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About sat11

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    united kingdom
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  1. I honestly think and would suggest everyone in this forum leave as it seems to be dangerous, promoting drugs and someone has ended up dead. Just stating facts
  2. I've just read on this forum that some people take LSD. LSD is Dangerous and should not be used. It was likely your friend used it. Condolences and be careful and I would suggest don't do any type of drug
  3. Drugs pull you back on the path of knowing yourself. To know yourself and who you truly are, you need to willpower and discipline to shed intoxicants. This is Strength, which is part of our true nature. Theres a reason people get addicted to drugs, because theyre negative influences. If you want to move forward on the path, live clean, be good and you'll start seeing clearly. We are Truth, the Universe is Truth. God realised Himself to be Truth, we are also realising ourselves to be the same, made of the same stuff. We are like little bubbles, tiny atoms made of the same stuff. We're One, but our egos make us believe otherwise. Feeling the emotions of others, the energies of others, is all symbolic of this fact.
  4. I understand what you're saying. The most noble act in life, is to discover Truth, who you really are, be true to yourself and all around you, and in doing so, your higher purpose will come. The journey is indeed to face ourselves. But we do this in everyday lives. The victory over our struggles shows us our strength, not reacting to bullshit in anger is also strength, patience and humility. There is no ego, its all just Truth. Ego can be smashed in an instant by the one who you percieve to be richer, smarter, in better shape, etc. It's an illusion. The game/test of life is to experience it, as we are spiritual beings having a human experience, to just be, to learn to detach from the illusion and teach others to do so. It doesnt mean we run to the mountains, it means we face life and our karma head on, staying grounded in the truth of who we are, be good and teach others to be good. Don't lie, do good to others, dont react in anger, greed, envy, jealousy, ego, attachment, etc, which are shackles which keep you in the illusion/ ego. The great Guru (Truth Teacher) Nanak called them the five theives and he taught people to live free from the bullshit. Enjoy your life but live free.