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Everything posted by Greys0n

  1. I think that you need just relax and forget about everything, you try to hard to improve yourself
  2. don't waste time on work you hate
  3. Usually 3 times a day + some snacks
  4. it's a horrible place, many men hate women there, disgusting
  5. no blogs are still popular
  6. i think that there is nothing scary or crazy to go alone
  7. I think that if you decided to continue your education then it's a good thing. I suggest to attend EMBA events or fairs so you get to know about school programs and choose the right courses. It's never too late to learn something new. As said B. Franklin "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest".
  8. also you can get a personal trainer for a motivation
  9. i had bad relationship too, you need to concentrate on smth else
  10. no one wants to date with an asshole
  11. i think that BTC is a huge business
  12. You need to include eggs but also exercises. What is the purpose of your diet? Do you just want to eat healthy food or lose weight? Now I follow low carb diet + running. I also decided to try non surgical butt lift as I have a pear-shaped body. I need to be ready for this summer vacation.
  13. I just forget about existence of such people, I believe in Karma
  14. well we ara afraid not of death but of unknown end
  15. solve logic riddle learn languages read books
  16. Bitcoin is very popular nowadays
  17. It's a temporary effect, don't worry but you can try erotic massage. I think that such therapy is the perfect way to recharge. I had such sensual experience in Ukraine, Josephina spa a few months ago. I was in the business trip and after long flight I decided to relax and booked a session of erotic massage. The masseuse was very gentle. She awakened different energy spots on my body. During the release, I had orgasmic senses in the whole body.
  18. i think your anger will never past till he change his behavior
  19. personal trainer will keep you motivated
  20. i don't know maye someone believes in effect placebo
  21. crispy banana chips yummy
  22. mood swing is also hormonal change