Stoica Doru

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Everything posted by Stoica Doru

  1. Lately, whenever I meditate, my body seems to be going crazy, as if I'm being electrocuted or something along those lines. I think that my "pain-body" as Eckhart Tolle described it, or my ego, seems to be putting a hard fight, because I'm trying to unravel my true authentic nature. The feelings I get are damn weird, as if someone is pointing a gun at my temple, and I need to do something about it. I got so far, I'll keep going, no other choice. Progress is progress, nevertheless.
  2. I can't fully grasp it, but it seems interesting
  3. I know that Leo said in one of his videos that while meditating the subconscious is given extra time to filter and wipe out any inconveniences such as trauma, phobias and other kinds of fears and unacknowledged day to day restrictions that are conjured upon the conscious mind. I want to know if that applies totally and how it changed your overall well-being and functionality. I'm currently on this journey myself and I'm always looking for the bigger picture.
  4. Hey guys. I've done some studies regarding social media and the effects that it has on our brains. Even though, all of us ackwnoledge in a way or another that what we post is not something to have an emotional anchor to, it seems that everytime I share or post something I feel extremely ashamed of myself, as though my brain or intuition is telling me that something stinks real bad. I've been addicted to porn and video games, and I had the same feelings whenever I relapsed, and I thought that the same chemical imbalance may happen in the brain when using Facebook, Instragram etc, as when someone is using cocaine or playing slot machine games. There are many studies regarding this issue and I want to know if you've been dealing or have dealt with this addictive behaviour. Thanks!
  5. I'm 18 years old and I've been blessed so to say with an incredible philosophycal construct since ever. Two years ago I've got depersonalization/derealization, in which the world around me seemed to be pointless and my sense of self totally gone, not feeling alive/human anymore. I went to two different psychiatrists, but the magical pill cure didn't worked, as I was unaware of nonduality at the time, being an atheist. I've been addicted to video games and pornography and I soon as I managed to erase them from my life, everything seem to be falling apart, due to ego death I assume. I basically found out that I'm going through a Kundalini experience (dark night of the soul) and it's a horrible necessary process, but it seems so hard to cope with it. All the existential crisis, OCD, pannic attacks and exhaustion are totally fucking up my life. I've been meditation and contemplating for some months now and I'll continue onward with the self inquiry work, hoping to see the light again. I wish that Leo could respond and encourage me, as he knows what I'm going through. My Intuition/God wants to change me, but it's hard as hell, man. Thank you for your time.
  6. This blew my mind, dude! A milion thanks!
  7. I'm thinking of deleting social media, as I feel ashamed of using it. I also want to hit the gym. So I guess I must serve my intuition, as I will suffer otherwise. What changes have been making during that time in your life?
  8. I've been having problems in love ever since I know myself. I'll try to attend myself through meditation. I'm currently staying home, as I must attend another time for the Police Academy, and I'm taking the additional classes once again. It'll pass, I'm sure. Any other tips you can give me, Leo? I'm currently cleaning my subconscious, so I'll take care of myself as best as I can. Have a good day!
  9. I've been meditation for two months now and it seems that I'm getting more and more calmer and open-minded. However, when I go talk about my insights with my friends, they seem to be looking at me like I'm going crazy, even though I'm more councious and not arogant at all. It seems like my introspections rather scares them. I would like to know if this is a experience that occurs for you and if so, what do you tell to yourself after these judgments. Do you just stop telling others about your revelations or what?
  10. I have the same exactly perspective regarding relationships. You might think that is an excuse, judging by the fact that you are not attractive, but it's not a need for your life. Indeed, it is important for your hormonal balance and well-being, but, generally speaking, it's okay. The time comes for everyone, you're gonna find that person. Cheers!
  11. The comfort zone is an illusion which keeps you encaged from realizing what is truly vital in life, and I'm not talking about success only, also about self-esteem and about being a better person. A way in which you could eliminate this kind of comfort area is to go out and do things that just seemed crazy for you, or just saw other people doing, and seemed imposibile for you. Also, you need to cut out any addictions, and addictive friends that could lead you into useless daily rituals. Only this way, you can start actualizing yourself and getting out of the comfort zone. Good luck!
  12. I also had a long time before actually begun to do it. This ritual is like any other must-do activity, like brushing your teeth or going for a walk. Try to comprehend it like any other activity, giving it high priority at the same time.