spiritual memes

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Everything posted by spiritual memes

  1. Fair enough. They're gonna respawn anyway
  2. Yeah It's kind of depressing how little spirituality affects political views. Zen masters openly supported japanese imperialism and Buddhists perpetrated genocide in Myanmar. Really put me off Buddhism and zen. were those people awake? and is it possible for awakened people to support fascism and genocide and other devilry?
  3. Managed to unburden a protector part in my throat chakra that I've been struggling with for months now. When It happened, I started laughing uncontrollably. It's interesting how different parts create different effects when unburdened. From crying, sobbing, laughing, screaming in rage, muscle spasm and full body orgasm. It's like each part holds a different form of emotional energy.
  4. To be honest, as much as I disapprove of your teaching style and many of the things you say, your politics are consistently top tier. Simply by the fact that you aren't a Trump supporter, anti vaxxer or conspiracy theorist. Which is like 90% of spiritual teachers for some reason.
  5. because I don't believe what you are saying about solipsism. You aren't even awake. How would a robot with no consciousness know anything about consciousness. I didn't program you at all. Me programming you isn't in my direct experience, therefore it doesn't exist. I'm not working through you. It's not in my direct experience.
  6. Lol so are you. Why should I trust you when you don't even have an inner life or any experiences? Just 1 npc saying another npc is wrong. How do you know anything when you aren't even real? Its not like you're awake because npcs don't have an experience.
  7. That contradicts what Leo said. Also if what you are saying is true, then you're just an npc I'm imagining. Why should I listen to an empty vessel?
  8. The more I watch Leo, the more I realise that he hasn't really done this kind of shadow work. It reflects in his behaviours, his teachings and this community. Dude would really benefit from taking a break from psychedelics and doing shadow work but I doubt he would do that. The ironic thing is it would make him even more awakened if he did it.
  9. This contradicts the things you have said about solipsism. According to you, my direct experience is all that exists. Since Hitler is something I am imagining, his perspective doesn't exist because it isn't in my direct experience. How can God experience Hitler's perspective if it doesn't exist?
  10. 1 bad piece of homework isn't the end of the world. Also, if you really need to just get it done, you can use chatgpt to help.
  11. I think I'm losing against my parts. The alliance of protectors is really powerful. I get brief windows of clarity where I can then apply IFS methods but for the majority of the time, these parts reign supreme.
  12. lol at all these npc's talking about solipsism like they're actually real...
  13. Solipsism never really made sense to me. At least in the way Leo communicates it. If solipsism is true, then Leo's awakening experiences aren't real since they aren't in my direct experience. Therefore Leo isn't really awake because he's just an npc I'm imagining and his inner life doesn't exist. Anyone that tells you that solipsism is true can't be trusted, because even if they are right, they are just npc's and have never actually awoken to solipsism. You can't be awake or even conscious at all if you're just a hollow npc that I'm imagining.
  14. Yes there are better ways of communicating spiritual teachings to someone. You can correct someone without telling someone they are a fucking idiot. And the communication will be far better.
  15. I was referring to the teaching style, not the teachings. You can teach people they are god without calling them stupid motherfuckers that are full of shit.
  16. Abusive language IS crossing the line. I hold him to a high standard because he is a spiritual teacher and his words have consequences. The people who have left actualized.org on AOB they all say the same thing: His language is narcisstic and abusive. He's full of himself and he has a god complex. When spiritual teachers act like this, it puts people off spirituality, psychedelics and consciousness. All of which are very needed at our current society. I don't hate Leo, I want him to succeed and his teachings to spread.
  17. Ok but where is the line for you? I genuinely want to know because I used to defend and make excuses for him in the past, but he just kept crossing the line.
  18. @Thought Art I don't think this discussion is going to change your mind, but I do have a question. Where is the line for you? What kind of behaviour from Leo would make you stop defending him?
  19. If you blindly support a spiritual teacher and blindly deny any toxicity, that they do, then that would be a cult. Leo isn't creating the cult, you are by enabling this behaviour.
  20. That is not what I am talking about. I'm talking about the narcissistic, egotistical, borderline abusive language he uses. It doesn't add anything and if anything, it corrupts the teaching. Being edgy doesn't make the teaching better.
  21. After reading all these posts about right wing politics, I'm glad I don't live in america
  22. you can make good money from physics and chemistry. Also, physics and chemistry courses at university will probably have a bit of programming.
  23. Its not hard to tell compassionate someone is. Have you considered that it's possible to convey these teachings in a way that doesn't drive people away? Have you opened your mind to the possibility and Leo's teaching style might be a bit toxic? If you guys think Leo's behaviour the past few months/year has been compassionate, then this place really is a cult.