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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Things comes and go, is born and dies. That's how it is. Any reason to why is simply to make you comfortable (or uncomfortable) with the fact.
  2. Noice, then how do you stop resisting your current experience? ?
  3. How do you love more?
  4. Aren't there more effient ways though? I'm sure you can learn a thing or two from the history channel. ?
  5. It didn't sound harsh to me. ? In fact I share your opinion about it. I have a family, house and job. I live a pretty much balanced life that you talk about. That said I see it as a subjective opinion. It was the "right" path for me and see nothing wrong about someone choosing to meditate in a cave for 20 years. I get your point though and I think it's great that you share your view with us as a counterbalance to a more extreme viewpoint.
  6. Yes, exactly. Further depth to experience what is. It's up to each one to decide how deep they want to go. I wouldn't say it's overrated but depends on how high they value that. If they value practicality chances are they will pursue fulfilment without.
  7. It's used by the mind to make logical conclusions. The conclusions are not the truth itself though.
  8. @DefinitelyNotARobot Good questions. ?
  9. Beautiful! What more is left to seek and realize after this?
  10. I'm not gonna make a sales pitch for any "path" but ask you if you value truth? Because that's how it all started for me. I questioned what was actually true or not. For example if you are being cut off in traffic and you say "what a d#@k". It that actually true? Or is the tree a tree? Where have you learned that it is a tree? Where does it start and end? If a mushroom is growing on the tree is it a part of the tree or are they separate from each other? It's simply an investigation into truth.
  11. I see it as existence being conscious.
  12. Yeah, if every thing has infinite value it means that nothing has more value than anything else which is the same as saying that nothing matters. Exactly! ?
  13. Isn't that the same thing as nothing matters and having no value though? ?
  14. Exactly. Some needs are being fulfilled or else you wouldn't stay in it. With that logic though you'll be stuck in the relationship forever. At a point it's time to let things go. When is of course for you to decide. ?
  15. Yeah, it takes alot of courage to admit you've made a mistake. If I were in there position though I would feel relieved that you had come to me and asking for help to get out. I'd help you in a heartbeat. Maybe there's some internal resistance in you that makes it hard to reach out? I know I've had a hard time to ask for help when I've been struggling in life. Basically it's been about pride for me. "I can take care of myself" mindset. Maybe there's something else for you though?
  16. Exactly. ? It's subjective. Truth tend to slip through your fingers when you try to explain it. What's true for you right in this moment? You investigate into it. You see directly and all explanations about it is second hand knowledge. ?
  17. Align with reality instead of trying to align it to you and life will become much simpler. ?
  18. @ivankiss Yeah it's all about who you're talking to imo. Some are open to this and some not. If I think they are open to it I'll mention that some things real and other things are only thought and that this work is grounding yourself in whats real, this present moment.
  19. In what way would it be a huge loss and difficult change? By believing that you are creating a hurdle for yourself out of thin air. It's basically your mind playing tricks on you. Have you ever feared doing something, like talking in public, which wasn't really that big a deal? You laugh over the fact that you were so afraid of it before. ?
  20. @UpperMaster If you just blindly believe what Leo is saying it would be a very shallow understanding. Then all you could do is just parrot what he's saying but it won't really have an impact in you own life. If you instead try to understand what he is saying and see where it fits in your own belief system. Work on all the question marks you have about it. Then it will be more integrated. You won't just believe his words but understand what he's saying. Maybe you won't agree fully or maybe you will but he will not have any authority over you. An even deeper understanding is connecting it to your direct experience. This is highly important when doing spiritual work. When someone is saying anything spiritual then you need to investigate into your own experience and see whether it fits. It won't be true to you until ypu realize it for yourself.
  21. @Keanu Here are some ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SE5O9tjqMo&t=2
  22. @Gneh Onebar It's a new way of being and can feel terrifying in the beginning but you will soon find your way through this. ?
  23. @Phil777 god loves full stop.