
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vizual

  1. It's because this guy has major red flags all around him, he also has been involved with other scandals in the past(alleged financial fraud and suicide cases during his retreats). Adding to his overall sketchy presentation and inconsistent teachings.
  2. I love his Enlightenment trilogy. I don't really care who Jed McKenna is, or even if he is enlightened or not, but he's a darn good writer.
  3. People said the same thing about invading Ukraine, and look what happened. I don’t doubt Putins willingness to use nuclear arms if he feels his back is against the wall
  4. @Whatever it’s not very fair to take those remarks out of context. He was obviously talking from the perspective of the absolute. From a relative standpoint rape and murder is obviously wrong.
  5. “Spirituality” is a huge attraction for emotionally wounded and broken young girls. In this world, it would be strange if there aren’t perverts that are trying to take advantage of this.
  6. Open your eyes. He has snake like energy. Sometimes he even makes hiss like noises when he talks. A blind person can see that guys intentions are not pure.
  7. Bashar literally says there are many beings that are having their own experience. This is not solipsism and not what Leo is talking about.
  8. Finland shouldn’t join Nato because I don’t think Putin has any plans to invade Finland. Finland was a major pain in the ass for the Soviets during WW2 and I don’t think Putin wants to burn himself like that. The risk/reward for Putin is just not in his favor. He would rather push through to Moldova, than to invade Finland. And Finland have no interest in joining NATO unless their hand is forced. At this moment their hand is not forced.
  9. Because the left so desperately wants to be seen as tolerant and open minded that they are even willing to be tolerant toward groups and ideologies that are extremely intolerant. Saying that you are tolerant of Christian belief doesn’t score you woke points, so attacking Christianity is free game. It’s even the opposite, attacking Christianity scores you woke points, and you are deemed a ‘free thinker’. While criticizing Islam makes you a ‘bigot’.
  10. @zazen Yeah, in my opinion, if you can't trust your partner without a legal document saying that you are together. You should really consider if you want to be with that person in the first place, let alone have children with that person. This should be common sense.
  11. A new Cold War is more likely. Where the west will cut off trading streams with Russia, and start strengthening Ukraine. I highly doubt Putin would be that stupid to downright attack NATO allies, and if he would, I hope the new generation of Russian leaders will be smart and courageous enough to stop that from happening.
  12. I don’t see his supposed creative genius. His earlier stuff was okay, later he became more mainstream. It’s all pretty ‘meh’ to me. He’s just another hiphop artist in my book, a dime in a dozen.
  13. If you think everyone around you is just a figment of your imagination, being sociopathic really shouldn’t bother you. And if everything is just your imagination. Then why are you still bound by certain laws? Like the laws of physics; if you know you are imagining everything you should be able to fly off into the sky like Superman.
  14. Life is all about finding yourself and living out who you are through your work, projects relationships, your way of being and expressing yourself. It’s pretty much impossible to be bored when you are living authentically. I would say that your boredom comes from you not living from your authentic self, thereby not feeling the enticement and appeal of the outer world. Because what are we really here for? To create something out of nothing. That’s what fills our souls. Creating something of our own. And of course creation can have an infinite amount of manifestations. But there are specific things that you came here for to create, and enjoy.
  15. Yeah but not everyone knows that. Some people may not be that familiar with this community and come across a mod offering teaching services for money. That new person might think that that mod is teaching what Leo is teaching because he is a mod on Obviously there’s an ethical problem there.
  16. @mandyjw i agree it’s not unethical per se. If the mod has a disclaimer that he is not affiliated with Leo or
  17. No it's not about being cool and trendy. I legit don't believe the concept of marriage would add something to my relationship. It's not about resisting getting married, it's about not seeing the point of doing so in the first place. I still respect other people getting married if they desire to do so.
  18. @somegirl Yeah some people will marry purely out of sentimental reasons. But if you aren't sensitive to that kind of stuff, marriage doesn't make sense. Just like some people really like to keep photographs and yearbooks from the past, while for other people that means nothing to them. Really, marriage is just a 'story' you and your partner tell each other to make your relationship feel more 'special', And if you are sensitive to that, go ahead and marry.
  19. It's just social conditioning that the man is always supposed to be taller than the woman in the relationship. If you are secure and confident in yourself, she probably won't care much about your height.
  20. @Mafortu So he took down the solipsism video, and then he took down the video where he explained why he took down the solipsism video? That's some inception shit
  21. Legal marriage is bullshit, but committed relationships are as relevant as ever. But people are scared that their partners will dump them if they don't have financial and legal skin in the game. And, of course, there's the traditional peer pressure of having to get married or else your aren't a 'real man'. That kind of crap.
  22. I'm talking about fathers in general. The vast majority of fathers, who love their daughters and want the best for them, don't want them to become a sex worker. Even if they are treated well. And yes, that's an assumption because I have not done the statistical sociological research on this, but I'm fairly confident on this assessment.
  23. @Knowledge Hoarder I don't really think it's about how women are treated in that industry. Even if the women are treated as queens, you still probably would not want your daughter to become a porn star or a prostitute.