
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vizual

  1. I think this can be a good development if it's properly accompanied by medical and mental health professionals and there's a proper scientific basis for the treatment approach. You don't want a bunch of cowboys running drug shops and calling it therapeutic.
  2. Let go of the story. Bad story, good story, average story, it’s all just baggage anyway. Not much need for it.
  3. Is Leo going to slap Curt now? Btw: Can’t wait to see Leo in G.I. Jane 2, I heard he’s going to play a mad MK Ultra LSD scientist
  4. The unknown is the only thing that ultimately makes ‘being’ worthwhile in the first place, i think. Imagine knowing exactly how everyday the rest of your life is going to play out. That’s literally hell. Of course we do need some predictability and stability in our lives so we don’t go mad. But that shouldn’t be our end goal, because it will go away. The known is finite, the unknown is infinite.
  5. It’s all just very selective. If it wasn’t black Marcus Rashford, but Asian Son Heung-min who was insulted because of his racial background, this guy would not get jail time. I’m against racism because I think judging people solely on the basis of their skin is very dumb. But I don’t believe the solution is to try and erase racism with brute force. I think you are only going to put people on edge.
  6. @Yarco No, Christians think that Jesus = God. They surely won't think that people that reject Jesus are in any shape or form are 'the chosen ones'. And no, Christians don't think that they have to work to get into heaven (Ephesians 2:8 ).
  7. @Knowledge Hoarder I think people usually fap either out of boredom, or escapism. If you are constantly bored make sure you have productive things to do. If you are trying to escape your problems, it would be wise to try and face your problems. If you are constantly engaged with life, and you are happy you don’t even feel the urge to fap. You would rather do real things.
  8. That’s just your perspective. Muslims will say they are the “chosen ones” by Allah. Christians will say they are the chosen ones because they believe in Christ. Christians think Jews are heretics, Jews think Christians are following a false prophet etc. You can make a list of amazing achievments of historical people who identified as Jewish. But you can say the same about Christians and Muslims.
  9. Racist is not the right word. I would use the word delusional. Yes, the idea of ‘chosen people’ based on ethnicity and religious beliefs is delusional
  10. People are getting sick of woke culture and people getting cancelled. People are generally stupid, but not that stupid. They are catching on that political correctness is getting too far. Add to the fact that the democrats don’t have any strong faces at the moment; Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, AOC,… No one takes these people seriously. They don’t have a Barack Obama kind of figure. Joe Biden is even the best of the bunch. An the democrats have made the mistake to not distance themselves from left woke extremists. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have had so many opportunities to distance themselves from these movements. But they didn’t, and the public won’t forget that. I have seen analysts say that the democrats are basically defeating themselves. It’s not even that the republicans are doing so well that they are defeating the democrats. The democrats just have not paid enough attention and adjusted.
  11. It’s very annoying when you are debating or discussing with someone and they try to discredit your argument by calling you a neocon, facist, altrighter, or whatever. It’s so close minded.
  12. That's spiritual nonsense. If you want to do things well and make real progress you need to have certain standards and goals. And these goals need to matter to you in some way, and matter to the world. If I let you do some meaningless task like searching for needles in haystacks you won't use your capacities to your fullest abilities and you will be miserable after a while. It doesn't matter how present or not present you are. The things you aim at in life matter, to you and also to the world. Seriousness is a basic need in a persons life if he wants to be happy. I don't want to dog on Mr Watts personally but he had a lot of personal demons including alcoholism. Surely he had not figured everything out how to live optimally as a human being so I encourage you to at least question the advice on life he gives to people. Don't be blinded by his charisma
  13. @Jahmaine Would you want your doctor to not take his job seriously? Do you want your employer not taking his job seriously when he is about to pay you your wages? Do you not want the police to take their job seriously in protecting people? I think Mr. Watts uses the concept of seriousness kind of immaturely here. And I think what he really means is that life is ultimately meaningless. That we are all born, live and die. And that that period between being and death do not really matter in an absolute sense. But while being alive, your endeavor are definitely serious. If you don't have food, water, shelter, basic safety and security. You will feel this seriousness, you're just being foolish and immature if you deny that.
  14. If Russia is the party that is on the defensive in this invasion, then who is exactly the attacking party? My guess is you are going to answer with NATO or 'the west', because they supposedly installed a puppet government in Ukraine. But even if that was true, that's still not an act of military aggression like a full scale invasion. Nor have the supposed neo-nazis attacked Russia, so they can't be the aggressor either. Then who is the aggressor really?
  15. Learn how to communicate authentically with people, not just superficially. I think when we communicate with people on auto-pilot we can't truly appreciate other people. We take them for granted and deep down it feels that spending time with that person is a burden. And then there's also the issue of fear, that we fear communicating authentically with people because we fear being judged. But we have get over that fear if we want to live lovingly and consciously. Because only then can we truly connect with other people. You can't connect with other people if there's a layer of fear between you and them.
  16. Most historians agree that Jesus Christ was most likely a real person, not just a made up mythical allegory. Of course, it's not proven that Jesus really performed those miracles or that he rose from the dead and we don't know for sure how much of the story is fact and how much is fiction. But the story of Jesus was not purely allegorical. The way the New Testament is written, from different points of view from different characters, also don't make sense if the story is just meant to be allegorical. It's like if George Lucas remade the exact same Star Wars movie, just from the POV of different characters within that movie. That's highly unusual. Obviously the point of the New Testament and its multiple point of views on the same events is to convince the people that Jesus and his story were real actual events that took place.
  17. Whether Ukraine is backed by the west or not doesn't really matter. Vietnam was also backed by Russia and China when they fought the Americans. It were still the Vietnamese that fought and were the victor through the lense of history. And the world laughed that the mighty US military was defeated by a bunch of "farmers with straw hats".
  18. Let's say I have a pair of dice. And each die has 1 million sides. 499,999 sides are pink(representing female), other 499,999 sides are blue(male), 1 side is orange(non-sex), and 1 side is green(binary-sex). Do you think it's fair that the observation we make in 999,998 of dice rolls are to be totally disregarded(being clearly either pink or blue evenly distributed) because in 2 in a million rolls we roll something differently(orange or green)? We can still be rational about sexes(male and female) while still acknowledging outliers. It does not have to be one or the other.
  19. If you had two parents with male biology you would not be born, if you had two parents with female biology you would be born either. You need both male and female DNA for reproduction. This is just a basic observation in biology. This is observation does not just exist out of necessity. You just have to observe biology and you will find a distinction between male and female. When two male primates have sex with each other you can observe that neither will get pregnant. When a male and female primate have sex with each other you will observe that it's always the female that gets pregnant, and not the male. This is just basic science. Just like I can observe the moon, and observe that the moon has different characteristics than the empty space surrounding the moon. That's why we conceptualize the moon. Because the moon has defining traits that differentiates itself from empty space. Just like male and female biology have differentiated traits. The practical implication do not even matter in case of observation.
  20. Why would I even listen or talk to you, because you can't also point toward the instance that you were created. You are also just a 'construct' then. I can discard you if I want to because I can't pinpoint when in the biological cycle you were created. If I killed you it doesn't matter, you can not point toward a concrete line of your creation.
  21. My assumptions do not matter in this case, because my assumptions won't change the female biology of that person. I'm fine with acknowledging that that person is born a woman, but prefers to be a man. But I won't acknowledge that that is a biological male when it was born a female.
  22. There is never a level playing field because it's never meant to be. Men are generally physically stronger, but women live longer. Some people are intellectually gifted, but not athletically gifted, and vice versa. Some people are better built for long distance running, while other people are better at sprinting because of muscle fiber differences. But of course there are still people who definitely have genetic disadvantages. If you are short you are not going to make it in the NBA. If you have Down syndrome you are not going to make it in any professional sport most likely, that's why they created the special olympics. We can also say that Down Syndrome is just a social construct, but does that really help anyone?
  23. Then literally everything you say is just a construction, and can be discarded as false and not worth listening to. Including that statement. And in such a culture it's the minority at the power hierarchy that gets to define what is true and false. 2 + 2 = 5, you are free to do as we tell you etc.
  24. It's nonsense that male/female is just a conceptual construct. Animals don't conceptualize, yet, they know very well the difference between a member of their own sex, and a member of the opposite sex. It's a joke that people that somehow just invented that somewhere along the way. It's like saying the moon is just a conceptual construc - and therefore doesn't really exist - because people made up the word 'moon'. This is just lunacy.