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About slev1111n

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  1. It is great that you have such a desire. Mose people have become lazy due to the lockdown. I recommend you stay motivated! I don't know what to recommend to you. But I started to pass English classes online and make my kids do the same. You can go here and read an article on this topic.
  2. Seems to be a really interesting idea. And as my mental health is fine I think that I won't be able to give any reasonable suggestions in terms of features. But still, I have some thoughts on this one. The way such an app looks is just crucial IMO. It needs to be attractive and the design needs to suit the app's purpose really well. So be sure to hire a decent UI/UX team to get this done. Maybe use Awesomic subscription or something if hiring a designer is out of your budget for this project. I think that even for MVP it's quite important to provide a proper design in this case.
  3. I tried watching her videos. She expresses very interesting ideas and thoughts but her manner, her style, well, I don't like them. Nothing bad I think but just not my cup of tea
  4. Actually, I want to start game development someday. But I think it's not that easy. I tried Unity back in the days and it wasn't difficult but when it comes to graphics, design, and such art things I get stuck fast. Even now for designing my websites, I use Awesomic's services. And I think designing a website is much easier than designing a game visuals. Even if it's a small indie one. Anyways, this is quite an interesting field and the electronic entertainment market is still growing. I hope to dive into it in the near future.
  5. I think one personal drawback that I need to work with is that I am a perfectionist to a fault. I tend to not want to share anything until it's where I believe it should be, which is often far beyond my capabilities at that moment.
  6. Im not a Youtuber but I wanna see others stuff!
  7. I don't know, have you already mastered this?