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About HelpMeImanUnenlighte

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  • Birthday 01/02/1989

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  1. Note: it could be a distraction from real problems. We're heading into high inflation and uncharted territory. Why would the pentagon release this if they didn't know what it was?
  2. Isn't it a case study of Hoffer's The True Believer?
  3. It was one of my favorite actualized vids because it was spot on profile of some "political cultures" I'm familiar with and couldn't explain their origins. That took me on a path of exploring the idea of whole cultures in general as memes and memeplexes (e.g. politics married with religion etc.), which seems to me a continuation of genes and evolution, and religion as a big group coordinator (Haidt). Which sources I should learn to pursue this further? It can't be a coincidence the idea of an ego in a person is such a perfect parallel of ego in an organization, I'm sure it was studied before.