Federico del pueblo

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Everything posted by Federico del pueblo

  1. I don't have thoughts about Belle Delphine because I've never even watched one second of her content. That other girl you talked about here (Lana Rhodes) might have already appeared on my screen at some point, but I'm not entirely sure.
  2. Haha, that's so cute how we're all being lovey dovey ???
  3. Yep, I wrote it on a paper when you said it in the other thread ? So happy birthday! Now I think nobody can say anymore that I can't be sweet sometimes too (inspite of my occasional negs ?).
  4. https://youtu.be/MZHgydnSn0Q This 3 minute video fits in the thread really well I think ?
  5. No. Then I would sometimes like to be drunk (or at the higher end of "typsy") because it's just kinda fun and different to a sober state. But a lot of the times I'd still like to be sober when approaching girls. Reason being that when I'm sober I am the way that I am, nothing is altered. So a girl meets me the way I am and I have a more unblurred experience of her. I'll also be able to remember more of what was being said (unless our hypothetical alcohol doesn't affect memory anymore) and I'm probably sharper and more eloquent.
  6. It's not needed. If it was needed, I'd still prefer to make myself independent of a substance. I prefer to do the inner work required to be able to socialize with people without a whole lot of nervousness or shyness or anxiety. Just imagine I see a girl I like on the street and want to approach her, but then I'm like "where's my bottle of whiskey, ah here in this pocket it is...good, I'll have a nice big mouthful before I talk to her" that wouldn't make for a good lifestyle in the long run. I also just value my health a lot and don't tolerate a lot of alcohol. Especially the next day I feel like a complete mess.
  7. When I was really young my friends and I would certainly get drunk when going out. But approaching women was not too much of a focus back then, this just kinda happened along the way. Now I wouldn't ever get drunk to approach women. Maybe get tipsy a little bit when going out with long time friends and then it kinda just so happens that girls and us bounce into each other.
  8. I'll happily correct you. The "9s" and "10s" are not necessarily pompous women with a lot of make up, they are simply the physically most attractive women from most guys POVs. Is it good to rate anyone as a 6, 8 or 10? No it's not good. Of course it's objectifying. But let's not fool ourselves here. If nobody rated girls as anything from 1 to 10, then we would still rate their attractiveness in some way. Instead of 7 you'd say "a cute girl" and instead of 10 you'd say "super hot girl". And no, the most attractive women don't have to have breast implants or cosmetic surgery either. Well, not necessarily. Some do, some don't. And it's actually men who instill this kind of behaviour in these girls. If all guys constantly tell you how amazing and beautiful you are and kiss your ass all the time, ofc at some point you get a little cocky and also raise your standards for what you think you're entitled to and have a bit of an hard to get attitude. Then there is this idea of not putting hot girls on a pedestal... I mean you can do 1 of 2 things. Either you completely leave these most attractive girls alone, or you go for them. If you go for them there's not gonna be any way for you to not put them on a pedestal for some time. Unless you've had sex with quite a few of them they are gonna be on a pedestal, you won't just think them off the pedestal, your emotions that stem from your social conditioning will be stronger than any "she's just a girl after all, let's not put her on a pedestal" thoughts. Of course you can and should look for other qualities in a girl than good looks, nobody is saying you should only go by how physically hot a girl is. Well exactly. Nobody says you should do the opposite, which is being completely sold the moment a girl talks to you. But then again, how often will a "10" approach you to then act entitled, like she already knows she can have you, is that a very frequent scenario? In reality most of the times you have to walk up to a girl yourself and start talking, so you're clearly showing some level of interest, so as you may rather hear something from her along these lines of "Why should I be interested in you?". It's also just a belief that very attractive women are automatically super arrogant, bitchy, aloof or whatever. Some are, some aren't.
  9. @Etherial Cat @Etherial Cat Is it actually your birthday today, or is it tomorrow? ?
  10. I would want to argue that you teased me and I teased you back in an affectionate way ? Anyway, I'll still take the compliment for it being successful, thanks ? Haha, glad you enjoyed it!
  11. Haha, I have to give it to you, you got some good call back humor and banter skills Anyway, if we ever were to actually spend some time together I think I would gladly pay you some money... ...for you to leave me alone ??
  12. Ah ok, could be true, but I don't know, I'm not gonna speculate about it. And I was here thinking that your "free pass to hell" is something like a 1-2 hours long session with you where you torture a guy with different instruments or whatever. And I was wondering why you would offer such a service for free, some guys would probably pay money for it (just so they can grow from it) ?
  13. Yes. The reason for this would be rather uncomfortable for you to know though! In reality all the other profiles are dudes who are 20+ years older than you, thinking "if I write a good reply to somegirl, maybe I'll have a chance with her, muhahahaha". So you must stay careful ?
  14. Femininity, a flirtatious vibe, eye contact, humor, intelligence, eloquence, good heartedness (no idea if that is a word lol), empathy, emotional intelligence, good physique, ambitiousness.
  15. Your threads always explode like atomic bombs ?
  16. No I actually thought that I could potentially make you rethink certain things. But I'm not expecting anything. I know of this. Men definitely do many bad things. They have higher levels of aggression for sure. It's sad that many women get abused. If you say that men do this way more often than women then yeah, that makes a lot of sense if we're talking about physical aggression. It's simply due to the physical strength advantage that men have (combined with higher levels of certain hormones). It's also smaller weaker men who get beaten up by stronger men more often. This way or another there is no excuse for when a man is physically violent towards a woman, it's fucked up. If Not as much as you'd like to think. There are also many women manipulating and exploiting men and I don't know if you're willing to admit that too. The ways of manipulation women do are just a bit different compared to what men do. Different games, often still sneakier ones. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what kind of abuse we're talking about here. Anyway if you now conclude that all men are abusers it's just still wrong. Some men are horrible abusers, many men are manipulative to some extend (but so are many women), but there are also more than enough man who are not abusive. I've been emotionally abused by some girls too, though I don't believe all women want to abuse me. I ascribe this to the fact that the women who abused me were just not mature enough yet and also insecure, so they had to play nasty games. And I know that you probably will reject my next point with something like "yeah, that's because women were not allowed to do anything for so long" but let's see. It's also men who have brought a lot of good things to this world, things from which you benefit on a daily basis. It's 97% who build the infrastructure you're using. Men who work freaking hard, dirty jobs to maintain this entire system, who crawl around in the shit of the canalisations to clean and maintain the system so everybody's shit can keep flowing, including the shit of 20 something year old girls who are sitting up there in the Starbucks café complaining about how bad "all men" are while some man has to clean or repair the stinky sewers about 20 ft below the Starbucks. Men who invented the internet, men who invented cars, who build houses, skyscrapers, power plants, take away the fucking trash. These men who are considered "low status" who can't even think about finding a decent woman because they immediately would disregard them. If it wasn't for men you'd still be sitting in the mud of some Forrest trying to collect some berries or whatever. But I know that there's gonna be even more stuff to devalue even these last things I just wrote. So anyway, I won't try to change your views anymore. I wish you the best.
  17. When you said things like "No. Oh wait, thanks for donating the sperm that gave me life. " don't you think this could be considered provoking. But ok, if this is how you see it. And yeah I can see, I got a little bit dick-ish for sure, my apologies. I don't disagree that there are certain negative realities about men. I just think that you exaggerate and over generalize. As though there were no men who treat women well. All men are bad. But you won't be biased because you're a woman. I see how that works ? I actually love to look at my gender for what it is. And I can definitely admit certain negative tendencies about men. But I'm also able to spot over generalisations and distortions which are the result of the same biases you accuse me of having while denying that you have them yourself.
  18. Cognitive dissonance... I think you should rewatch a few hundred hours of Leo's videos, especially about biases, self-deception etc. Btw, what are you even doing here in the dating section? Just help out the young girls?
  19. @Loba it's still worse than I thought. Sad. This is what incels would say about women. For the same reasons you say it about men. No. You don't seem like a person I should trust. Yes people are typically not interested in becoming more aware of their biases. It's called confirmation bias. You might figure out things you don't like and they might have something to do with you, not just men. I'm starting to get a sense that you are at least as pitiful as the men you must have dated. This is just such a negative view. Sorry you haven't been able to meet better men. Which is exactly what bitter men, like incels, would say about women.
  20. I think if you are at that level you're probably also able to just love men for what they are without any bitterness, right? Anyway you still hold certain beliefs about men that are extremely exaggerated and not as true as you think they are like That's just untrue. For some men it's true ofc, for many it's not. But if this has been your subjective experience (which also can be distorted by the beliefs you already had before the experiences) then it can have a lot to do with you. I definitely know women who don't share your views, sure they also know that men want sex, and some men only want sex, but they are able to find other men who value them as a person and are in happy relationships with them. But anyway as you're not trying to attract men anymore because you are completely fulfilled it probably doesn't matter to you. By the way. If you want to contemplate how biased you are in terms of men you could ask yourself some questions and see which answers arise. Like e.g. "is there anything I am grateful for in men?" "What are some of the best qualities men typically have? (not the negative stuff, but actually positive qualities)" See what comes up.
  21. Yes, I have managed to not become boring in spite of my very high age... @Etherial Cat Te lo perdono!
  22. He was an asshole. He had some level of desperation and needed to use tricks. There will be younger guys just like him. And they will think of other possibilities to trick a woman if they can't use the experience advantage.
  23. Did you know that some girls will start to voluntarily call a guy "daddy" during sex and get turned on by it? Haha This is not how you compliment a gentleman! ?
  24. Now you're just digging yourself deeper in some kind of psychological pit. It's not like life is easy for men. It's also not like there are no loving men and no men who would value you for your personality. There are very good men, but sure they still want sex. Men are just biological creatures after all (like you). With that kind of negative and toxic outlook you simply won't be able to attract the really good men.
  25. And when it comes to this experience I totally understand your bitterness and any consequential concerns about "older guys". I mean this could have been said by a younger guy too. This way or another it's just fucked up and immoral behaviour, trying to trick someone to do something that has a risk coming with it. This is why I would advise you to always think for yourself. Of course you need to screen men (and actually people) regarding potential threads coming from them. And I need to do the same. I'm just at the other end of the spectrum, kind of paranoid about women in their early thirties trying to get impregnated by me so I will then pay some compensation for them (sorry, I'm too lazy to look up the correct term). "No it's okay, I take the pill...we don't need the condom ??...just stick it in" Me: ??? No, my feeling tells me that we totally Do need the condom!