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Posts posted by Ozy

  1. "To Your Eternity" A Immortal Being Who was sent to earth to gain experienced was Dropped into a stage Red Island Prison. After he gained values from a Loving Family   for 5 years & he want to  try & understand why these people live the horrible way they do


    Pretty much first world Green & orange Telling 3rd world stage red that killing is wrong & to just be good People when drinking cows Blood  is a meal



  2. December 5th 2019 my Birthday  sitting on a beach in the Caribbean "Trinidad & Tobago" High on 600ug of LSD After Losing My Business & end up Broke with no Life Lines, Came up with a plan   to Play the Social Matrix Game by joining Islam 


    Went home read Machiavelli The Prince & a few of Robert Greene books 48 laws of power & those types, a week after  Went to the biggest Mosque Said i was lost & suicidal & needed  god. Took shahada Became a Muslim


    Played the Islamic Social Matrix Game, Start Working in the Mosque Became the right hand & personal assistant  to the Manager of the Mosque. Islam in my country is more of a Political Tool to rally a community & use those numbers to get contracts from the government for votes when election time comes . i saw that & how  to use islam to climb the Political larder BUT i was still a nihilist atheist 

    Every time  i bowed to pray 5 times a DAY because i was working in the Mosque, i felt my soul burning.  in islam you have to constantly praise Muhammad & go on about the beauty & wonders of Allah &   saying those words felt disgusting. but i was building social power & getting  closer & closer to the inner circles 


    Ill keep this short that went on for a while my soul was slowly grinded down. Started smoking to get rid of the endless though had to get blazed out my mind to pray  among others & play the good Muslim roll. after a while my boss the manager offered me his daughter  to marry  I saw the political & community power i could have had  if i accepted But i also saw the hell i was trapping myself in 


    Left December 2020 & decided to pick up a skill graphic design  so i wont have to sell my soul just to eat. to this day  the demons voices comes to me & tells me about all the power i could i had only if i sold my soul to Allha


    & when i say Allah im not talking about GOD the Source  im talking about that collected ego Abrahamic entity  But i went from a just  Atoms in the Void Atheist to Seeing a Whole New world so it wasn't all bad 

  3.  I too myself thought that all  marketing & sales was taken over by the Cancer in the Industry but witness  how these guys skilled artist at the top of their field do  business  vs  the skill less charlatans  we all come to hate in the industry  who have nothing real to offer 


    These "Futur" guys  teach Conscious Marketing and Advertising from the POV of skilled artist at the top of their fields While the Dan Loks  Try to get   the least Killed  to follow them 

