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Everything posted by TheDao

  1. Did you really put Hitler into this? Really? Your SJW need the critique, he is helping them, but the sjw have a contracted mind, maybe because of lack of love? This contracted mind of the sjw creates conflict. It would be nice if they open their hearts. JP is more empathic and is a step ahead of them. Constantly patiently reacting to the most aggressive cancel attempts. Its impressive. He has a really broad expansive mind. The way he can show male vulnerability is nice. By the way I just watched Jordan having a lot of critique about qanon and Trumps claims about elections. I don't know for what he votes. Look at a video for example about psychedelics were he talks about beyond death, mysteriousness of matter, the primacy of consciousness, the importance of psychedelics and deconstruction. He is doing a good word for psychedelics and pointing to the point beyond death. (I am too threatening, I probably will get banned one of these days)
  2. @Carl-Richard Its ridiculous you giving me advice while you have only read mainstream feminism. Start pulling off your narrow lens. Then if you have studied things from multiple perspective come back and we can have a productive discussion
  3. @Preety_India Why is JP so threatening to you lot. I don't get it. I will find out. What you people say is so easy to debunk. I have only watched half yet.
  4. @Forestluv He has a wider lens. Yes he is a psychologist so he is very interested in what it does to the human psyche. Not only trauma, fear of death in cancer patients, changes of personality, trancedance, a sort of transformation of mortality itself. He is pointing that there is something beyond the death in psychedelics that is very significant. "I am been studying this for twenty years the psychedelic literature. Its of crucial and central significance. There seems to be no end on how deeply you can investigate it" "You have te let old concepts die, they don't like to die its panfulull, but there is a benevolent death. Its true of being itself , death has a restorative rol, enough cells need to die to stay healthy. I belief in these mystical experiences death is building into something. And want to participate in and tortured to not participate. A glimpse of that, at least shows there's is more than you think." Gets a bit emotional in tone of voice. "What sort of being is there without consciousness. You cant even describe it , only in terms of consciousness. Things arent if they are not experienced. There is some relationship between consciousness and being. It just makes matter more mysterious." He is helping you guys popularize psychedelics and pointing to breakthrough. Also I don't think he is very of narrative control but concerned that the research goes well so it can continue for a long time.
  5. @TheAlchemistI am watching the video for 10 minutes. Jordan thinks it was a catastrophy that psychedelics got banned from being researched. He just wants to warn like others also do that you have to respect the substance, its not childsplay. He looks very interested in the subject. I see not a sign of all of anxiety of it. Is this your projection? If he doesn't like it then why would he invite a scientist about psychedelics?
  6. @Forestluv Its the other way around. I also find it a simplistic view if you focus a bit more on a certain group that is attracted to you that you don't have the whole view. That's a contracted lens. You clearly Want to dismiss JP in a subtle manner and are looking for ways to do so. You have not been successful and I understand this makes you very uncomfortable. Every attempt you and others showed disrespect and strawmans of Peterson. His feelings were fake was attempt one. Then when that didnt work and was such a huge lie the next attempt came, and the next and next. So I understand this uncomfortable feelings you get. Peterson has to be dismissed because he threatens your worldview. That is why you make such huge projections on me. But you are not reacting to me ,but at your projection. So I am not offended. Why not set aside your feeling threatened by him and try to understand it? Have a nice journey.
  7. Well cant get that from your input at all. The opposite , I see people making all kinds of strawmans out of what JP is saying. No this points in the opposite direction. That has become clearer through this discussion. And you keep on explaining simple stuff dodging what I am talking about. With explanation I know long ago. Use those explanations for yourself. You haven't made one valid point about what is contracted about Jordan, only misinterpretations. For example watch the video about him talking how the man story affects everyone , the whole family unit and society. Its way more integrative than what I hear of most feminists. Especially focusing on pain is smart, instead of making things into a fight like the patriarchy way of thinking does create. Yes it does, dont talk yourself out of that, that you have too interpretate that differently. But you don't see his smartness. JP is not the problem, the people projecting on him are the problem. I understand from mainstream contracted lens this all be considered dangerous.
  8. @Forestluv Seriously, you think this is a fair evaluation of JP????? Like I said you havnt understood him and are underestimating him big times and are overestimating yourself. Yes good luck in your journey!
  9. He does get letters from transgenders who agree with him. @Forestluv Yes lets move beyond Peterson. As a first step understand him.
  10. Yes work on that. You havnt integrated that yet. Jordan has. Your for example stuck in your patriarchy view. Thats why you cant see your shadow. Because he has critique you find difficult to handle? Like its not ok to force others gender pronouns by law. Again I have to repeat myself. The feminist was decades ago busy with men rights . Why because he saw if you don't free them the whole doesn't work. Peterson is just a step ahead of you and seeing the whole he knows what needs extra focus now. You have to investigate your green! Just because he understands your shortcomings on green and mainstream ones and you become defensive doesn't mean he has a shadow. That's your ego playing tricks with you.
  11. @Forestluv Agreed. Only you also say he has a big green shadow. Don't agree. Not from what I have seen.
  12. @Thought ArtA your defensive again? So you need to project everything. Why are you guys so immature? Misusing spiral dynamics as a weapon and all different sneaky tactics to put away JP. Common learn to debate properly. Take a course from JP for example.
  13. @Forestluv you still havnt understood JP at all. No he is breaking down constructs of conflict (patriarchy simplicity) You are putting in no effort to understand what I articulate. No worse you are trying not to understand it, even worse. O he is not aloud to disagree with aspects of feminism. This is to threatening for you so you dismiss it as creating conflict. Well with your logic feminism at whole is creating way more conflict. Stop being green, your creating conflict! Diversity of opinion is difficult for you?
  14. The men subject is just one example. You have to start somewhere.
  15. @Forestluv Nope he doesn't . That's what feminist did from the beginning with making the patriarchy theory central. Which was acceptabel a long time ago , but now times change. And now you are so identified with it you have to fight for it as a lion. Its a very shallow view. Jordon goes further than that. That's the problem with your blue/orange way. You have to start seeing the theory is a gross simplification and a one sided view. Sometimes you need to create some disharmony to break lose of old destructive patterns. Jordan notices that he has got the straight back and speaking skills to make this change. But it will be a big challenge, there is a lot of underdeveloped green. You have a big blind spot if you think he is doing this for fun getting so much backlash. He is deeply caring.
  16. @Forestluv You don't understand JP and are defensive about it. This is how the discussion goes: First his arguments get simplified into something as: society is unfair , deal with it. Then when this doesnt work, his feelings get dismissed and he get dehumanized: it are crocodiletears. Then when there is no way around that , I didnt understand it or another user says : no problem that men drop out of school. My o my you are really trying everything to not hear him. But I see it all the time. Somehow he is very dangerous for you. This video will be to long to watch for most. But if you watch it you'll see how nice he can fit in with a talk of a leading feminist about the sneaky ways men are not heard or underappreciated, with in the end very bad consequences. Calling him bad in green sounds dum to me. Do you know why this leading feminist started decades ago trying to free men at risk of losing his career? Because if you dont free men, you'll stay stuck in the same dynamics. This feminist started with this decades ago, he went straight against feminism which was only concerned about women. This video will be a big threat to you I think. Also you way overestimate the value of a model of everything. It is a gross simplification of life. No he is using strong words cause otherwise you wont listen at all. If you stop using the simplistic gross patriarchy frame all the time and instead use different lenses, then things will go way smoother. So your aloud to say women are victims and not men, why? Sounds like a one sided story to me then.
  17. @Forestluv Or you dont understand Jordan and are locked into paradigm lock with your version of feminism which is less inclusive then Jordans. He sees feminism has been failing men and because he sees the overview he purposfully focusses on that. He 'll kick Leos ass if he were aloud too speak . You are the one triggered and have difficulty listening to him not Jordan. Leo even called it crocodile tears. How defensive are you if you need to twist reality like that?
  18. Because those are the only ones who listen to his critiques, maybe? The others see it as a to big threat to be able to listen. Maybe he is a democrat, don't know actually. I don't know him that well.
  19. @AtheisticNondualityIts a curious systematic thing I seem to find. Men not being strong and succesfull getting relativized away. Seems like protecting the gender roles. With a huge price that is. Actually what JP is doing with his a bit emotional speaking, building empathy for men, is breaking through stereotyped gender roles. Which is what is said to be feminism by some. Great Job! Or a product from intensive day to day pressures from birth to conform to gender stereotypes?
  20. I think Im screwed. I will have to take that meo. But I know I am very attached to normal ordinary life, I am not so much a daredevil. I probable will try to resist bigtimes. But if I dont do it, it looks like I am waisting my time.
  21. @Nahm How come I don't get it with watching your youtube video? Why are personal sessions necessary?
  22. @Leo Gura I don't know for who he votes. His tears are not crocodile at all. Do you know what psychologist usually do all day. How much empathy it takes listening to all the suffering day in day out? I don't think you are the one qualified saying such things. In the case you listen to stories of suffering day in day out, then you will be more qualified to say such things. Until then I think he cares more than you. But careful with overregulating capitalism, it could do more harm than good . Peterson protects well against undeveloped green regression. O and Peterson will probably not agree with your arbitrary simplistic spiral dynamics model.
  23. @NahmPeople who find you probably have a certain background? Inquired a lot into nonduality?
  24. @Carl-Richard I notice you do this often. Mischaracterizing what the others say. Do you do this all the time?