Purple Man

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Everything posted by Purple Man

  1. Please, lend me a hand on this: How is the leap for the Godhead from not manifesting to manifesting possible if Self-Awareness is just an option that actualizes only after manifestation? This is really the last piece of the puzzle. I just can´t understand how Self Awareness, that is, Awareness of Its own Existence, is not the very essence of the Absolute even when there is cessation, since it takes "volition", "creativity", "desire to manifest", for manifestation to appear.
  2. This comes as a synchonicity, since yesterday, after meditation, it became as obvious as to write it down that, as impersonal Awareness lies beyond the game of vibrational frequencies, there´s no ultimate Identity to search or find within the bubbles of individual consciousness and their unending vibratory forms and vibrational avatars and realms. What marks our real Identity is just the capability of being Aware, the very existence of Awareness, not the scope of a particular individual body-mind perspective. As Jackson Peterson said, "if you´re aware, you´re the Absolute". Once anchored as what we are ( unimprovable Impersonal Awareness), there´s no reason to not engage in "improving techniques" (energetic traditions, esoteric meditations, Light Body practices, etc.) that apply to the avatar (while the game is on, we better have a nice avatar), and we could do that without falling into deception or contradiction.
  3. Surprisingly enough, most people, not "even", but "especially" intelligent people fall into the trap you mention. I haven´t read the article, but I know that most hard-nosed materialist scientists use the argument of the brain having measurable, visible activity while the person has a powerful spiritual experience as proof of its being just brain fabrication. Well, you can also visualize and measure the scientist´s brain activity while using that logic...
  4. Thank you for the explanation. I´ve watched some Ziewe´s videos and he seems legit and interesting. BTW, Michael Szype´s "Love Light", that you recommended me, is such a rare book. It´s like it was written to solve my particular doubts...
  5. WBTR, is this book an image-only recreation of the scenarios Ziewe found in his OBE´s or are there explanations on each view? Is he himself the artist?
  6. Provided that I understood correctly, I find this quote very interesting, because the word choice gives a very different flavour to an already known truth. When you speak about "absolute depth", I understand that you mean that regardless of how far or down the rabbit hole you go, regardless how subtle is the object perceived (heavenly realms, voids, etc...), the Godhead, that is, our real Self, is there to be the Awareness that perceives them, the context that allows for the existence of that subtle content. Am I right? No?
  7. If that´s the case, and mental health is happily not an issue, then the most relevant thing is whether your frequent, new awakenings add up to old ones you´ve shared or contradict them.
  8. As most confussion in the "spiritual seeker" world, it´s a matter of terminology, of what different people understand when a term is used. I totally understand why some say we´re the screen and why others say you transcend the screen. In my experience, I´d tend to consider the screen as that transparent sphere where everything that vibrates reside. From that definition, the real "I", which is non-vibratory Aware Space/Void, would totally transcend the screen in the sense that it is that Aware Space what projects the screen. But others will understand that that Aware Void is the screen, and in that case there is no such transcendence.
  9. Thank you. What you share is exactly my experience: Nonvibratory Aware Space or Void, projecting a transparent sphere where everything that vibrates, the whole universe with my body included, appear. The only element that I lack is the Love of the Aware Space for the transparent sphere. And I am not talking about depression of lack of capability to enjoy life, which is not my case. I speak about the profound Love of the projector for the projection, of the artist for the art he/she creates.
  10. Lovely character, a gentleman, wise man, mystic, but it looks like his insights are a result of a high intelligence looking for ultimate truths, more than altered states of consciousness.
  11. The worst damage you can do to a child in development is creating for him the fiction that he is as talented as the best for the very act of being born. He has to be prepared to understand that talents differ so much that there will be a gap that he´ll never overcome in certain areas. And there is nothing wrong with it. That´s what maturity is about. Understanding life, challenges, different skills in the same person and in other people compared with oneself is the key to a healthy approach to life. Telling him that Beethoven only worked harder than him is beyond nuts.
  12. The fact that you have taken arguably two of the three most gifted music composers of all time, absolute giants, with a science fiction natural talent that the world has not seen again although hundreds of years have gone by, and don´t even mention that word ,"talent", to explain their success is, again, so astonishing that I don´t have words. Many millions have dedicated their life to music composing and still do, devoting all their energy and resources, much higher than theirs, and got from nowhere to a good musical career. Which is light years from what those giants achieved. Just please, don´t say that Beethoven´s symphonies are within everybody´s reach as long as they have a piano, musical education, live in the first world and study as much as they did daily, because it is too wrong.
  13. @Asayake To say that people are born with the same artistic level is terrifying. Really, I don´t want to sound rude, but I never thought that I´d heard such a incredible negation of reality.
  14. To anyone thinking that talent is overrated: think twice. We all can put the work, but talent is the absolute basis of real greatness. I could compose music even while being beaten by a bike gang. I could not make a decent painting even if I devoted my last decades to it, full time. In the last years, political correctness has created an absolutely distorted way of understanding "equality", one that prevent people from understanding and accepting the huge difference in people´s talents. Just please, don´t say work makes Mozart or Bach. It is just totally wrong, even if they worked in their music like donkeys.
  15. When trying to go metaphysical, Science has always made the mistake of extracting one finite "object" from the whole plethora of existing "things", and then conceding it a different status than the rest, so it can keep, in a quite naive suspension of desbelief, and by adorning that chosen finite object with the (lack of) qualities of the infinite. the illusion of finding the ultimate in the finite. The absurd claim of positivist science that brains generate the Consciousness within which they appear is the best example, one that, by the way, Hoffman does not make.
  16. @Water by the River Thank you very much for the references. I only knew of Muraesku´s work, but the others seem fascinating too.
  17. That could be the case even outside the frame of the most popular civilizations that used substances in secret rituals, we all know which ones I am referring to. For example, I am from Spain, and among the most interesting and well known mystics of our history we have a pair of Christian saints, Santa Teresa de Ávila and San Juan de la Cruz (most people will know the latter due to his poem "The Dark Night of the Soul", term that has been used often since), hardcore meditators in the Christian sense of the word, the last context where one would try to find a connection with the psychedelic world. And it could be the case or not, but it seems like a strange coincidence that both are from an area of Spain, Ávila, where reportedly a powerful psychedelic mushroom grows, and particularly I read that that mushroom grew freely just besides Santa Teresa´s monastery. I think it is safe to say that some kind of natural psychedelic must have been involved in the spiritual development of even our prehistoric ancestors. Recently, a small sculpture has been found, tens of thousands years old, and it showed a figure with a spot in the third eye area. Why on Earth would that be the case if a psychedelic experience was not somehow responsible for that? We could speculate with a natural predisposition of ancient Homo Sapiens to natural mystical experiences, and it might be the case, but I think the constant fight for survival makes it a difficult possibility.
  18. Where you say "You are the only experience" is where I disagree. I´d say "You are the only experiencer, experiencing many experiences, one for every point of view."
  19. Thanks for the reply. I don´t deny the dreamed up quality of existence. Dreamed up in the sense of it not having independent ontological status, in the sense of it being the consequence of Awareness. Would you also agree with me regarding the Godhead being Absolute, being the one and only Awareness, creating the universe with the very act of projecting it and perceiving it, and then giving life to each character in the dream by being the Awareness behind (and beyond) any individual "carcass", behind and beyond any individual body-mind perspective? That is my experience, and allows for the existence of only One Self, but also permits the relative existence of all of us as individual encarnations that are lived by the One Awareness of the Godhead. And with this, no more solipsistic terror.
  20. One Awareness, many individual body-mind perspectives is the most obvious experience of anyone. I think solipsistics mistake the "many perspectives" concept with many selves, they reject the idea, and throw the baby out with the bathwater.
  21. This is nothing more (and nothing less) than the old adagio that the Godhead´s Awareness is behind every character in Creation. It is the Godhead which lives through every mortal carcass, no matter how delivish or angelic. Which erases the solipsistic existential terror (no reason for ego freaking out) while at the same time acknowledges that there is only One.
  22. This leads me to a question: It is my understanding that the Awareness behind my human eyes is the same Godhead Awareness that contemplates the whole of Creation at once. Being that the case, the Godhead has to live through "good" and "bad". It is the "feeler" of the horror in the world and also of the magic in it. It is not "human beings" who do it. It is the Godhead who lives through a human being´s carcarss. So shouldn´t this lead to progressively "better", "finer", "subtler" levels of embodied existence? Considering it is the Godhead Itself who is living through every individual (we could say only the Godhead exists, actually), how could this not lead to higher and higher states of embodiment, to subtler and subtler levels of beings through to which experience individuality?
  23. I don´t claim to be awake. All I can say is your words perfectly define how I perceive existence. You say "What is looking ath the mirror. Pure, quality-less Void. All of that Consciousness Whiteness happens is after Void Undefined Dark. God is White. Absolute is Dark"... And I can´t affirm that these words reflect ultimate Truth, but they define MY experience, with the only exception that in my case, the Absolute Void is aware. Actually it is the only "Aware Being". It is what perceives the mirror of Consciousness.
  24. Thank you. This is my experience. My experience is "No Thing" creating everything that is perceptible through the very act of perceiving it. There is no way that I accept my ultimate nature as something that is seen, no matter how subtle, no matter how powerful that perceivable unity field might be. That´s why I struggle with statements like "the One Light", etc. If it is a Light, even if it is the all-powerful Light that serves as the dough for existence which is visible in near death experiences, then it is not "I", it is not my Self, but an emanation of It.