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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. Haha I was kind of kidding but I probably would say some shit like that. I need to practice being ruthless. One day, I am going to spend an entire night out just being a savage.
  2. Here is my new strategy: "Do you mind if I friendzone you? I just think we would make such good friends!!!" "There are so many hot girls out there you can fuck. Let's just be friends." "Hey, let's just be friends I can be your wingwoman." (this one is transactional– like men.)
  3. What's wrong with you guys?! There's so much to be learned from women.. as friends. You'll get the inside scoop.
  4. There really is. I need to remind myself of this every time I overthink someone's feeling, "eh, he'll be fine there's so many hot women out there for him" that really helps. Omg maybe that's what I'll say ?. "Oh no you don't want me, let's be friends. there's so many hot women out there you can fuck". This won't hurt they'll self esteem it'll actually empower them. This is my solution guys.
  5. No, we are. Oh plot twist. I never realized this.
  6. LOL!!! Yeah huh, what the hell!?! This is such a good read on men. hmm. yeah I guess so. I can see that.
  7. Because the reasoning is where I think I get myself in trouble because I'm too fucking passive and pleasing. Maybe my new trick of the trade is to never add any reasoning to anything.
  8. @Flowerfaeiry I am going to soon. I have to. Do you think reasoning is necessary? Or just the clean break?
  9. I knowww huh. Ugh! Hmmmm. This is interesting! This is probably why it'll never happen. Because you can't have one without the other. Looks like we're fucked then (not literally).
  10. HAHAHA omg this is toooo true. Okay this is soo true. I know a guy exactly like this so you are so right. But actually, he's the only guy that I'm interested in right now. Haha. Go figure.
  11. Okay. I think that it's because it would be sooo hard for me to put myself out there because I'm so used to guys coming to me that I feel bad denying them. So I guess because it would hurt me I am projecting that onto them as if my rejection would hurt them. But you are saying they are used to it?
  12. This is the thing guys, I totally appreciate when guys put themselves out there. I think it takes courage, effort, vulnerability, risk of their esteem. I look at these things as good ways to be in the world. So do I want to punish them for it by denying them? No! I want to encourage them and say yes that's awesome! But nooo not with me, find someone else. Haha.
  13. I do not ghost people and I am sick of flaking. I just need to learn how to be brutally honest. But honestly, I feel bad for the role guys have to play: always having to make it happen, being rejected. I know it's probably not easy! I appreciate when guys put themselves out there. So do I want to slam them down on the ground when they are putting themselves out there? No, I do not want to do that. I would rather be covert. But this is clearly not the way to go haha.
  14. HAHAHA. Omg I love you. Um because I want to be single. I am 24 and have a whole life in front of me. I want to have freedom and be able to live however I choose.
  15. I'm not talking about one specific person really this is a continuous problem in my life. Someone commented and asked for context so I gave them one. There is one guy specifically that I do love to hang out with we have awesome conversations and similar interests but clearly, I am not going to be able to hang out with him anymore– this is very very unfortunate. I'm sick of having to deny him. Obviously, I am not clear enough but how much of a bitch am I suppose to be? That's not my nature I don't enjoy having to do that.
  16. Sooooo can anyone give me actually liners to say? Like specific statements. Clearly, I need help with that. Haha.
  17. @Preety_India Thanks girl. Also, this is so true:
  18. Okay, so how would YOU do this. Specifically. What specifically would you say?
  19. Is it bad to want masculine energy also in my life but as friends? Like wtf.
  20. HAHA. Omg. I want people– as friends. But they don't want to be just friends. So I have no friends. I have blocked numbers. And I know I need girl friends I am working on that.
  21. Well yeah. But what if they keep texting you? Do I say, "please stop texting me?" Haha.