Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. @Yimpa not if it has only been one session and you've been procrastinating on doing the homework for a month.
  2. @Yimpa and I am actually starting to work with a coach. It doesn't change the fact that I need to take some actual action.
  3. @Yimpa I took Leo's life purpose course, and tried to complete it several times, but I would always get stuck at picking your life purpose section because I felt like I am not ready to do so. I did the values exercises like 3-4 times though. It didn't help me that much.
  4. @Yimpa this is too vague. Yes, I am not in alignment with my values and probably don't even know what they are exactly. So what do you expect me to do, sit there and journal about my values? That's what I've been doing my whole life, I need to take some real action.
  5. @Yimpa wdym?
  6. @Leo Gura so you think it would be a right decision to prioritise it over career and business success? I was always using you as an example, saying things like: "look, Leo managed to ignore relationship until 26 something years old while prioritising his career and he is doing great, so I can do it as well". But I am not Leo, I am my own person with different personality. At least from what you've said, it doesn't sound like lack of relationships bothered you that much. Unfortunately, it does bother me a lot. It's basically something that I think about daily and it messes with my mental health (which in turn bothers me on its own, because i think that it is kind of shallow to be honest, lol).
  7. The big limiting belief that I have is that I don't have enough money to afford having a relationship right now. And this may be true. But I don't think it matters actually. I don't even need a relationship, I need to learn how to socialize, get friends, and get laid first. And even if I get a relationship and it falls apart because I can't afford it, it would still be a great learning experience and totally worth it.
  8. Serious question, could you please elaborate?
  9. @Sincerity ok, thank you
  10. @Sincerity it's really hard to sit still for 4+ hours though, isn't it? How does it usually go for you?
  11. @Sincerity thank you. Every trip I had I would just wonder around and do whatever. I imagine they would be much more powerful if I sat still like during meditation.
  12. @Leo Gura do ypu recommend sitting stil during longer trips as well? Like mushrooms or LSD.
  13. @Leo Gura not necessairly arguing with what you said, but how do you know if he makes any actual judgements and political decisions on his own at this point?
  14. @Judy2 yes, everything will be okay <3
  15. I see. I live in Poland, but I am not sure what the prices are here since I don't travel much. Yeah, you must feel pretty bad right now, I am sorry to hear that. Why did the fight break out? Did you decide to bring this topic to him or was it something unrelated? What needs of yours does he not understand / acknowledge in your opinion? Do you think that there is something that you don't listen to as well?
  16. @supremeyingyang lol, this shit wrapped up pretty quickly
  17. @mmKay exciting times, right?
  18. There are posts saying that Wagner troops have passed Yelets, which is about 400km away from Moscow. It seems likely that they are either going to face Russian regular army and start a full on fighting sometime soon or will be in Moscow by the end of the day.
  19. @supremeyingyang on telegram. They are being posted by both Russian and Ukrainian channels. So far I saw posts and videos oabput several Russian helicopters being shot down, oil terminal explosion (seemingly after an air strike) in voronezh, wagner column being bombed on a highway, and just general videos from civilians with the sounds of shooting and explosions.
  20. Wagner has "attacked" Russia now. It looks like Rostov was already captured by them and there are some fights going on near Voronezh.
  21. If everyone had sexy feet, world would be better
  22. What if I want to sexualize my feet? What's wrong with that?
  23. Guys are also painting their toenails