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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. No hahaha. And no to Leo too. Open up your heart. Embrace your femininity in this particular moment. Allow yourself to receive (perceive). Like a submissive woman. Take it. You gave it to yourself hehe. now take it. It's like you fucked yourself, now let yourself be fucked.
  2. @Tyler Durden @Leo Gura Okay fellas. Forget about God for a moment jeez. This is about LOVE. hehehe. You can always come back to God later You did not "create her to keep you asleep." You created her to WAKE YOU UP. So ask yourself. WHY. WHY her?? What are you trying to show yourself?
  3. @Tyler Durden hmmmm Makes you think doesn't it. Now ask yourself WHY? Why her? There's a golden nugget there for you to find.
  4. Are you either the scapegoat or 'golden child' of your family? If so, the reason why this problem is following you to camp is because of the law of attraction. If you hold the vibration of self-blame (like I do) you will attract people who blame you. You are NOT to blame. You are simply open, authentic, loving, and compassionate and unfortunately people who can't handle those POWERFUL qualities become threatened by it. And then they take out that threat on you. As soon as you stop blaming yourself you will stop attracting other people who blame you. It's the classic "if you are self-critical you are going to attract people who will criticize you. If you 'play small' you are going to attract people who make you feel small" scenario. It's the universe trying to give you what it thinks you want because you are holding that vibration (the universe doesn't know the difference between "positive and negative" because from its perspective [which is really you btw but that's another story] is LOVE).
  5. @fopylo when a social group doesn't want to deal with the discomfort of whatever it is that is making them feel uncomfortable (maybe it's a feeling of shame, maybe it's an idea of potential embarrassment, whatever it is) they project those undesired feelings onto ONE person so the group doesn't have to feel it. Because, "hey, it's just 'that person', not anyone else. We don't have to deal with it it's just 'that person'" It gives them clarity and control over whatever they are trying to avoid (negative feeling). That's what these people are doing to you. They are making you feel everything they don't want to feel themselves. Whether the feeling is "in the air" or something deeply ingrained in them personally, they are afraid to feel it. They are avoiding feeling it by projecting it onto you. They are afraid of negative feelings and so they project it on to you and make you the 'source'– they are scapegoating you. You are not stupid. You are not the problem. You didn't do anything to deserve this. They simply can't handle negative feelings/sentiment because they are cowards (sorry) and so they are redirecting it onto you as if you are the problem; it makes it easier on them to make you the 'black sheep' of the group instead of them to actually feel the things that are actually going on. It's easier for them to say, "oh you're so 'cute' and 'adorably stupid'" You are not. You are just an easy target. Trust me this same thing happens to me allll of the time and it took me years of suffering, turmoil, self-blame, self-hate, etc. until I finally figured it out. Here's a video on it if you're interested in hearing more.
  6. Ask yourself the question, why her? Why not other 'people'? Why now? Why didn't you realize this before?
  7. I heard a spiritual teacher say this. What does this mean?
  8. Yoga is stretching + breathing stretching could just be stretching the breathing component in yoga is what makes it so meditative. (Prana/life force energy embedded in movement) also, some forms of yoga incorporate intense balance, focus, and strength— another meditative component that differentiates from mere stretching.
  9. Now don’t think I’m fooling you, I don’t know the answer. Although I do. What’s the sound of one hand clapping? It’s rhymes with you. ?
  10. This is beautiful. ahh. When you say "finding anything of value" do you mean that it is beyond value because it simply is? Because at the same time, it's kind of a miracle that there IS... to begin with <3 that nothing appears to be.
  11. @RickyFitts hehehe ? ?
  12. It feels like blasphemy to them. But the true blasphemy is disowning your self, your power, your nature. But I agree with @Thought Art context is everything. It is important to be dynamic.
  13. Anger says, “That was a no for me and it happened anyway.” Insecurity says, “I’m terrified you’ll leave me. I feel like I need you. I feel inadequate. I don't know if I can do this alone.” Blame says, “That is not me (separation).” Forgiveness says, “I relate to you. I see myself in you. I do not blame you.” Powerless say, “I feel completely out of control over what happens to me.” Criticism says, “I feel threatened by this. I feel powerless to this. I don't trust myself around this. I have a need I am not meeting on my own.”