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Everything posted by Gennadiy1981

  1. MDMA is interesting substance but you defiantly need to know the proper dose and have very careful control over it. It is not like psychedelics, and your body does develop tolerance to it, therefore it is not something to advice. However pure MDMA can have very powerful and significant outcomes and can also enlighten individuals with pretty powerful insights. Getting pure MDMA is almost impossible and can lead to dangerous zones if not taking extreme precautions. However you can never go wrong with DMT, it’s natural to your body and especially mind.
  2. @WaterDroplet--00To start off I am not an anti-vaxxer, I am more pro choice individual. I am sure you are a bright person assuming you are on this enlightment forum. I am sure you are capable of doing research on your own and not listening to pro or against. You should read pro and con, both from legit sources and not from blogs. There are very good scientific sources available on both spectrum and then make your own conclusion. Doing something out of ego or proving someone wrong is a bit childish, cause that is what seems to happen to you. But on the other hand I am a strong believer that people have the right to do to their bodies whatever they want and even if you want to die you have that right too, as long as no one does it for you or for anyone else. Hope that was helpful and hopeful.
  3. I am reading all these posts here and if a passerby would read this forum, he/she would say, wow what a low consciousnesses here. I am amazed how many people who probably never worked in a lab and are so knowledgeable or even aggressive. How many worked with viruses or even wore a negative pressure suit, Ia m sure most dont even know what it is and please dont google, its irreverent. I was also severely surprised @Leo Gura with all my deepest respect to him, he acted so volatile as if perhaps either youtube or other social media he is on, told him not to question anything about vaccinations, as believe it or not some other social media did receive such messages. Of course this is just my theory and I hope its not a conspiracy theory. But people, we have to give each other respect and not solely jump to conclusions. In general all sciences require debates and take form someone who did spend years on science, in science its always false until proven otherwise with experiments challenging the theory. You never make anything black and white in science, thats only reserved for politics. And finally, whats the big deal to have an open mind, its not the end of the world if you listen or discuss intelligently with opposing ideas, remember you can always learn something from someone, having such mentality that your way is the highway is not going anywhere, well of course unless you benefit from it. And I will share my experience. I come from a very religious background and growing up I never accepted gay people, but learning how to unwind your biases, not an easy thing to do, I now understand all people. I am not gay in any way or form or shape, but I have a very close friend who is female gay and I do keep in touch with other individuals who are. I listen to them, they all have some personal story and instead of what even my modern religious leaders, at best call it a disease, I learned that its people's personal choice and I respect that. And I know I have also personal life choices which I made, which I would expect others to respect it, oh and one of them is that i am not taking this vax.
  4. @lmfao Thank you. I like your approach, its very private, it has to do with your decision and I totally respect that. Indeed I am a strong believer that people can do not only with their bodies what they want but even with their lives, but I have an issue when someone tells me what to do with my life, especially if they are even lacking expertise on the topic. But again, I was giving positive criticism to Leo, and in no way was it derogatory. Indeed thanks to Leo I was able to truly deconstruct my mind. And I like how radical Leo is compare to other masters, who sort of give you a very liberal and free approach to spirituality, like you come to them and they will just tell you to feel yourself and take it easy, while Leo rubs it in your eyes and at least to me that is the best approach. We humans are so closed minded and are so lazy to go outside our comfort zone that we need a push. But I think this conversation is already getting to another forum topic.
  5. Wow Leo, honestly you surprise me and at the same time prove to me that enlightened humans can be wrong too. And please take this as a positive criticism, I do not not ever intended to insult you. Indeed I respect your teachings and understanding of reality, way more than any other people I know, and to say the least, I did meet tremendous amount of people who are enlightened. You truly have a deep understanding of God, concussions and infinite reality. I am a big fan of yours and I would fall in 1% of your audience who fully understand your teachings and explanation (This is something you keep mentioning number of times that indeed you have to digest further for 99% of your audiences). And thanks to your teachings I was able to unwind my biases of the ones I was raised with and of course it’s an ever process work. But with all deep respect to you, when it comes to politics, you let your ego loose and you bring your biases upfront. You are blindly support mostly one side without seriously questioning or even questioning at all. I, myself is politically maroon, I find good and bad in both parties but I tend to rather support individual as oppose to a party. When it comes to liberal politics (and I am not saying it’s all bad, they do have some very important factors) and vaccinations when it comes from liberal government, you unequivocally side with them. First of all, have you done any research on vaccinations? How many hours you spent in biology laboratory with viruses. Have you seen challenge results from animal studies. Have you read any scientific magazines with data showing trials, relative results vs absolute results. I would recommend for you to watch your show called “Deconstructing the myth of science, 3 part series”, where you question how can individual who actually is a scientist and only made one discovery while relying on discoveries of prior scientists can know that is the truth. Again, this is constructive criticism and nothing aimed to say anything bad about you. And I will repeat again, besides politics, I do agree with you on most items, how? Because I did have similar experiences and not just repeating your episodes, I can vouch that with my consciousness.
  6. I have to disagree with most of you and I am not coming from any conspiracy whatsoever, just relying on science. First of all people who refuse vaccinations are mostly from intelligence communities (and of course there are always exceptions) , see MIT study below So before calling them ignoramus I would ask you to think twice. Second of all, those vaccines do not seem to work as many people who are getting sick are fully vaccinated. If you take a country Israel for example, they were the first to implement the vaccinate program on population and now the hospitalizations are pretty much equal between Vaxxed and non Vaxxed And not to mention as per VAERS (CDC reporting system), as of now its slightly more than 500,000 people who got injured form the Covid vaccine, not to exclude about 11,000 deaths. So you have people like myself who is asking of why do i need such product injected into my body. And besides if it was such best product in the world, why do you need to coerce people into doing it? And how come manufacturers are not liable for the product and worse question of all, is how come FDA did not license it. After Nuremberg trial of what Nazis did, the UN passed laws that no human shall be forced to undergo medical procedure without their consensus. Especially for products that are still in experimental stage. We all can have intelligent conversation and please lets not use foul language here. Remember those who cannot debate, defame.
  7. I also asked myself this question awhile back, but something tells me that this world was created in as such that we are only on a path getting there and it’s only a small minority. Whoever engineered or designed this reality and of course we are the ones who did it, on purpose made sure that humanity is far away from enlightenment. Say if you believe in recantation, and you attain the level of nirvana, but then you go and when you will be reborn you will be born to parents who may have some ego and all the low quality type mentality and here you go, you are far away from enlightenment. It seems to me that we all play some kind of cosmic game, as this reality was specifically designed in such a way that we are always getting there.
  8. I watched Leo's recently released video titled above. Indeed I watched it twice to really grasp an idea and went totally meta on it. But... the conclusion I reached is that all we have in this world is just a projection and no truth? For any topic, we have multiple opinions and all those opinions can be significant, but from what I learned is that there has to be an absolute truth and usually truth is one? I know you will say that truth is objective, but I am speaking of absolute truth which is subjective. Let me give an example which I hope most people agree (I am trying to stay as neutral as possible). Today it is common believe that "crack" is really bad for people. This is subjective and it is one answer. (I am excluding all those people who use the substance but know its bad but they are addicted to). So in this scenario we do have absolute truth and technically whoever argues against, is saying not true. But that is a very unique and a very small case I am making, but what about all other items, going all the way to consciousness itself. I truly believe that psychedelics can bring you to a higher domain of consciousness but there are people who will argue that its a drug and you are deceiving yourself. But then again if that is a truth, then maybe we have no consciousness and we live our time and totally expire as never existed before. Do you believe there has to be some kind of absolute truth? Cause otherwise the entire existence is just an illusion.
  9. OK you convinced me, I tried to take as neutral as possible but you were able to turn it out and point is taken. So then another question to you, give me an example of an absolute truth? Something what the opposite would be totally false.
  10. @hoodrow trillson few things to mention. You are speaking of risks vs benefits. I am a 39 year old healthy individual who for the most part trying to live all natural life. As per statistics from CDC, my chances of dying from COVID are 0.003%, which are very slim and the vaccine comes with very serious risks like blot clots, belsy paralysis, heart inflammation and so on. This is an educated choice that I am making for myself. Now, I am a very big proponent of my body my choice kinda thing, so if you truly believe you really need this vaccine, then be my guest. I just don’t believe we have the right to force this product on people. Let everyone make educated decisions and most importantly, people should do with their lives what they think is best for themselves. This is my humble opinion.
  11. You have to understand that many people are against this particular vaccine is because it was very rushed and has lack of science on it. I personally stay away from this vaccine and I try to outtalk my love ones, again because of lack of scientific evidence and CDC VAERS report, I see many injuries being recorded. Besides if this vaccine was so perfect, how come it is not licensed? I am not into conspiracy but believer of science and so far science did not prove that this vaccine is either safe or effective. If you are really interested in uncensored science of it, would recommend to check out
  12. Thank you all. So basically once you realize God consciousness, you just get this extra knowledge but you should still continue to live the way you live, meaning an average human life. Of course you can see things different, you understand more, you can differentiate human stupidity or appreciate human intelligence and so forth, but to make it long story shot, is basically live same as before and this means to start family, travel, laugh and have fun as usual.
  13. I watched recent episode from Leo, “An Advanced Explanation of God Realization”, and made me think a lot. I don’t know if I reached such level, but for sure getting there. But let’s say for those who reach such level and realize that we are only one and everything else is our illusion or even better a cosmic game, the main question remains, when I am here, in this waking dream, should I still continue with everyday mundane life such as getting married, have children, hanging out with friends and etc? On one hand, if you know that it’s all illusion and you made yourself all this, it’s like playing this theater with yourself. And a question for Leo, if you have time to answer this, since you got even deeper awakening, will you be changing your life and I mean things like girlfriends, friends. Note I am not taking about human survival needs such as sex or food or even financial support to get them all.
  14. I personally will not be taking this vaccine and tell my family members not to, because there is just too little studies done on it, they skipped traditional animal studies and challenge studies to see if the person is injected with the virus, how will his antibodies will fight that virus, not to mention I constantly monitor “Vaccine adverse effect reporting system” in CDC and upto date there has been already over 200k reported injuries including serious ones and deaths. Not only is the media not mentioning that info, but on the contrary there is a significant push and unbelievable incentives happening. If that is such top of the shelf product, why doing all this?