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Everything posted by TheNovice

  1. The latest video. Its profound and practical at the same time.
  2. Not really worth it in my mind. At least take a look at the laws and possible repercussions first.
  3. @Craigxt22 I never got to doing supreme fire before my lungs started hurting from abdominal lock, but sitting normally should be fine.
  4. @Craigxt22 When I did kriya I interpret it as you you pull up the breath with the inhale. About your second question I'm not sure about that either. check out the authors website or YouTube for answers.
  5. @Brivido yeah. Ideally safe sourcing is kind of a extension of harm reduction and should be done with the same spirit and neutrality. Maybe Leo should add "Safe use and sourcing" in the psychedelics thread description and ban people with direct sources. But we should also think about how "norimes" view actualized and drugs. Some people feel like its a cult and helping with sourcing is like fanning the flames especially if Leo him self would be doing it. Even if its legal authorities still might find it problematic. If actualized is a obvious way to the drug market it might attract low integrity people. Its also not realistic to think that we can stop all people from spreading direct sources via Dms and in that case its on them.
  6. Maybe we can openly talk about sourcing when its not specific to any one supplier like how the darknet works, legality, common scams, safe sourcing as a whole. sources of widely legal substances. And keep actual sources of drugs that is widely illegal to PMs or hidden some way. Even if its fully legal for Leo it still might bring negative attention. Maybe we can have a community driven place that's not on the official actualized site strictly for sourcing and maybe moderated by some actualized moderators. But that might turn to shit real quick
  7. perfect for night walks.
  8. Is kriya yoga worthwhile without Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock)? I have been doing kriya yoga after the book: The Secret Power Of Kriya Yoga for a while and I like it more than meditation and self inquiry. The problem is that my lungs are sensitive to pressure so it will be unsustainable in the long run. Is there other Kriya routines, or similar techniques that don't put strain on the lungs that still is effective?