolutionism which always goes unevaluated as the people believing this nonsense are never aware of it. There's also the problem that abiogenesis has never been observationally demonstrated(researchers have failed miserably attempting to do this under highly artificial circumstances) when if the theory were true, it would be constantly occurring in nature. And in fact, you can't have this hypothetical chain of macroevolutionary progression without first the initial unicellular lifeform arising. So this fact alone is enough to throw a monkey wrench in things as if it weren't bad enough that there's no scientific evidence to support any aspect of the evolutionary hypothesis. Now, there are ways evolutionary theory could be that are not so easy to refute and are thus potentially true. Like the model of evolution in the Ra material where instead of lifeforms evolving, consciousness is evolving. And lifeforms simply exist as imaginary vehicles for various different states of consciousness.
  3. Ask yourself this, how do you know the differences between the two are not merely illusory differences?
  4. @Matthew85 How are you inducing lucid dreams?
  5. So, much like the title suggests. I want to hear about instances where things you experienced on a chemical-induced trip carried over into ordinary reality here. Though my personal array of experiences on psychedelics is sufficient for me to realize that I'm God and that everything I've ever experienced is merely a personal hallucination of mine. I've never done either the right practice or the right quantity or quality of mind-altering chemicals to experience what I'm describing here. I've only ever personally been successful in manipulating ordinary reality mentally not under the influence of any mind-altering plant or chemical. And just to be absolutely clear, I'm not so much interested in instances where you experienced "impossible" things with a buddy who was also under the influence of the same chemical/plant. Not because I don't value these experiences from my own perspective which in SD is something like a Yellow-Coral hybrid. But because they may lack practical utility in ordinary life. So instances where what you experienced I find relevant can be for example, if you managed to cure yourself of a medical condition using your mind on a substance. It can be something very radical like you grew both legs back using your imagination, or something more "believable" like you managed to cure yourself of a chronic migraine condition that you failed to cure using conventional means. Another thing, I would prefer instances where the effect was in yours and everyone not doing substances experience a permanent change. So that time when Leo healed his stomach condition would be an example of something maybe you should keep to yourself. But if after a few months of not doing any psychedelics afterward the effect persisted I would be much more interested in that. And of course, instances where you healed other people who were sober, or instances where you did something like telekinesis and sober observers verified that whatever you did also occurred in their reality would also be examples in which I am interested. And of course, if you've ever seen into the future knowing things which are humanly impossible to know/determine on a substance that also qualifies. By now, I'm certain all of you know exactly whether or not what you experienced is of interest to me, so I'll leave it at that.
  6. @Matthew85 Listening to the somewhat aware dream characters argue here about whether we're everything or nothing, real or imaginary from my perspective is reminiscent of the parable of the Blind men and an elephant. It just goes to show that you can't really understand God as a human. And why actual awakening is so necessary.
  7. I would say that flattery'll get you nowhere. But you're merely spitting facts.
  8. There is no paradox. It works much the same way that humans reach consensus on the fact that the Sun is hot and yellow. Likewise, if multiple dream characters realize that they're dreaming, and that they're God. They will together realize they're everything and nothing, and as such know themselves to be alone as the only thing that's in existence as there can be no alternative to absolutely everything and nothing(Omnipresence). It's perfectly logical, it's just that it's something so complex it tends to confuse the human mind. Which should further go to show why direct experience of these things is so necessary. Because not only would you be left with something purely conceptual and not actually real for you if you attempted to grasp these things on a purely intellectual basis. But in all likelihood, you'd totally misunderstand what you think you understand.
  9. A common rebuttal to this is that "dreams" feel less real than "reality" and that's how we know they aren't real. But I and other lucid dreamers have had dreams that are equally as vivid sensory as waking world experiences. Literally 100% indistinguishable from the waking world's so-called "reality". Another rebuttal people often use is that the laws of nature tend to be pretty wacky in sleeping dreams which proves they aren't real. I've had dreams that gave me perfect foreknowledge of future events that took place in the waking world which should have been humanly impossible to determine. So I of course know that argument to be bunk. Leo often takes a different approach and one that is also undeniably valid. I recommend everyone who wasn't yet watched the video Leo made on this topic to watch it. It's the first video out of hundreds of his I've watched and I'd say it might be the best video he's made. Because it offers a perspective that delivers such incredible clarity into not only how/why certain high-level spiritual truths about reality are or at least could be true, but also allows for practically anyone to comprehend them. Which is a task that often feels insurmountable when approached through other means. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvvzpzGCWE
  10. I know I said I wanted instances of psychedelics afffecting ordinary/consensus reality. But I've changed my mind, anything you've done or experienced that had that kind of magickal impact on ordinary reality is desired. Therefore, I'll provide some of my own experiences here that I've posted elsewhere at times. I'd say my journey into spirituality began totally by accident. I didn't like how my voice sounded, so I took footage of a man whose voice I found more desirable, and watched it in the morning repeating all of his words mentally in my own mind, pretending as though I were him. It did change my voice slightly to resemble his, but that wasn't the only thing that happened. It modified my personality and subconscious response to stimuli to reflect the character I had impersonated. The most radical thing that happened I caught my aunt's lactose intolerance when she was experiencing an episode of it. I've been in her presence when that's happened to her before, and I was always unaffected, but with this new ego it was possible. I reasoned there and then, that the worldview given to me by my parents and scientific community, and even the church had gotten something seriously wrong about reality and it's nature. Because it made me realize that my physical body is created by my consciousness, and as such can be modified by it. And if the boundary I normally have between my mind and body is collapsible, then the boundary between my mind and all of reality must be also. So obviously this allows for the possibility of humans developing psychic abilities among many other things. Anyway, I didn't want lactose intolerance nor to change my entire personality, so I ceased doing this practice. The next day I returned to my old self which of course wasn't lactose intolerant. And my old personality came back in full force, so thankfully I wasn't bound to this new identity I had temporarily created for myself. On a side note, the below video by Jim Meskimen is no joke even though there are some jokes in there. He's also stating literal scientific facts about the human mind, and how the practice of impersonation can alter the human mind/body/spirit complex. Though obviously, that doesn't necessarily mean that drugs should never be done, or even that there aren't any side effects to doing impressions, because from my experience there certainly can be. I've done more radical things since then(all without substances). But this post is already so long I think I'll just leave it at that for now. Oh and if you're wondering who it was I became by impersonation. It was Julius Caesar in that one episode he appears in Hercules the Legendary Journeys. He's played by Karl Urban, and is a normal character in Xena Warrior Princess that was sort of borrowed by Hercules.
  11. Until you experience such a being yourself, I'd recommend you drop the concept entirely. But to answer your question as to whether alien beings are manipulating the human species, the answer to that is yes, but it mostly is only possible because we want them to. So don't be afraid of the possibility of something abducting you or something, it's supremely unlikely that would occur unless you went away of your seeking the experience.
  12. Thanks for responding! Yes, this is the reason that going forward psychedelics will increasingly see more legalization. I know that I stated I wanted people on here to list their own experiences in my original post. But realizing that from my perspective there's no difference between your own experiences and someone else's, I'd like to say that even posting third-person experiences would be encouraged. I'll post an example of what I'm saying, and how it contains both things I requested and simultaneously things I did not request. In this video here, two men experience telepathy on acid and nitrous oxide. When they baselined they had recorded footage and managed to confirm that they really were communicating telepathically. If it weren't for that, than this video itself wouldn't be of great interest to me. Interestingly enough, spectators posted in the comments section things that quality. Such as Into The Void 2 years ago (edited) "myself and 5 of my friends experienced hardcore telepathic communications on LSD , it was so intense that IT SCARED TF out of the SOBER people in the room. Some of the sober people began to ask if they were dosed, what was going on, to stop, how tf are we doing this, it was NUTS!!! we asked each other questions telepathically, but first we told the sober people by writing the question on a piece of paper in a different room. then the person questioned telepathically would say the Answer out loud to the questions asked, EVERYONE freaked. we repeated it a few times before people started feeling really freaked out hope that wasn't too confusing, but it blew everyone tf away, the sober people there are the only reason i believe this wasn't some shared delusional psychosis experience. they also said it FELT like they were on drugs WITH us when this was all going on, almost as if the vibe in the room made them trip during this experience, after they left, they felt light and floaty but sober again, base line in 5 minutes and NOBODY dosed them, or accidental exposure was IMPOSSIBLE." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOEfNi_LLnE&t=30s
  13. This isn't philosophy, this is simply the way things are. And furthermore, you don't have a clue how to identify an omnipotent being. The fact that you don't realize I could teleport myself anywhere in the universe is proof enough of that. The only thing you're capable of doing is identifying a being as limited as yourself. Which is why you ask me to do something I find asinine like creating a spaceship.
  14. You stubbornly refuse to listen to reason, why should I help myself as other-self if that other-self is unwilling to accept my help? What kind of fool do think I am?
  15. To you yes, to myself no. That's how selfishness works.
  16. You make the mistake of assuming I want to prove myself to you. As if what you think mattered to me. You're here to entertain me with your nonsense and maybe just maybe learn from me. This statement is half false and half true. It is true that in my human incarnation, with ordinary consciousness I'm as limited as you are. It's false however, in that I've entered states where such limitations don't exist. A rocket ship? Ha! Why would I bother with such a primitive thing as that? You're assuming that your human point of view is objective when in fact it isn't. If you ever became aware of the true nature of the universe, then you'd probably think you've lost your mind.
  17. The universe isn't under any obligation to make sense to the human mind. To assign the limitations of human imagination to reality is itself logically fallacious. This is the same thing people did when the Wright brothers said they could fly. Dissenters said "a machine heavier than air can fly? ha! physically impossible!". If you want an objective point of view, you'll have to move beyond the limited capacity of ordinary human consciousness. Your current perspective exists not to elucidate the truth about everything, but to keep you alive. Whatever lies you need to say or believe in order to survive, you say or believe. Notice that if it were true that you don't even exist at all, your human mind can't really entertain that as you'd have no reason to survive if you weren't real. Or if, you were an all-powerful being that by your Omnipotence limited yourself to the human experience. You can't really consider that either because it would mean all the struggling(surviving) you've done is pointless, as you could otherwise become capable of having anything you want simply because you want it. And that would break the game much the same way you'd destroy the US Dollar if you gave the Fed's ability to create money to everyone. That isn't to say it isn't possible in any absolute sense. I mean, the Fed technically has the authority to do that. And likewise, your unconscious mind having absolute power is capable of giving you all that you desire, including any state of consciousness which necessarily includes states of infinite power. This usually never happens because as I've stated already, it sort of breaks the game of reality that human dream characters play.
  18. Every direct experience you've had, including all waking experience, sleeping dreams. And chemical induced trips. All of these are instances of absolute truth. What Batman is saying is logically equivalent to what I've stated above. Basically, experience is real and experience is also imaginary so it can really be anything. That of course includes things that aren't yet real in your experience, so the real and the unreal aren't really different in any objective way. It's just that dream characters make that distinction so as to help them function and survive within the dream. As in a dream where only certain things are experienced, including death and things that cause it. Then in that dream it's only the things experienced which are relevant. The other possibilities lose relevance as they either don't manifest in the dreamer's experience or at least are unlikely to do so.
  19. Life is nothing other than a mental trip. Threats both internal and external are as real as you want to perceive them to be. If you renege on your paranoid fears, the jungle of life becomes a safe and fun environment, such that the whole universe could become your playground.
  20. If you find the impact Salvia is having on your baseline state of consciousness uncomfortable or undesirable. You could always stop doing Salvia altogether. That way at least, there would be a hard limit on what undesired alterations are permanent. Though I'd be more inclined to lean on the more liberal side of things and tell you to keep plunging into the unknown.
  21. There isn't any difference between sameness and difference so it isn't a contradiction for reality and imagination to be the same and also separate simultaneously. You can imagine that you're a human which has limited mental capacity, a feature of which is limited power(an ordinary human is very unlikely to succeed doing any kind of magickal work for instance). Then your imagination(which you imagine is beyond your control and feels real thusly) can conflict with your human imagination. Or another way of saying it is that you're dreaming up a physical reality, and part of the dream is that you're dreaming it isn't a dream. And since you're dreaming that you're not dreaming from your perspective it really seems as though you aren't dreaming. Of course, you can find ways in the dream of moving beyond your human limitations. But in order for that to be possible, you must first realize at least that you might be dreaming.
  22. The only thing that is certain is direct experience. Everything else is nonsense, but some of the nonsense is useful, some of it is dangerous.
  23. I likely know the answer to this question already, but I'll ask out of curiosity. What do the cards have to say about the relationship between me and the being I'm considering taking as a benefactor?
  24. This reminds me of the fact that I realized myself to be God in one of my first higher than humanly possible states of consciousness. Then later I realized everything I'm creating is me and is thus also God. Which is opposite to the order in which Leo seems to have experienced it. And I've been a practicing Catholic for years after consciously choosing to become one, whereas Leo was an Atheist when he first became infinite. Therefore, it's entirely plausible that the decisions of the self relative to religion impact the order in which awakenings are likely to occur. Or in other words, just as an Atheist assumes that physical reality is God and is, therefore, more likely to experience it as such. So the religious person who associates themself with God is more likely to realize that they are God.
  25. @Husseinisdoingfine The best way for you to determine that is to start meditating.