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Everything posted by mandyjw

  1. We needed connection from others, but they always disappointed. We turned to spirituality for that connection. Then it taught us that we had to be connected with it AND people. People are people, electric jungle people or real flesh people. What was your quote about exiting the electric jungle? I remember it struck me but I can't remember it.
  2. @now is forever I'm falling madly, deeply in love with you... why now??? Your words pictures, your analogies, I never understood poetry before now but I understand you, not all the time, but when I do it's just stunningly beautiful. I feel dirty and heartbroken, I need to go take a shower. This is the kind of observation and connection that just floors me. @now is forever My nostalgia is part of my day to day life now. Never expected that from all my hours upon hours transmuting consciousness from Eckhart Tolle.
  3. @now is forever Ok, good advice. I miss coffee. Thomas told me to give it up, it's the first thing he told me. Or Eva. One of them.
  4. @tsuki I CLEANED UP MY ACT FOR JESUS! Now here I am waking up at the witching hour again having discussions I shouldn't be having!!!
  5. SEEEEEE??? You're way too easily entertained. I don't want to be a spectacle. It's deeply personal.
  6. @tsuki I told you, I ALREADY know all about it. @now is forever Have you ever considered I'm more uncomfortable about this than you? I am you.
  7. @now is forever That's not true. It's going to be real. Unless you don't want it to be real that is. You have free choice, or so you think.
  8. @Shin Hamsters naturally eat their babies if they don't have a good environment to raise them in and don't feel safe. They probably want to prevent them from suffering or taking resources from the parents and causing their own death as well. You think the human instinct is any different? Think of all the pro-choice/ pro-life debates.
  9. @tsuki if only you knew how evolved I actually am that way. I am not having a mundane yet explicit discussion in public for people to jerk off to, sorry. That is exactly the last thing that will help women feel welcome and equal here.
  10. @tsuki I didn't know that, I was trying to go back to this thread and find it. Instead I found this, On 4/2/2019 at 6:56 AM, Leo Gura said: "Don't be a smartass with me." "This was so right and so perfect too. Reconcile right and wrong within yourself. Don't ask others to do it, they can't do it for you. They are you. " I don't even remember why I wrote that, what did it have to do with Leo or the thread? Was it a note to future self? Is this why I cling to Christianity, because I'm terrified of having no moral structure anymore, especially with the awareness that everything I do is for my survival?
  11. @now is forever Because you fragment yourself. You integrated, integrated and integrated and now you want to stop. Look at the "female topic" post. That is what she thinks are appropriate female topics? Please. Don't. Leave. Me.
  12. I used to have pet rabbits when I was a kid, I know that look exactly. Don't cling to your online identity, tell us your name. Group dynamics and color coding is so stage yellow. We need to integrate all the stages. I went back to my generic apple avatar for you. I wasn't nearly ready to put my face on here, it felt so gross you don't even know.
  13. When you have kids, they become fragments of yourself and life will give you the very pieces that you cannot accept about yourself along with a biological drug-like attachment and fierce love for them. Kids tear you apart literally and figuratively. @tsuki Hi.
  14. @Angelo John Gage Yes, but still we are under the illusion of time so that we can create things, so we have past memories and past desires that take multiple lifetimes to fulfill. When you renounce desire and renounce time you awaken to bigger desires and a sense of urgency. Tick tock tick tock tick tock
  15. It's very difficult as a woman, to believe that Buddha was more woke than Jesus. Buddha resisted letting women into Buddhism. Jesus had Mary Magdalene as a disciple and she even wrote her own Gospel, which is an awesome nondual read if you feel inclined. So yeah, sorry, Jesus was more woke than Buddha.
  16. @kieranperez Oh, you're calling me full of shit again. I'll be indebted to you forever for the first time you said that to me, in response to my post about being a mother to my kids and connecting with them at birth. That sliced through my ego and was a knife to the heart like nothing else. It's funny how full circle this conversation is going. I have a lot of growing to do. So do we all. I do badly need to balance my time on the forum but something really strange is happening here right now, maybe something I've waited my whole lives for and I can't look away. Real life and internet are another duality, after all.
  17. @lmfao We are ALL connected. So, so very impossibly, beautifully connected.
  18. @Leo Gura You're still scared of becoming Jesus, but that's what you are. They won't crucify you this time, I promise. Buddha held back. Mother Earth doesn't have time for that shit.
  19. Unconscious frustration/indulgence> renunciation > conscious enjoyment/acceptance of what is and what is not Peter Ralston just posted this video today. I don't see the need to call Jesus a Buddhist, but if it makes you happy, whatever. I love the chuckle after he says "when you make the eyes in the place of the eye" BY THE WAY PETER, he didn't just hang out in the desert reading scripture, he was tempted by the Devil for 40 days and 40 nights.
  20. Yep, obsession with past lives is definitely a survival strategy. I'll be me. God damn it. I'll never get rid of this name.
  21. Jesus knew that he was going to mess things up for a while, there are several verses where he predicted it. But things would have been much worse if he hadn't. An imperfect understanding of his teachings was better than none at all for most of history, spiral dynamics explains pretty well why that is the case. Now 2000 years later we are much more evolved and have the connection of the internet and many more people have their basic survival needs met. Love is patient and love is kind, God is patient and God is kind. Jesus never really spoke of a hell the way it is taught in Christianity. It's worth it to me. It's all I ever wanted.
  22. Oh my God, I was her! I thought I was him but I was her. Eva. Eve. Life. And he is a mason, an architect and most importantly a healer.
  23. Oh my God the bunny, I've been noticing bunnies, I always hated that in Monty python, I went down to the stream from the cemetary a week ago and found a fox hole with the remains of a white bunny by it.