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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. Consciousness is the substance of reality. Matter and antimatter are two different modes consciousness assumes to be, and we happen to be in the universe where it, mostly, is made of matter. 

    Many, and infinite as possibilities, universes exist simultaneously, and the reason you are in this universe is because you are in resonance with this particular universe. It is like there being many channels on your tv, but the tv will receive the broadcast to which it is a frequency match. 

    So all the universes are here and now at the vibrational, or informational, level, but you are perceiving and experiencing the reality to which you are a frequency match. 


  2. 4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    I could be walking down the street while meditating, on the toilet, being around people, whenever. For me it's spontaneous. I am not that disciplined to say I will dedicate a certain time, place, day to meditate. My mind will just not allow it. But it does allow for spontaneity. So I take advantage of that. I meditated for 2 mins while on this thread already and it was beautiful. It just came to me. I devoted 2 mins of time to presence while here, especially discussing this topic. It's so intense.

    Meditation doesn't have to be hard. Sitting there with your hand on your heart and feeling the heart beat and focussing on that and your breath for 2-5mins can do wonders for your psyche, even though you're not doing it to accomplish anything, just to become familiar with your being and because it just feels good for its own sake.

    It is interesting that the subject of death is a very intense subject, because i believe that we will become pure love and joy when we die. 

    And yeah, i don't know, maybe it is possible for me also to be in a state which i tune to in meditation while i'm in the worldly mode also. 


  3. 2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    More like: much better to dissapear that this shit. but you never disappear you are the bottomless well that is, doing its work of creation, for which the ingredient of suffering is essential. without it, everything would be a soup. suffering is your creative tool

    Wish i could find a way of being in a state of meditation while i'm being involved with the world. Like carrying that state of being that i find in meditation into my worldly being. 


  4. 1 minute ago, ItsNick said:

    I remember the first chapter of the power of now was something like that lol. Of course I exaggerated a bit, but it was basically that.
    I think this idea of awakening or enlightenment is held by many people, partly because this is how it's sold.

    I'd imagine if you made the external conditions bad enough for these so-called enlightened beings, or their internal conditions by changing their brain chemistry with drugs, you could make them suffer a lot and increase their fear of death.


    Is it possible to transcend the fear of death? Maybe, but I don't think you can be human and do that.

    Good observation. It is easy to think that you are awakened when you are living in a peaceful environment. If you send them to a hard environment, their socalled awakenedness would come to end, haha. 


  5. 14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    It's an evolutionary issue. all pain has as its objective the creation of a movement that tends to escape from it, on an individual, collective and genetic level. the bad thing is when it's your turn to be buried in an anthill while the tribe laughs

    Yeah, sometimes i'm like "isn't it my time to be buried and disappear forever in nothingness yet" haha. 


  6. 2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Please, I'm already in lala land. I don't need serious anything, nor do I need shadow work. I'm already perfectly made in the image of God. Anything otherwise is saying God isn't perfect. I just need to change my way of thinking. My thinking patterns will change when I change my frequency and I will start to vibrate higher towards the love frequency. I have already gotten beyond myself. There's nothing to do but just be. Whomever/whatever I chose. If I choose to do nothing, then so be it. If I chose to do whatever, then so be it. If I suffer, then so be it, if I'm happy, sad, miserable, joyful, angry, frustrated...whatever state, then so be it. Those are passing. The only thing remains is who I truly am, I welcome suffering because I know it's not who I am. It's a fucking state. 

    Shadow work is not necessarily that you get yourself stuck in the shadow and then try to find your way out. Shadow work simply is accepting where you are and surrendering into it. And that might be a way of truly attuning your frequency to the frequency of your true self, instead of sticking a happy face sticker on your gas gauge, so to speak. And, sure, if you don't feel like you need to do it, then don't, but still be aware of your possible self deceptions. I mean there might be points in your life where you are trying to run away from yourself. 


  7. 4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    We have to understand what suffering is, what its purpose is, what existence is, how existence materializes itself.  existence is the goddess kali, she laughs at suffering. suffering is love. nothing is forbidden, everything goes for the sake of greater complexity, greater evolution and greater art, and if your destiny is to be tortured for a year in the dungeons of the sultan son of a bitch, hallelujah for it. But as a human, I'm going to avoid suffering as much as I can, and feel real pity for who is suffering. 

    I don't think anyone is a real victim. Sometimes I myself also am feeling like everyone can find freedom and enlightenment, or whatever shit you call it, except me. Sometimes i'm feeling like i'm like the only one who is experiencing real pain that is just hopeless, you see. I think that is a pretty common theme of the human psyche. 


  8. 10 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    This is why I try to broaden my horizons and contemplate things for myself. Make it make sense to me. Compare my experiences to the teachings. Go within. Somethings i go on by faith, some intuition, some logic, some reason, some by comparison and some I just ignore. I try to only listen to high quality content and subscribe to channels I resonate with. I will also listen to people I don't agree with to not just look for things to just reiterate my own beliefs. Overall, I try to put the pieces together, even though I'm aware of self-deception, the mind games and traps, but you gotta start somewhere.

    Yeah, you need serious shadow work and meditation, and you need to find the balance in these, otherwise you end up getting lost in suffering or in a your imaginary la la land. 


  9. 2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Yea, I understand that but there are ways to overcome that, through awareness and love. The LOA is not an idea. The Universe is not just random, there are rules and laws that governs it. Creation is finished even though it's still expanding. The sun doesnt shine only when it feels like it.

    Yeah sure, i agree with what you are saying. I've been pretty involved in such ideas like hermetic philosophies and law of attraction teachings, and so forth, as my username already probably suggests, but the problem with most contemporary teachers who teach such ideas is that they try to make it look like it is so easy, just think positive thoughts and that's all, etc, but clearly it's not as easy as that in practice. 


  10. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Well, you want to maintain a generally positive outlook on life. But at the same time have a healthy respect for the suffering people go through.

    Exactly, and i wanna do that without losing my own peace and balance. As an analogy, kinda like being a good doctor where you are not suffering about the pain of your patients. You stay strong and in tune, and be able to help them in the best way possible like that. But of course this is a very idealized scenario, much easier said than done. 


  11. 12 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Your "argument", to me, is a little more relatable and resonates more with me. I just can't relate to the "what if's". It's like I'm trying to create that.

    Yeah, it seems that the idea of law of attraction has some truth to it, and we tend to experience some sort of a reflection of our state of mind, somehow. However, i think we shouldn't use that idea as an excuse of spiritual bypassing, because the psyche is very deep, it is not shallow. 


  12. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That level of suffering hardly registers if you consider that they were children in Africa who have legs blown off and parents killed by bombs.

    Yeah, sure, i'm not denying that. I'm just trying to understand the mechanism of suffering, so to speak, and what to do about that. And also what to do about the suffering that we are in, that we are experiencing, from our perspective of being. 


  13. Contemplation and self honesty are very important, very very important. But you also should be surrendering to the stillness, to the inner peace and resonance, while contemplating, otherwise mind is so tricky to get you into a state of self torturing, hopelessness, fear, and so forth. 

    So there should be a balance point we need to find, otherwise i also know and experience how torturous mind can be in convincing you that you are in a very bad situation and that you are truly fucked up, and things like that.