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About Vega

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  1. Like, I know that there is only one ultimate consciousness (God), but there are, as you said an infinite amount of points of awareness, So that means that mine is one of them... Right?
  2. Oh, I see, so there happens to be multiple points of awareness, and mine is one of them? Am I correct, or is this not what you mean? :B
  3. Hey leo, you mentioned on the video that the separateness and the imagination of separatenss is me (god) imagining others imagining me, and so on the circle goes... thus as you said that is constructing them into existance and consciousness, and them being conscious... so is this what u actually meant or is this a dumbed down version of something else, or did I misinterpret it wrong all along? ?
  4. I would love for you to explain the nuances of non-duality and how they could be interpreted as solipsism and the traps associated with it, and whether its true (in a sense) or it isn't. :B
  5. Hey everyone, I really want to know, does it follow that non-dual teachings ultimately lead to the point where one realizes that the only one who actually is conscious of his own feelings and perceptions is me, and that I am the only point of view in the whole universe (at least in this incarnation), or is this a misinterpretation that is caused by the human ego mind, and that actually there are other points of view that are conscious and consciousness as well like I happen to be and that those are subsets of the whole universe which I have no access to due to my limited consciousness, and that everyone of those including mine are just subsets of a one infinite being? In other words... Is my point of view the only one?? Thanks :3
  6. Well I am thinking of actually doing the Shaman thing and try to do their trips and stuff, thing is... If I happen to be a beginner should I be afraid of messing something up? psychologically or something... ?
  7. hey, I actually am very clear of what I am, major shift in consciousness has occurred, I understand the ramifications of this, and I am do not identify with my body anymore.. HOWEVER I do not feel infinite or unlimited or any of that.. so my question is, where did I half-ass enlightenment ??