The Buddha

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Everything posted by The Buddha

  1. It could work but be aware that is also a paradox. Because you know that you don't know shit. It's like the zen talk about how a devotee asked the master: I've freed myself from all desires except one. How can one free himself of the desire of desiring not to desire?
  2. Not everything is black and white. Find the merging points and start there, little by little. As this problem started also little by little, so you will get out little by little. If you still think that your situation is black and white and that method doesn't work. Try using negative motivation to get out of negative motivation. If you say that everything is out of negative motivation (I doubt it), but if it was really that the case the only way out is the method you are already using but with that thing itself. Other examples would be how to get out of extreme skepticism, being eskeptical about skepticisim. This is for very extreme cases, if that is your case, the only way out is using the thing that is destroying all your life, to use it against itself and therefore it will destroy itself. Hope I helped you. Have a nice day beautiful soul!
  3. @deso You have realized truth but not love. You are missing the embracement of all reality. You have realized what is but you do not love what is. You have come to a very big insight about the illusion and pointless of reality, however your are still trying to change what is. You understand truth but you want to change it, with this you are creating a resistance. Other type of resistance are not as painfull as the resistance of truth. That is why you feel like that because you are resisting what cannot be resisted. You are trying to block the eternal flow of universal isness that you have discovered. This what is causing so much suffering in you. Only by Pure and Inconditional Love and Compassion to all Reality and Truth the ultimate realization can be attained. You are very close beautiful soul. It is in this times where the essence is understood. When the grape is crashed to make the best wine. When carbon is at an insane preassure and hotness is when diamonds are formed. See this as the great opportunity you were searching all your life. This is the Universe way, like water boils at 100 degres, there is no why, It is what It is. So be willing to jump to the abyss, It's scary because it's in fact the last thing you want to do, you even prefer staying like this than jumping, but it's the next step beautiful soul. It's the infinite abyss there is no ground that can stop you, it's the groundless ground. Don't think, have faith and jump, the Universe will take great care of you. All my blessings and courage, just do it
  4. @Ananta I love that quote from Nisargadatta Maharaj. It's one of the best pointings, I've ever read.
  5. If you boiled down all your wisdom into very few simple sentences What would that be?
  6. @peanutspathtotruth Thank you. I really enjoyed it <3
  7. @Flowerfaeiry In order to something new to be born, something has to die. To open a new door you have to close and old one. Then snake has to slough his skin before a new one can appear. Go with the flow. What you are experiencing is the end of a big cycle but all ends are a new beginning. Enjoy the process and allow yourself to be reborn into your highest potential. Do not force anything, everything has it's time. No flower blossoms in one day, you neither can force it to flourish. You can only put fertil earth, water it, provide her good sun and fresh air, lots of loves and then faith that everything is going perfect. Have a nice day beautiful soul!
  8. The main problem is that all the ideas you can have about awakening are not like an actual awakening. The same way all ideas you can have about chocolate are not like the whole experience of eating chocolate. You need to understand that the idea of what you are searching is not what it is in reality. Basically because awakening it's outside all dualistic notions.
  9. @ajai I'm not claiming anything. I just enjoy The Buddha's teaching as u may enjoy Swami Vivekananda's teachings. Just made a question and I would also enjoy your answer
  10. What you experienced was negative perfection. What is missing is positive perfection: Love & Compassion. In the Union of both you find Blissfulness. It's the full circle.