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Everything posted by Tudo

  1. I've been thinking about this for some time.
  2. Yes, exacly. The fact that he is so afraid of making mistakes tells alot about his vibe around girls.
  3. Nice. I will contemplate this.
  4. @AliceK Well, seriously, if you are pretty and have many options, I would have a serious conversation with him and if he didn't change, I would dump him tbh. If you are beautiful and a feminine girl, I think you deserve better. Dump him while you are young and desired by a lot of men. Don't waste your youth with this kind of man, or chances are that you are going to regret it.
  5. @AliceK What part of the world are you from? Guys splitting bills are common in your country? Yes. Exactly.
  6. Well, I like paying for girls when I go on a date with them, because of the feeling and meaning behind it. I think It's hard to maintain sexual polarity when we split bills. Splitting bills is something kind of weird for me tbh. Looks like stuff from stage orange/green societies like Canada and stuff. I don't like it.
  7. For having sex? or do you mean just to kiss the girl?
  8. Do you guys usually set a goal of the number of girls you guys approach? What are the best openers you guys usually use?
  9. Yes, I will try to follow this advice.
  10. Yes, many virgins can have a really nice performance with girls. Well, I don't think Korean culture is closed minded as Japanese and Chinese tbh.
  11. Nice outfit buddy. I will try to have a style similar to this. Excluding the turtleneck, because it's just too hot here in Brazi lol
  12. Take into consideration that I'm 25 yo and I will be hitting on girls that are between 20-25. Usually in my daily life I use chukka boots, but sometimes I think It's too formal for girls this young. What do you guys think?
  13. Yes, exactly. All the guys I know that get a lot of girls on clubs have this style. This is exactly what motivated me to create this thread. And another problem I have with Chukkas is that they make me look even taller( I'm 1,90m ) and even though women like taller men, the difference in height is sometimes just too much. Because Brazillian girls usually are not tall. I will have to make big changes to my wardrobe. Leather chukkas like mine are ideal for older women, not 20 yo girls.
  14. @Lyubov David Deida says there are alot of ways of fulfilling your need for feminine energy, like focusing on the present moment and other stuff like nature ( It does really help me, especially here in Brazil where nature is just fucking marvelous), and other kinds of stuff. Besides that, remember that you always have feminine and masculine energy WITHIN you.
  15. Well, at the end of the day, it's me who decides if I'm going to text some person or not, for example. If I'm going to be needy or not. And I think you underestimating the capacity of non-sexual/romantic stuff of fulfilling someone's life.
  16. Women's hypocrisy at its finest.
  17. I got you. Men: bad Women: sweet inoffensive creatures. I'ma Mechanical engineer, and in my daily professional life, almost all my coworkers are men. I don't even talk or look at the women, I won't change the way I am in my work just to make these entitled feminists happy. Women are the real entitled ones.
  18. How do you know this? There is any serious research showing this?
  19. Yeah, Japan is so weird. I hope they fix this loneliness problem.
  20. I think you are fine the way are. Usually no fap is usefull for Men addicted to porn. And that's not your case.