Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. No, I didn't mean it that context. I don't agree with the commenters above. I am trying to be vegan myself for ethical reasons (emphasis on trying) Just in general. Is this actually a real thing? Can you transcend your own pain and suffering this way. Is this a worthy pursuit or do you consider it a distraction from real Awakening?
  2. In your strong determination sitting video you had a story about Shinzen Young doing a root canal without painkillers and being totally at ease and smiling throughout the whole process. Or there are monks who set themselves on fire and sit still. What about that? What does it say about pain and suffering?
  3. Hi @Leo Gura, just wanted to say that I really loved your latest blog post.
  4. Yeah, his social skills were honestly impressive. But I guess it's not that hard when you have psychopathic levels of ego and confidence, and have a basic idea of how to play with people to get them to like you.
  5. @Danioover9000 nevermind, sorry for lashing out.
  6. @Lila9 I've just watched this one: What a well done documentary. I actually didn't think I would enjoy watching it that much. I will probably get into documentaries now, haha. I have been wanting to watch "The last dive of David Shaw" for a while now, but have been putting it away. And wow, this case is insane. It's crazy how he was able to kill 33 people, and could probably kill even more if he didn't get so careless with the last boy. That's just insane. Imagine having so many people gone missing that have this guy in their social circle and police just didn't give a fuck. I wonder if it's the same nowadays or something has changed for the better. Also this guy is a very interesting person to study if you are interested in psychology I think. Such a nut job. To be honest I wished that they didn't execute him but instead put him into a mental hospital and sudied him like the lawyer suggested. So, anyway, thanks for sharing )
  7. @Judy2 printers suck, nobody has good luck with printers, haha.
  8. @Judy2 that's great because if it's runnind windows then any random keyboard would be compatible with it. So in the worst case scenario you can just go and buy a cheap Bluetooth keyboard. If you are unsure, you can just grab your tablet, go to a store and say that you need a cheap Bluetooth keyboard that will work with it. They could probably even help you to connect it right there.
  9. @Judy2 oh, I thought you had a laptop. Then what kind of keyboard do you have? And is it an ipad, android, or windows tablet? You still have 2 options. You could buy a usb to micro usb / usb c connector. They also shouldn't be that expensive or buy a Bluetooth keyboard.
  10. They actually start from 8 euros:
  11. @Judy2 you could go and buy some cheap keyboard at mediamarkt or some other place like this for 20 bucks.
  12. @Lila9 I don't necessarily say that I want to be chased by girls. Sure, I as a guy have to do the first steps of approaching, setting up a date, etc. I am just against the idea of me being the only one who invests into a relationships, shows love, care, attention, etc. I also want to be told that I am loved, or be given a compliment, or cuddled, or jumped on and hugged from time to time. I don't see what's wrong with that orbhow would that make me lose attraction towards her.
  13. @Salvijus yeah, that's what I am saying, why not. Sounds like an ideal relationship.
  14. @Salvijus yeah, this sounds like an awesome option. Why can that be the case?
  15. Okay let's say I would be open to trying this "just socialize" appoach. But here are questions and concerns that I have about it: Lets say my hobby is climbing. If I oush myself out of my comfort zone I could probably find myself a group of friends, like 10 people, at my climbing gym and hang out with them. 1. Am I supposed to have a social circle of a hundred + people and spend half of my waking time on it? The social circle of 10 friends would have 2-3 girls in it let's say. This just seems like not enough volume. What if none of them are attracted to me or I am not attracted to them? 2. If I can't find a partner within my social circle am I supposed to ditch it and set up a new one? For example in this case, am I supposed to find a new hobby for myself, lol? I don't like that idea. 3. Let's say that I am lucky and I find a gf from my social circle. What happens if we break up? Hanging out together in that social circle would get super awkward for us. Once again, am I supposed to ditch it now? Or am I supposed to get a new gf from the same social circle, considering how we would all know wach other? 4. Am I supposed to now view every girl within my social circle as a dating opportunity? I don't like it becuase it kills the idea that man and woman can be just good friends and not have any hidden intentions behind their biceness/ friendliness and not play dating games with each other. Seems like a really weird situation full of gossiping, games, and manipulation. Comparee to that pickup seems like a much more authentic and honest option. My dad met both my mom and my stepmom by cold approaching them basically. And in both cases was able to create a fine and healthy family out of it. So I don't know why girls are shitting on cold approach so much.
  16. You should have started with this. Thank you, now it makes sense.
  17. @Emerald okay, most of it makes sense now, but I am still skeptical abaout this part Why would I not love her. I feel like I would really appreciate it if a girl expressed her love to me. That would actually enable me to express love back to her. And if she was only in the receiving role then I would restrict the amaount of love I express towards her. And would eventually breaak up with her probably cause what's the point of being in a relationship like that when you don't even feel loved...
  18. @Emerald also, to be honest, men also want to receive love and attention...
  19. I can't help but feel that you only think that this is a good idea because you are a woman and of course as a woman it would benefit your survival if guys behaved this way. Like honestly, as a guy, why would I risks going through all that trouble, be vulnerable, increase my chances of being taken for granted or friendzoned when I know that I can do the opposite and get a girl get super attracted and attached to me with much lesser risks? If I am genuinely attracted to her as well and don't plan to mistreat her in any way then what's so wrong about it?
  20. @Leo Gura what do you think about this? Doesn't it go against traditional pickup theory of being detached and not over investing in the girl? Which is supposed to make her more attracted to you? @Emerald doesn't it go against women having a motherly role in a family? It's a feminine role to give love, care and empathy to children and masculine role to provide for them and protect them. To me it makes sense that giving love is feminine by nature and should translate into other areas as well, no? Why would that be different in a man to woman relationship?
  21. @Optimized Life thanks, that's an awesome perspective.
  22. @Leo Gura I see. Thank you for sharing.
  23. @Karmadhi ?