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Everything posted by AdamR95

  1. Few days ago i started talking to camera, just to see how i would come off and i was suprised how hard it is to speak off the cuff and at the same time be authentic and not monotonous. After few days i see some improvements and it gives me an idea to come up with some specific excercises to practice and improve some areas of social skills so that when i am in social situations i would be able to speak without thinking and instead focus on more important aspects of these interactions than trying to think what to say. Some of the excercises i came up with are: 1. Choosing some random word and speaking about it for some time than choosing some word from the last sentence and keep talking about that word for a while too and so on. 2.creating random dialogs with myself, playing roles and improvising. 3.pretending to be comedian, being funny, making jokes and being silly. 4.practising storytelling 5.presenting some random thing or product or trying to sell something and be enthusiastic about it. I think it will be good suplement for my socialisation and its something which i can make habit out of easily. Another benefit is i can retrospect and see my mistakes and i can than see my progress which in real life interactions i am not able to see myself from another perspective and also see objectively my own progress in retrospect. (Obviously its not meant to replace speaking with real people) So what do you think about it? Do you have some ideas for it to make more practical or you think its good strategy as it is?
  2. @NineHfanbase I think its beneficial to be friends with shalow people and be able to appreciate them for who they are even with their shortcomings, just dont make them too close of a friends. No one ever has many close friends anyway, these are rare. So i would suggest working on forgiveness, empathy and tolerance for low conciousness people, just be careful to not let them bring you down on their level and dont let them walk over you.
  3. Does it pay off to try for a girl if it takes too long to get physicaly intimate with her? I know with some girls its easy to have sex on first or second date but with some girl it takes much longer and its usually those girls i consider of best quality. I have a feeling that i lost many opportunities in the past just because i was impatient or just move on to another girl. So how long do you think is worth to try? Is it good strategy to put some girls on a backburner and go on date with them once in a while? Do you have some personal experience when being persistent with a girl for long time pays off in the end?
  4. @NoSelfSelf We can cook something together for example or if its late just to show her how i live and maybe drink some wine or tea together and talk. And yes sex can happen but its not 100% expected and i dont even expect her to come over, the more important reason i ask is i like the fact that i signals her that i am interested in her sexualy. I get a feeling from your responces that you tend to assume that my primal goal is just sex, and generally assume bad attitude on my part. I dont know why it seems to you that way but i would appreciate if you first ask how i think about it and why i do things way i do and when i give you more information you can give me advise that would actually help me.
  5. @NoSelfSelf how is that so? I just show that i am attracted to them and i dont push them to come home with me, i just ask if they wanted to and it doesnt have to lead to sex necesseraly, i just make opportunity to get closer to her. Its not that i fake anything or try to get them to do something they dont like.
  6. I am not talking about specific girl, but generaly i express my desire by teasing, strong eye-contact, touching and leading on dates which i try to end up at my or her place. I am not always perfect at it, but its for what i am aiming for.
  7. @NoSelfSelf @Spiral my goal is indeed relationship, i dont care about sex by itself that much, i care about it more in context of making connection with a girl. The thing is, most dating coaches advise to have sex as soon as possible. So my issue is more that i am afraid that girl will see me more as friend if she doesnt sleep with me. @NoSelfSelf So you saying that it doesnt matter that much if you doesnt sleep with her as long as you keep the sexual tension? That is actually confirming what i am thinking right now.
  8. @NoSelfSelf so you are saying never be patient with them?
  9. @itsadistraction you dont have to talk to everyone to be social. You maybe want to talk to people who has similar interest as you, because some people enjoy talking to anybody and some dont. For example i am much more happier to talk to people at climbing gym than talking to people at party and if i would force myself to go to places where i cant resonate with people that would be recipe to feeling miserable for me. I know, i done that.
  10. For me, practicing on people i am not attracted to doesnt feel authentic to me. I would rather talk to someone which i am attracted to because there is genuine reason i wanna talk to them.
  11. What about people that may be that conscious but just not talk about it. Arent the deeper truths unspeakable afterall?
  12. If you are disappoited because of that video being taken down, you dont need to be. There was nothing new that if you studied this work, you wouldnt already know by now.
  13. Would you rather sacrifice life for what you love or would you rather sacrifice what you love for you to live? For me the answer is clear but i am interested for your ideas.
  14. Unconsciousness is imagined by conciousness to trick itself into identifing with finite being. Unconsciousness is form of consciousnes.
  15. If everything is possible, is it possible for anything to be impossible?
  16. Nothing which would contradict what i said, you just added some complexity to it, offcourse its not binary and there are many dimensions to it.
  17. 1) about 5 years 2) 5x shrooms 1x LSD 3) for about 6 years on and off mostly for 20min, but i kind of spontaneously meditate while in nature or while driving a car, it works for me when my mediations are not scheduled and i let the meditation just happen, so i dont track that kind of meditation i do 4) Its hard to say when i think of my past i cant really know how i felt back then, though i have a feeling that it gets better and better as a time goes but that is probably ilusion 4) the biggest thing for me was discovery of god, my advise would be: enjoy life, be kind to yourself, love as much as you can
  18. I think that not a thoughs but resistance is responsible for suffering. You can be without a though and still resist something and suffer for it. I think its not even limited to ego. Resistance alone is what cause suffering in my observation. And even deeper i think it is probably consequence of duality itself. Duality itself is in a sence some kind of bias or you can say resistance of a unity. As soon as you have duality you have some tension and i think it is a price for existence of finite form, the ultimate karma.
  19. @OneIntoOne Very cute, take some psychedelic and contemplate what you just wrote. You will probably have some laughs.
  20. @The0Self No it isnt, "higher self" or "god" is everything and includes and transcend the duality beetween ilusions and reality. If you say that higher self is ilusion then your definition of higher self is less then what i consider the higher self.
  21. Probably not, because it would require to all of the people to make that decision at the sametime. If only part of society refuse to reproduce that part dies off and that part which wanna reproduce remains so the bias towards reproducing grow even stronger. Thats how the bias originated in the first place.
  22. If a human form die, the existence continues, that means the existence needs to transform to something else and thats basicaly what reinacarnation is
  23. God is not restricted to a first person point of view. You can shift your perception to identify yourself with something or someone which you ordinary percieve as other and you can experience them as yourself (basicaly samadhi experience) and then you see yourself from a third person point of view and that is something you can experience with enough conciousness practise. Besides that, god knows how many ways of seeing yourself there can be, an infinite number of them.
  24. @Leo Gura It is actually possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the sametime.