Nothing matters

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Posts posted by Nothing matters

  1. Well whatever it is, you can allways chuck a +1 on it, and that +1 is NOS, everything becomes stronger with it haha ?, there was an experience where my ego was one little teeny tiny pin on an infinite fractle (like one of many sensors) and many more short lasting ego disolutions that went much much further beyond just the petty silly ego, the ego disolution feels like such a small (but not realy) part now compared to whats "beyond", this is just NOS Im talking about here nothing spiecial, Leo if your reading this, do 5-Meo-DMT. or miystery chem-X (or both why not ?) with a balloon hanging out your mouth and be amazed.  

  2. This topic is to bring to light the connection between Taiji (Tai Chi) and non-duality. 

    In order to achieve the higher levels of Taiji one must be in a state of 'emptiness', I assume (but open to being wrong) that this is a non dual state, based on it's links to Taoism (Daoism) and such sages as confucius, bodhidharma and lao tzu ect...

    Some areas the thread could expand on are:

    Energetics, the similarities between taiji and yoga,

    chi (Qi, energy, fa jin, na jin, Sung, Peng, Lu, Ji, An ect...).

    Yi and ting being more 'conceptual'.

    I Ching (Trigram, Hexagram, 64, 3, 6, 9) the links between the sacred geometry of the book of changes and tesla's theory of nine,

    ancient mathematics, yin yang.

    Martial arts and there true intent, differences between 'real' taiji and health tai chi.



