Harlen Kelly

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Everything posted by Harlen Kelly

  1. Which will in turn destabilize the climate, causing unimaginable discomfort to a creature like you and many other creatures according to the scientific consensus (over 97% of scientists).
  2. @Federico del pueblo Don't waste your mental energy on that. Those are people with a flawed epistemology and an outrageously low psychological development, like most extremists.
  3. @Marcel If you don't have any desire to become intimate with somebody, this is a non-issue. Forge relationships with people when you feel like it, in the meantime, do you and don't ask for permission to do you.
  4. @Recursoinominado You are wasting your time, it's analogous with trying to explain a religious fundamentalist that the spaghetti monster does not exist, or a trumper that the election was not stolen, or a flat earther that the earth is not flat. Some people are simply psychologically underdeveloped and there is nothing you can do about it.
  5. It does not make them 'anti-seatbelt', it makes them irredeemable dullards.
  6. @Preety_India Come to 'Murica or Canada.
  7. @Vzdoh A question is not an attack.
  8. @Vzdoh Don't take it personal.
  9. @Vzdoh Do you suffer from some sort of personality disorder by any chance?
  10. The fact they consume leo's content is even more mind-boggling.
  11. @Mason Riggle Of course is his opinion, I am not going to waste my time. Watch how he gets banned.
  12. @Mason Riggle Just like a thought, incredibly predictable.
  13. @Mason Riggle ''this vaccine is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY'' @Goldzilla Sure.
  14. @Goldzilla Spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories will get you banned very fast.
  15. @impulse9 Given your past experience with pharma, it's reasonable that you would have an adamant attitude towards it.
  16. @Seed You are utilizing anecdotal evidence as proof to delegitimize the entirety of the pharmaceutical field. Open your mind to the possibility that the main reason why humans are leaving an average of 78 years is largely due to advancements and break-throughs in the medical and pharmaceutical field, the ideological position of ''all big pharma bad'' is unnuanced and unsystemic. Will there be malpractices and greed-driven promotions of certain medicines? Of course, that doesn't delegitimize the entire pharmaceutical field. The current situation is a global pandemic that is affecting everybody in every country, you would be smart to take the vaccine not just for yourself but for the collective, and (this is particularly important) you will get COVID eventually, it will be a lot worse if you have not been vaccinated to properly counter the effects of COVID.
  17. @Seed A slippery slope fallacy occurs when someone makes a claim about a series of events that would lead to one major event, usually a bad event. In this fallacy, a person makes a claim that one event leads to another event and so on until we come to some awful conclusion. Along the way, each step or event in the faulty logic becomes more and more improbable. Example: ''If we enact any kind of gun control laws, the next thing you know, we won’t be allowed to have any guns at all. When that happens, we won’t be able to defend ourselves against terrorist attacks, and when that happens terrorists will take over our country. Therefore, gun control laws will cause us to lose our country to terrorists'' Apply the same faulty logic to your stance on pharmaceutical companies providing vaccines.
  18. The ''slippery slope'' is a logical fallacy. Could you share those reasons to better understand your ideological position?
  19. By realizing how pathetic what you are doing is.
  20. @Emerald I mistakenly read ''many men don't like it''.
  21. @Preety_India A bit of reading will clear up any confusions you might have: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/sexual-health/expert-answers/loss-of-sex-drive/faq-20058237#:~:text=It's natural for men to,related to an underlying condition.
  22. @Preety_India Because women don't have to approach.