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Everything posted by Snt_lk

  1. If consciousness is all there is, and I am that, what aspect of Me is controlling the experience I have? a side question to that, can consciousness be manipulated for a specific experience?
  2. @Leo Gura Migrating over to YT…Thanks!
  3. @Holykael nowhere or Now-here? If this is all a dream, are you saying I have no control over it at all, much like night dreams, with the exception of lucid dreaming?
  4. Trying ketamine as a treatment for clinical depression that I’ve had for 10yrs. for those who’ve had it, anything I should expect? Starting with 400mg taken orally.
  5. @OBEler I’m getting it from a company called mind bloom. I believe that taken orally, it’s typically between 100mg-500mg depending on body weight. they only offer orally dissolvers, that you end up spitting out after 7minutes. not 100% sure which type of ketamine it is though.
  6. What does it mean to be mentally healthy? Does this depend on the individual or is there a baseline for mental health?
  7. @Ulax I see the difference in IFST now. I’m intrigued and will look into it. Thanks
  8. @Ulax I’ve never heard of family systems therapy, but I looked it up and it looks like a treatment that involves the whole family’s participation. I find it difficult in theory to get each member of a, what I would call a “toxic family” to admit, let alone participate in family therapy. In your example of the difference between a sweatshop worker and someone doing therapy in San Francisco, don’t they share the same goal in terms of mental health? The sweatshop worker will have more obstacles to overcome but don’t they both want a sense of freedom from negative emotions and feelings?
  9. Anybody else able to induce goosebumps at will?? Usually happens when I think of something but instead of letting the thought come and go, I try to emotionalize it (Usually by thinking "where's the Love in this", then boom, goosebumps. Heard it releases adrenaline. Something to do with the fight or flight response. Also happens when listening to dope music. Anybody else experience this or have this ability. More over, know what it represents or it's true use? I have an idea of what it could be, but curious to know other's perspective.
  10. I'm craving something truly spiritual and real but don't know where to find it. I tried meditating but IMO I haven't experienced anything profound from it. I don't know how this Maya can produce something lasting or real. I don't want to try psychedelics ( or any other substances) bc I'm unsure of how I will react to it. Please share something that you find truly Spiritual.
  11. What happens during dreamless sleep? Where does our awareness go? If I check with my direct experience, I only know that there is a gap in my consciousness for I don't recall or feel, or experience what happens during dreamless sleep, so how can I know that something is happening at all. I can understand the viewpoint of the Observer during wakefulness and during dreams while asleep, yes the observer is there. But what about experience/awareness/consciousness during dreamless sleep? what if anything is there?
  12. @Carl-Richard I see. my confusion rest in linking consciousness with experience (form) when in actuality, it can be form or formlessness and furthermore both. Surely my consciousness does not cease to exit when I enter dreamless sleep , because when I wake, there I am. Therefor consciousness has only changed form, or more accurately, changed into formlessness.
  13. @Carl-Richard Hmm.. very interesting? I think I get what you're saying but just to make sure can you clarify what you mean by form and no form? An example perhaps?
  14. @Carl-Richard Is that a transition into what I will call "No experience"? Similar to that of Dreamless sleep.
  15. As I've been going about my daily routine, I'm noticing that most people I come across seem to be cold, closed off, or completely disinterested in speaking or engaging with me. Energetically, I feel nothing from some of these people aside from them not wanting anything to do with me. These people have never met me, but it's almost like they have known me even before we've met and they have a disinterested disposition towards me. For example, some completely ignore my pleasantries and greetings altogether. I'll say, "Hi, how are you?" and they will just not say anything at all. Another example, I"ll make a friendly comment to a server and they will say nothing but instead engage with the person next to me. These are just two examples. I'm beginning to notice this everywhere I go. I'm wondering if I have something written on my face or if I'm putting out an energetic vibe that's just disinteresting. Can anyone make heads or tails of this?
  16. @ivankiss @Vynce So much Truth in both of these responses. It's frustrating when you don't see the love you put out there be reciprocated. But I guess that is what conditional love is and the name of the game is Unconditional Love. Regardless of how they respond or chose not to respond at all, we should still appreciate them just because they are there in our conscious awareness and look at them as our teacher. For what they stir up inside of us is only our response to what is. I have more clarity on this now, thanks for your responses.
  17. I can't seem to shake the idea that others don't exist. After watching Leo's "Guided Exercise for Realizing You Are God", I had a moment in which I felt that everyone I knew was a projection, but soon after I found myself asking "But how could they not exist." Every time I saw another person, I questioned whether they were just a part of my imagination or if they are actually having a conscious experience. For example, anyone that replies to this thread could say "others don't exist", maybe evening having the thought that the person who wrote this was a projection of their own imagination, but I on the other side of this thread know that I in fact am not a projection because I am aware as I write this and have consciousness. Perhaps the higher the degree of consciousness, the closer to Nonduality someone gets? Even then, if there are other autonomous units of consciousness, regardless of the degree to which they are conscious, how is it possible that they don't exist altogether? I'm aware that my ego will fill in what I have conceptually striped away and that the more real I believe the Self to be the more real others will be, but then how do I practically experience ongoing Nonduality . I truly do enjoy the concept of nonduality but I'm having some trouble putting it in to practice. Any insights?
  18. @Javfly33 In Solipsism, all do not exist except the Self. From my understanding now, In Oneness, even the Self is transcended. There is only the Oneness. The degree to which others exist is the degree to which the Self exist.
  19. @Ry4n Let's give it a go, and see what happens. Ty for sharing that.
  20. @m0hsen This makes a lot of sense. What would I expect someone in a dream to say? probably exactly what I would expect them to say. Thanks.
  21. @Nahm Thank you for your insights. I appreciate it.
  22. @OctagonOctopus Thank you for your insights. I found them very useful.
  23. @Nahm So (unreal) is only a thought, that which I am experiencing. and seeking is illusory. What is that which is "already?" for example, you mentioned already duality, already apparent and already the case? Thanks
  24. @Nahm My natural reaction is to seek to be "un-real" then, but by seeking I believe I would then be creating separation. Is it true there is nothing to get/do? if so, how in this state of not doing and not getting does someone become aware of the Non-dual? Thanks