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Everything posted by kras

  1. That is little of topic but when i think about it my friends have never supported me when i share something with them. When i share what car for example i am going to buy they just start saying shit about how stupid this car is, or if i say what type of career i might pursue they will start questioning my ability to perform that kind of work.
  2. Yeah i must do that.. When i think how much time i spent hanging out with same friends dicussing same topics over and over and over again. Not to mention the fact that i was a yes guy and i used to feel very bad if i reject some friends to go out with them.
  3. What do you think guys? I was on a first date with one girl last week, i took her in one bar for 30 minutes, then we went in my car, chatted and kissed a little bit. So we had a good time on our first date. We gonna hang out again but i am wondering if dinner date is trying too hard for the second date? What do you think?
  4. Are you the only one who always try to reach out? If that's the case she take you for granted because you are always there for her, i don't believe that girls are attracted to that kind of behavior from guys. And also keep in mind that the girls don't want to be saved.. Also she ignores your messages, that's not good and shows disrespect. Parththakkar12 is right, you don't have clear intention with her, do you want her romanticly or want her as a friend. I am pretty sure is a first one, but one thing that i figured out that is very important is to show clear intent what you want from a person, not saying it explicitly but more likely implicitly.
  5. It happened again. When i am rejected i feel very big pain and suffering, i start feeling like shit, getting really depressed and beating myself that i am not worthy and ugly. Yesterday i was rejected by one girl, the other day we were on a first date and when i texted her yesterday she didnt respond, she didnt even seen my messege. And i am like "Why she could do that? Why she didnt even responded?" If she had said "Hey it was nice to meet you but i am not really into you" or something like that, i will be completely fine and i wouldnt be hurt me so much. But in this case it feels as though i am fucking piece of shit who dont even deserve a reply. I woke up during the night with anxiety and i wanted to cry. You might say that i will get used to rejections but i dont think that's gonna work out. I feel that the issue is deeper than just ego feeling bad from getting rejected. What could be the root problem? Low self esteem, codependency, lack of self love or all three? I might also have some trauma which i am not aware of.. And how i can heal myself?
  6. Do you know what is the worst part? Even if you get matches, lots of them will go nowhere, some wont respond, some of them will text you a little and then stop.
  7. Ok guys, I have issue with a girl who text all the time. In the beginning my ego felt very good about it, because nobody has ever showed me so big of an interest via text. But it got really frustrating very fast. I met this girl via tinder and exchanged instagram 3 weeks ago, and we hangout two times. She is nice but i am not sexually attracted to her. She is literally texting me every fucking day these 3 weeks. I tried to delay my responses and text with short answers but it doesn't seem to work. I am not kidding that if i reciprocate her texts we will text for 12 hours a day. The most frustrating thing is that she gives me very strange boyfriend girlfriend vibe (we didnt even kiss). She asks me with who i am when i say i am out and other specific details about my day. I am also needy person but thats too much even for me. How to deal with that situation i dont want to hurt her feelings.
  8. Have you been in a relationship which you are describing?
  9. I am just speaking hypothetically but the thread is about romantic relationship. Ofcourse i could be friend with that kind of person
  10. I see the inner beauty, thats way i say 10/10 personality
  11. I think that you really live in a dreamland. But maybe i am just seeing the world through lens which doesn't allow me to see what you are saying. Have you been in a relationship which you are describing?
  12. Ok, i am already pissed of, another first date with a new girl which went nowhere. I am so sick of trying to escalate and its doesn't fucking work. Girl had high interest because she invited me on a date as soon as we matched on tinder, we went on a car date, driving couple of locations and then i parked on a private place. We talked for like 20 minutes i tried to kiss her, and she gave me her cheek ad giggled. I took her to her home and before she left the car she said i would want to hang out again and sorry for rejecting your kiss, i am not doing kiss on a first date. I am really frustrated now because this is maybe the fifth time this month with five different girls on a five different first dates. I don't know, i don't have any fucking motivation to go on a dates anymore, i am really pissed of. PS: I know all the theory.
  13. What would be the best scenario for a first date, if we assume that there is no lockdown(i already know that restoraunt is a bad idea)
  14. I have blind spots which i cant see... I am in a stage in my life which i want to improve this aspect of it.
  15. This is something that i had to learn long time ago.
  16. Hey guys, can you recommend me some good courses, books about social skill? I am trying my best to be good communicator but i am naturaly introvert so its a bit difficulty for me. Ive already read couple of times How to win friend and influence people so you can skip that option ;),
  17. Just a little backstory, i met i girl on Tinder and we clicked with each other pretty qukcily. I took her instagram and we kept our conversation there. We texted alot everyday for 5 days, it was very good sign that she was texting me first most of the times. I asked her out and ofcourse she accpeted. Yestarday we went on a date with my car (because of the lockdown there is nowhere esle to go in my country), bought hot drinks and parked my car on a private location with a nice view. We talked like 30 - 40 minutes she didnt shut her mouth almost all of the time, and then the perfect moment happened, she shut up and leaned on the the passanger seat towards me. We both hold eye contact for a seccond and i smoothly leaned towards to kiss her. And here is the strange and weird part, as i became very close to her she stared me and just freezed, like a death person, no reactions at all. (she didnt freaked out though, just freez) So i backed off because if i had kissed her it would have been like kissing a statue. When i backed off she kept staring at me and i tried again, but the same not reaction from her, i felt very cringy and awkward. I just said sorry i am in a mood and she said i am not. I kept talking about other stuff just to go out off that strange situation. As i was taking her home i was just saying to myself that there is no way to see this girl again after this weird date (just part of it). After i got home, she texted me. We texted for 40 mintutes and i got to bed. The point here is that she keep texting me after that weird situation that happend, when i think about it i just feel so embarassed.
  18. I feel you man, this all tinder thing is so frustrating. ''Given you still want to meet" I think that this communicate lack of confidence, i am not saying that this is the reason but who knows. Communicate as though you are certain that she wants.
  19. I really have to stop trying to get a girl from social media and start interacting with real people outside..
  20. In terms of dating i know all the theory, my experiance is not very extensive though. I performed all of the things you said on a good level. She wasnt shy, i felt that she was masculine type of a girl.
  21. Thanks for the comments. I will not necessarily pursue her further however i would really want to know what happend. I will update what she will say about it.
  22. Idk. It might something with that i always beat myself up when i mess up something, eventhough i dont think that i messed up in that situation. But usualy the things my mind says are "Why did you do that?'' ''You are failure!''