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Everything posted by freejoy

  1. I read about people walking through walls, biolocating their bodies, repeating the word love and floating. I was wondering if these things are really possible? Can our minds alter the laws of nature? If so how would it be done? Thank you
  2. Inside the brain there are micro tublicales. Little tubes with liquid brain fluid inside. These seem to be the way physical reality (brain) interfaces with the quantum intelligence. Like in a vacuum where they see quantum particles arise out of nothingness, inside these "brain tubes" these quantum particles appear. Here's a video of Stuart Hameroff by Deepak Chopra about the micro tublicales: That seems to be how thoughts actually arise. ---------- What thoughts actually arise is a different story. First "reality" is blinking on and off every plank nano second. Much like a movie projector. We are here and not here every nano second. Nothing is actually moving. Our brains can only receive "certain" thoughts. The akashic records records every "flash" when we blink into existence. So memory and continuity arise. So we can access memory and thoughts that we had before. Our brains seem to be more of a receiver but can only receive certain thoughts according to our learning, experiences, level of consciousness. Let's say our brain is tuned into WIIFM 107 (i.e what's in it for me : ) ) it would be like a possibility that only certain thoughts could arise, like a continuum: LOW-------MEDIMUN-------HIGH Something like that. : )
  3. Express yourself completely, then keep quiet. Be like the forces of nature: when it blows, there is only wind; when it rains, there is only rain; when the clouds pass, the sun shines through. If you open yourself to the Tao, you are at one with the Tao and you can embody it completely. If you open yourself to insight, you are at one with insight and you can use it completely. If you open yourself to loss, you are at one with loss and you can accept it completely. Open yourself to the Tao, then trust your natural responses; and everything will fall into place. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
  4. Right or wrong is relative and contextual in the relative world. Intention is the main thing. Once intention is dialed in then one trust their natural responses. Enlightened Ones can seem to get fiercely angry.
  5. It can be useful if used by an integritious person. I'm not asking for anyone to buy it. I'm just pointing out what Hawkins has basically said.
  6. It really only works mostly for Enlightened Ones. One has to not have any bias at least for what one is calibrating. The ego can not be involved. Hawkins says one needs to at least calibrate over 200 to even use. And it can't be used to help the ego. Also one can't use it to against karma. So one could theoretically use it to locate missing persons Basically it can only be used for the highest good for all. Questions have to be integritious also. The more one is unattached to the outcome the better.
  7. Just wondering if Psychedelics help us become more God like after the effects ware off?
  8. When we were babies we didn't know anything. We had to learn to move our fingers. We had to learn a billion things. All this gets recorded in our subconscious mind so with only an intention we can move our fingers. No thought required. Unless one learns to move ones fingers playing a piano becomes something that is not a probability. All this is built up and choice seems to dictate quantum probabilities for certain thoughts to arise. Here's a quote from the Tao: Every being in the universe is an expression of the Tao. It springs into existence, unconscious, perfect, free, takes on a physical body, lets circumstances complete it. That is why every being spontaneously honors the Tao. The Tao gives birth to all beings, nourishes them, maintains them, cares for them, comforts them, protects them, takes them back to itself, creating without possessing, acting without expecting, guiding without interfering. That is why love of the Tao is in the very nature of things. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu So through karma (the "circumstances" or context of ones birth) certain things can happen and some can't. By picking one thought gives rise to a different set of quantum probabilities for next thoughts.
  9. We don't have complete free will. We are mostly programmed. It seems we first have a learn things. Like how to paint. One can say painting took over but not if you don't know what a paint brush is. Say in a few minutes a hundred thoughts come to mind. Where did those thoughts come from? Most likely quantum probabilities between the synapses in the tublicales. One has free choice to focus on any particular thought by intention. Maybe?
  10. The ego is sometimes demonize, kind of like sin. Just playing around.
  11. I would like to comment. Is the body an illusion? I see really real looking bodies out there. I experience pain in my body if I hit my finger with a hammer. That's pretty real. Same with free will. Same with ego. "Those without ego cast the first stone" : )
  12. Yes! That's very close to how I see it.
  13. You know there isn't a cause and effect. You can plant a seed but can't "cause" it to grow. If you knock off a glass cup you didn't cause it to break. It appears we can help create conditions that can create more quantum probabilities a thing might happen.
  14. Here's a video of an interview with an Enlightened One. People see light around him and other phenomenon. I like this video because the Dr objectivity studies "What Happens After We Die" He is a neurologist and psychiatrist. You might find them interesting.
  15. What do you mean by "go home?"
  16. I think Leo would agree that nothing happens by happenstance. Where did you come from? I think that is a good place to start, if you like?
  17. You have to be very special because your one of the lucky ones that isn't digging in the dirt for a bite to eat. No, your possibly going to have whatever you want to eat. Maybe some 5meo. Because you have no choice! Aren't you sad for all your fellow humans?
  18. It's important. Do you think you are special?
  19. Yes there is free will. I just have to be blunt. Some say our world is a dream, illusion, or something along those lines. Does it matter what you call this world? If I call it matter and someone else calls it dreamstuff ... what difference does it make? They are just names. Okay to start ... how did you get here?
  20. Lectins? Cooking removes lectins. Longest living people eat beans almost daily.
  21. "on earth as it is in heaven" I believe the world is heading toward paradise. All diseases, hunger, crippled people, all people will be healed. Vast majority of people will become Enlightened. Hugh cities with small ecological footprints. Underwater cities. Space travel. Jesus like AI. Free electric power for everyone. With probably nuclear fusion. Deserts might become oasis. And physical Immortality, unless you fall off a mountain. Here are a few videos you might find interesting. George Church talking about gene editing and age reversal. Good interview with David Sinclair. Peter Diamandis Age of Abundance. I could post more but these are a good overview. If you are Enlightened would you want to live a very very long time?
  22. "Choice" is real. Without choice God becomes a very mean entity. A torcher would become God's Will. People starving would become God's Will. One born with everything another without anything wouldn't be just. God would become an unjust God. I can see how Enlightened One might come to the conclusion that there is no choice.
  23. Awesome video. Loved it. You kind of lose your free will and become the will of God? About relative truth, do you see it as Super Morals?