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Everything posted by kray

  1. @Micheal569 I don't have barbells, and all the gyms around me are closed. You think I can accomplish this by doing push ups? (I do around 50-100 a day)
  2. In that case, why not? Assume you just took a heroic dose of shrooms/acid/DMT, and after a while you are taken to a different (maybe higher) level of consciousness. Now let's say that you have the realization that everything, all the social constructs you are used to - including rationality - are just part of a larger illusion. Once you realize that, the boundary between what's real and not real, what's rational and non-rational is gone. And after five hours into the trip, you see Gabriel, Micheal, or any of the biblical angels. Now tell me if they are real or not?
  3. @Jennifercelebra BIG time. They even have pure CBD gummies at some medicinal shops. Really effective in easing anxiety symptoms (though not 100% a cure).
  4. @bejapuskas I do have general insecurities about myself, so that definitely plays a part. On the journey to eliminating these insecurities
  5. @Nomad13 I did (and to an extent still do) have a problem with jerking off every single day, sometimes more than once a day if I'm really bored. Definitely could some correlation there
  6. @Spiral yea I put one on, but my girl said she was on birth control, so I ended up not needing one.
  7. @Hugo Oliveira This actually worked wonders!
  8. People forget that even Obama, who was one of our greatest presidents, carried out numerous air strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.
  9. @Preety_India
  10. @Phyllis Wagner Index funds, especially for long term investments.
  11. @Someone here smoke some good indica (plat kush, og afghan are some of my favorites), this helps me a lot
  12. Have you read money master the game?
  13. Great question! The average duration of police training a prospect needs to go through is around 840 hours, or 21 weeks. That is only 4-5 months of training (if my math serves me correctly). This is simply too short of a duration to cover everything a police officer should know. To draw a comparison, the average police training someone goes through in other countries could be as long as 1-3 years. Another thing is to train police how to be professionals, dealing with all types of people, rather than training them to rough people up for breaking the law. It would be hard to accomplish this if police officers only had 21 weeks to train. If we increased that training to at least 1.5 years, other things such as ethics and basic human psychology could also be covered. Also 4-5 months should be used for bias training. Another thing that I am for is re-distributing funds. I don't mean defunding the police, but I do firmly believe that the federal government should re distribute expenditures from other hefty federal expenses, such as military expenditures. Even taking 5% of military expenditures would be enough for funding mental health/drug rehab services throughout the country. So assuming that the federal government does this, we can have strong mental health/drug abuse services that work in unison with every police department in the nation. For example, if a homeless person acts up on the street, instead of the police handling it by themselves, they can have a mental health representative with them in helping them deal with the situation. If someone is sticking a needle or smoking crack in middle of the streets, the police can have a drug abuse expert there, so instead that person doing the drugs goes to rehab instead of prison. I know that having all of this is too ideal, but even funding strong mental health services in every city will make a difference, and take the burden off of police.
  14. That's why I said "it COULD", to emphasize the fact that its simply a possibility. I think most cops who join the force don't do it so they can "be racist pigs who kill blacks", its more about keeping order in society while also getting a good pay. For all we know, Derek Chauvin could very well have plenty of black friends, and have nothing personal against black people. But as part of his job, he was most probably assigned certain neighborhoods, which happened to be black neighborhoods, and responded to calls that almost always involved a black suspect/victim. This will naturally create a bias in which every black person he comes across, he will assume that person is a criminal. Its this bias that's the problem, and the current police training doesn't to enough to tackle this bias. I don't think calling Derek Chauvin a criminal or a "KKK racist murderous cop" will help the actual issue. I personally believe that Officer Derek Chauvin is simply a victim of a larger, systemic issue in police training. But instead of tackling the larger issue, we are too focused on calling Derek Chauvin a murderer and putting him in jail. But again....these are just my thoughts, and they are open to changing.
  15. Yea but when someone is on drugs, especially hard drugs like crack cocaine or heroin, they tend to act in aggressive they have to be dealt with aggressively.
  16. To play devil's advocate, I think in Chauvin's mind, he knew he was dealing with a heavy weight, tall black male. Maybe his experience with arresting black males was almost always met with aggression, so he was under the impression that in order to subdue Mr. Floyd, who happened to have a heavy build, he needed to use full force. I think from a psychological perspective, humans have a tendency to fight/flight. And if the only option we have is to fight, in Chauvin's case...that too against a big/heavy build person, we are going to put our full force. That, one could say, Chauvin was trying to do. It could also be that Chauvin has certain racist tendencies, and took it out on Mr. Floyd. We will see during the trial.
  17. His defense team is saying that Mr. Floyd actually overdosed on fentanyl, and therefore died from that...not the chokehold. I really hope that this defense doesn't stand, but if it does, and Derek Chauvin is acquitted of any first degree murder charges, I bet that we will see Rodney king style riots throughout the whole country. Even if BLM and other civil rights groups push for peaceful protest, you will always have that minority of people who want to instigate chaos and anarchy on the streets. It's just the way people work
  18. @onacloudynight This forum is more for knowledge sharing than anything else. If you want real consciousness work, simply stick to the videos and your practice. Think of this forum as an subreddit
  19. That's a fact. I genuinely feel bad for a lot of these guys, they don't even know that they are ignorant. I pray that these folk awaken from the delusions that was fed to them by Fox news, QAnon conspiracies, and our former orange idiot
  20. I am not one to be pro-intervention, but I definitely do think this has to be one of the center stage issues that the UN and other nations should address.
  21. This film pretty much sums up stage orange in 2.5 hours:
  22. @ilja yea, they were neglected by their parent who is The Soviet Union