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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @Hugo Oliveira Firmly establish yourself in that content less first person awareness. The rest will be taken care of.
  2. Yes Reality is not infinite in the common sense of that word. Such Finity and infinity are abstractions of mind. But Reality is infinite in the sense that it has no limiting feature or dimension. Notice the word 'infinite'. It is not a word with positive feature. It implies the lack or absence of (in) a condition (finite)
  3. Non attachment(vairagya) rightly understood is another name of liberation. Wrongly understood, it is another cool sounding spiritual jargon like compassion, uncoditional love, acting enlightened etc which can be practiced, followed and developed. Non attachment is the condition when the Self never attaches itself to anything. Not because the Self one day somehow gets super slippery, but through the realization that there is nothing else but the Self. The Self never becomes a thing nor finds a thing to attach itself to.
  4. @freeman194673 No woo woo meditation or spirituality will work in your situation. What you need is suicidal despair and the corresponding insatiable desire to get out of this sea of shit you're currently drowned in. The only thing that can liberate you now is Focus. Forget all techniques and ideas. First develop a massively strong commitment to turn your life around and the desire to build up this master key called Focus. Forget the hows. First, muster all your courage to take the first step which is vision. Don't try to fix everything at once in your life like studies, relationship, health, diet, self image etc. Screw it all and just commit to yourself to develop only thing: Focus. The power of a single focused thought.
  5. You can always send an email to god and hope it doesn't end up landing into the spam folder
  6. No it doesn't if you have such shallow understanding and way of thinking about self inquiry
  7. Attaboy. Keep contemplating. 1) the more 'consistency' and 'logic' is just another more features of the dream. Just like some dreams are fleeting, vague while some are colorful and vivid. 2) the substance is nothing. Its really nothing and the mechanism that is adopted for appearance is imagination/abstraction. Something seeming but not really there. 3) forgetfulness and self delusion is the name of the game. The very fabric of dream; the engine that makes it possible to appear in the 1st place is forgetfulness, self delusion and denial of this being the case.
  8. Delusion, self deception and forgetfulness. Only a few lucky ones receive an Illuminating, vivid dream that re-contextualizes the waking state. Use it. Contemplate on your own questions you asked here. You already know the answers to them. The dream showed you the answers to it. Probe into the lessons and hints the dream trying to show you. @Someone here
  9. @actualizing25 Don't let Leo or anyone else divert you from something you are contemplating towards. Yes enlightenment is very very rare, even among the majority of spiritual circles; but seeing from the other perspective its the surest of surest, the easiest thing ever. Its because you are already it, you're destined to wake up as yourself. The reason why 99.99999999% of people won't wake up is because- Phase 1: This message of nonduality will never reach them in a lucid, coherent, logical, rational manner without any woo woo, junks and follies. Phase 2: Even after the message is reached, most likely it will be denied, grapled with, misunderstood, diverted etc in various degrees by most people. A big number of them will think they've got their version right and majority of spiritual people are stuck here. Phase 3: Very few will intellectually understand the message of nonduality without any excess fluff. This results in the death of curiousity and doubt towards all forms of 'knowledge'. Meaning, knowledge of things. Phase 4: the very few who really gets this intellectually now meet the bulk of the work. This is where the rubber meets the road. One has to be emotionally and energetically attuned and focused to realize this Truth. But the habitual mental patterns, corresponding desires and fears and the folly of contradicted personality all work in full force so that one cannot focus properly where it is needed to be. Phase 5: by overcoming all the phases, the rare lucky ones will drop all last vestiges of ignorance and obstruction and get WOKE.
  10. @heretohelp When you get WOKE, your 'universe' dies with you.
  11. @bejapuskas Love: Am I joke to you now?
  12. Exactly. This is called Drishti-Srishti vada or Instantaneous creation doctrine. All spirituality boils down to 3 types of such doctrines. 1) Srishti-drishti vada (progressive creation): This is the conventional worldview of time, space, causality and a material world independent of the perceiver. This is for people with dull intelligence who can't go through discrimination and higher lines of philosophical inquiry, knock knock! That means over 99.9999% people. All of science and religion is in this doctrine. This is the most deluded position one can take. 2) Drishti-srishti vada (Instantaneous creation): a thing is only there as long as you perceive it. There is no causality or time or progressive creation. It may not be the highest truth but it is the most useful tool to adopt to realize the Truth because it gradually robs attention of all interest from appearance. 3) Ajata vada (doctrine of unborn): this is the realization which reflects most closely to the highest Truth by enlightened masters. No 'thing' ever came, comes or will come into existence. One is unable to believe or adopt this doctrine as there is no one there to believe it.
  13. ...Until a new challenger appears in 209947th trip
  14. Nobody is missing anything. If one is woke, one is WOKE. Period. Things get confusing and devolve into circle jerk when people hold a certain label on the pedestal. Like how Buddhists worship 'emptiness', New age vegans worship 'love', Hindus worship 'the Self', modern spiritual fanbois worship 'consciousness'. So on and so forth.
  15. Some verses from 'Devikalottara' to help with contemplation and self inquiry on Consciousness. 1) Understand that one who is not able to realise the Truth in his Heart by this knowledge of spiritual wisdom known as Kala Jnana, can never attain it even by studying countless crores of sastras (scriptures) spread out like the sky. 2) Therefore cast aside all fears (on following this path) and shed all doubts. Giving up attachment or desire for anything, be ardent in seeking the ultimate knowledge with wholehearted devotion and with a clear mind (without any trace of confusion). 3) When the mind moves even a little, that is samsara (worldly bondage); when the mind abides firmly and motionlessly (in the state of Self), that is mukti (liberation). This is certain. Therefore know that the wise man must hold his mind firm by supreme Self-awareness. 4) The happiness attained in this aloneness is the highest, boundless bliss. Which learned persons will not revel in that Supreme Reality, in which there is absolutely no action? Tell me 5) Being rid of the worldly knowledge, the great hero who has acquired pure wisdom, in which there are no sense objects, and which is all pervading and without any form, will attain immutable moksha without fail. 6) The void which is the infinite and all-encompassing one whole without a second, which is just the effulgence of pure wisdom, which is completely devoid of visible phenomena and which consists of the aspect ‘I’ is the seed which fructifies as liberation, bestowing salvation by enabling one to unite with the Supreme 7) Instead of following this direct path, do not ever contemplate even in the least upon chakras (located in six adharas, centres in the body), nadis (subtle nerves that produce the ten divine sounds such as Pranava), the deities associated with the lotus seats (in the adhara chakras, beginning with Vinayaka), the mantraksharas (potent sound syllables for the worship of these deities) and the diverse mandala murtis (the God-aspects, starting from those controlling the sun, Surya Mandala, the moon, Chandra Mandala, and fire, Agni mandala). 8) For those whose minds are constantly expanding, clinging to external objects, factors will always arise causing increasing bondage. If the outward-wandering mind is turned inwards to stay in its natural state, know that one will not undergo any suffering in the world. 9) Unite with that one totality, which is all-pervasive, which has no inside or outside, which is bereft of all (concept of) directions such as above, below and in between, which assumes all the forms in creation and yet is itself formless, which can be known only by itself, and which is self-luminous. 10) If any person does not meditate on this great all- pervading void, which is the space of consciousness (chidakasa), he will be a samsari (a worldly individual) forever in bondage to worldly attachments, like the silkworm in its self made cocoon. Understand this. 11) All living beings, of whatever genus, undergo great misery over and over again. Hear from me. In order to avert all this suffering and sorrow, meditate on the great void constantly without any break. 12) The mind, hankering after things of the world, is more restless than a monkey. If one controls it from wandering after external things and holds it in the void of non-matter one will attain liberation directly. 13) This complete wholeness pervades inside and outside all creations like ether, merging with them, and is itself formless. Dear, those who are submerged in this supreme bliss become that supreme bliss themselves. See, how wonderful! 14) If one meditates that the one Consciousness (chit) is different from the prana (life-force), which has subtly attached itself to this gross body, from the mind, from the intellect and from the ego, one will become established in that Consciousness. 15) Due to sleep and due to thoughts the mind always loses its sharpness, its foolishness increases, and it goes to ruin. Awakening this mind with effort, and without allowing it to wander, establish it in the state of Self. Persevere in this effort by fixing the mind again and again in its natural state. 16) Make the mind, which always clings to some support (attaching itself to sense-objects), devoid of all such supports. Making the mind, which is restless in clinging to external supports, motionless, do not disturb that tranquillity even a little. 17) When one adopts the practice (sadhana) by means of which one’s mind, which is restless like the wind, is made still perpetually, then the purpose of taking birth as a human being is fulfilled. That is also the mark of a true scholar. 18) If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state. 19) Know that whoever meditates on that supreme void, and becomes established in it by virtue of constant practice, will definitely attain the great state which is beyond birth and death. 20) I alone am. No one belongs to me; nor do I belong to anyone else. I can see no one who can call me his; neither can I see anyone who is mine. I am all alone. 21) The day one is able to see oneself with his inner eye as not the body, all his desires vanish, and he experiences perfect peace. 22) I am pure Awareness, immaculate, perfectly liberated; and forever present everywhere. I am indeterminable. No one can grasp me or leave me. I am free from sorrow. I am always brahmamayam (of the nature of Brahman). 23) Even if the aspirant acquires many kinds of supernatural powers and magical powers such as visualising what is buried underneath the earth, and can demonstrate them before the world, he should give up mental attachment to them. All these (powers) are only bondages to the individual soul. Further they drag one to follow a low path. The supreme joy of liberation does not lie in any of them, but only in the Infinite Consciousness.
  16. You still have this question after seeing Leo's recent videos? 1) 5 Meo up your butt 2) All you can trip buffets 3) be god and look down upon everything ?
  17. I don't get this chronic attempt to make something True, or this incessant tendency to propound whats True; whether it be solipsism or another crazy new vegan propaganda. How often we forget the most basics of basics- "Truth cannot be conceptualized or verbalized" Read that again. Slowly. "Truth cannot be conceptualized or verbalized" Solipsism is another limited perspective from the distorted lens of ego-mind, just like all other theories. "Truth cannot be conceptualized or verbalized" Don't try to make that statement 'true'. This statement implies negation.
  18. Thought I'd share this concise poster presentation on nonduality by Akilesh Ayyar (Previously known as WinterKnight in this forum). I found it from his website. It was presented in science and nonduality conference. Check it out! Its a shame though that 2 enlightened masters couldn't remain in the same jungle ? Anyway puns aside, check out the content SAND+poster+presentation+2019+pdf.pdf
  19. Sweet sweet stuff Funny how many seemingly 'romantic' statements are actually yearning and realization of non duality
  20. What you are really asking is ''Can I ever claim Myself?'' Of course! There is not a moment when you are not yourself.
  21. Yes it is. And slowly you let go of that 'meta' knowledge as well, making less and less fuss about it as you dive deeper into the unknowing. This is simply the mind's projection of it's own fickle nature and it's desperation to survive and find security for itself. For the mind, yes it sounds depressing af, yes its the worst and most nihilistic thing ever, yes you'll lose EVERYTHING. But in reality, in return, you are eternally blessed with the Best 'thing' ever; Your own Self, the crown jewel of all of existence. It forever fulfills your heart on and on... Losing everything, you find the best 'thing' ever
  22. Uuggh Mandy you're such a skilled linguistic contortionist! Might have wet dreams about it tonight (joke. pls don't ban my ass lol. hope you're doing well xoxo)