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Everything posted by mandyjw

  1. When I was a teen and in my early 20's health issues seemed enormously important. Remember to relax, and focus on what you DO want. Make a list of stuff that brings you joy and make a point to do it. One thing that helped me when I started dealing with a mysterious pain was getting together with friends weekly. I was working a lot at the time running a business, but one day a week I dropped everything and just had fun. It made an enormous difference. I also really love this book for healing mysterious conditions. Celery juice seems like a dumb fad and a ton of work but it made an enormous difference for me.
  2. Love you too! Brain: "But instant seems too slow! It seems like NOTHING is happening. I know, I'll make it seem like what I want ISN'T already here and instant, then I can get it FAST!" Awareness: ?‍♂️
  3. Maybe it's not as easy because easy is still a level of imagined difficulty? ❤ I'll take that over the lazy and deluded comment!
  4. @Thought Art You see the difference between talking about work and the people who have "done" work or not done "work" and... what is not work? Like... is meditation work or rest? You can refer to it as work, but if you feel like it is work and feel like shit for being lazy during meditation, that's just thoughts to drop. Does that make sense?
  5. @Danioover9000 Definition of cult 1: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see SPURIOUS sense 2)also : its body of adherents the voodoo cult a satanic cult 2a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book)criticizing how the media promotes the cult of celebrity especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b: the object of such devotion c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion the singer's cult of fans The film has a cult following. 3: a system of religious beliefs and ritualalso : its body of adherentsthe cult of Apollo 4: formal religious veneration : WORSHIP 5: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator. It's a cult. Especially when you are being dismissed for using the dictionary to define what a cult is. That's just a cult in denial that it's a cult. Of course a cult can't deny that it's a cult, because there is no "cult", really, there are just people believing stuff. And apparently cults/groups where people believe the same stuff. When that stuff becomes destructive, we examine. It's destructive. That's what I'm saying.
  6. Maybe it's because what "spiritual" is, isn't WORK, and when you TRY to DO work and the separate DOER it makes you suffer, which you then believe is the same thing as insanity? Who insists that it is in fact WORK and is in fact difficult? Maybe it's not that the danger is inherent in the spiritual, but that it's in the idea of the self who needs to do work to be ok with themselves? Again, HOW, HOW please tell me how, what I'm saying is arrogant? I'm saying people are parallel. There aren't levels. There isn't higher consciousness. There's just you. being. Love. Read my comments then read Leo's. Please tell me why I'M the arrogant one for pointing this out, when people are in fact actually dying around here?
  7. I'M not dismissing YOU or YOUR awakening. I'm saying there never was a you to awaken to that there isn't a you. I mean, sure I'm dismissing "it", but I'm not dismissing YOU. I think you are Love and you are amazing, even the so called appearance of the separate you.
  8. What if I told you your friends are stage blue. YOU are stage yellow. Above. Better than. What if I told you your friends and family are toxic and you should cut contact with toxic people? The "dangers" of spiritual work makes it seem special and hard to obtain, only for the smartest, bravest, most developed, highest consciousness. The hero goes through many dangers on his quest. This is implanted in everyone who thinks themselves to be a separate self, a character, a player. Watched any books or movies, ever? Seen the "Hero's Journey" episode? If you say there never were any threats to begin with, this isn't bravery. It's not bravery and it's not DANGEROUS to see that the rope IS NOT a snake. But anyone who goes around saying "it is not" is "neo advaita". The one dismissing of the SOURCE of danger is dismissed. See how this works?
  9. You are consistently verbatim quoting and believing what Leo writes here. When LEO says "RUPERT believes there are mind's outside his own" do you no see the hysterical irony here, that Leo is believing that Rupert holds in HIS mind that there are other minds. I mean... What can you do but laugh? Nope. Not helpful to anyone. No one to help, no one who needs help.
  10. "Neo advaita" is the new buzzword to dismiss and belittle anyone on this forum that is pointing out anything that aims to clarify the dogma here. That's kinda what makes it a cult. "Not awake" Passes off. Dismisses. You never were. Never were born. You will not die. Telling someone they will die when they realize themselves to be what they are feels very scary and off exactly because the Love, guidance that they are is saying "Nope, not possible for Me" to that thought. You are not a separate entity hat ever actually began. That's all. What never began cannot end. There's nothing scary of dangerous in the least about this. People create their own scary and danger when they believe is IS scary and danger and they must go through this like some final boss in a game. NO. The fear is only ever indicating a thought that comes on behalf of an imaginary separate self. "I am afraid of death." For who, Me? Hysterical. Hilarious. There was nothing at stake. No problem. Just a thought about one. "All the world's a stage." Who's acting?
  11. Do you see how the idea of levels and "deeper" is a manipulation to make people think and feel as if they do not know something that Leo does know, and to want to pay money for special access to it. When IT is already, them? Do you see how having videos feeding people into self actualization and pick up, etc, are marketed to people who are feeling as if they are not enough somehow, the same people who will be willing to pay for this special "God realization?" Do you see how belittling other teachers who have more inclusive, clear teachings such as Rupert Spira, etc, potentially further cuts people in this community off from realizing that they ARE in fact what they seek? Spirituality is not dangerous or difficult. You cannot say that the realization of that which you really are and always have been is dangerous. Saying it is dangerous does puff it up and makes it seem as if it's worth needing expert guidance and paying for some attainment. It also perpetuates misunderstanding and the very cutting off of oneSelf Love, which leads people to think things about themselves that they really ARE not enough somehow. Those misunderstood thoughts are what is "dangerous". It's not serious AT ALL. "You cannot see your face and live." -God Sounds dangerous. Sounds fantastic. Can you see your own f-ing face this moment? NO! The joke is on YOU. There is no you. That's the joke. There is no start for anyone. No basic. No levels. This is all elitism.
  12. God does not "have", he does not possess. There are no hands of God to grasp, or manipulate what is first grasped, which is exactly why "He's got the whole world in his hands". "Look! No hands, Mom! "
  13. Realized as in "I know this" or realized that that I BE, ARE it? non-dual and infinite has NO levels. To have levels we must separate, higher, lower. There is no deepest or highest level. It doesn't make someone anything at all. What you think yourself to be is the house upon the sand. Doesn't the term "God realized" as it is used in this community imply special knowledge? Again, what does "realize" really mean? Is realize knowledge a separate someone possesses? Or is realize, real eyes, Awareness just what you Are?
  14. Because we do not actually HAVE perspectives, but think we do, we disagree. Makes sense, right? We are actually in disagreement with our Selves. Consciousness is the ever open gate. The level of consciousness is not a gatekeeper. Consciousness first, and then you may have "perspective", perspective is THEN used to separate high from low and assign levels, only by separating itSelf. Go direct to Consciousness, do not pass go and do not collect $200. There's no where to even go.
  15. You have five senses, you know this, yes? You directly experience separate senses? Yes, or no? Without thinking, right now, do you have separate senses? Are you aware, right now? If you are aware does it seem that when thinking, that awareness (not separate) is filtered through 5 separate senses? Mind is a filter. Do not mistake the filter for the water. Don't mistake the slide on the projector for the light. The projection and the projector are only light. The slide is not. You cannot KNOW yourself, you are the Knowing itself. Once misunderstanding (there are 5 senses and a separate me) is seen to be misunderstanding that is it. It cannot be called knowing or understanding, because it is not an "it", YOU are Aware.
  16. Do you have a perspective though? Is there a you that can posses a perspective? The only reason you can think a thought is because you are not a thought. The only way you can entertain a new "perspective" (or as directly experienced think a new thought) is because you do not HAVE a perspective that you are. It's not about being open-minded. There's no you that possesses a mind that can be closed or open. It's that "mind" is a thought and "you" are a thought. What's always there aware of thought, is the true You. That foundation which is Nothing and Open, and not knowing, is the only Love/Truth. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of it because it can't be thought. Matter=thought.
  17. "It was a miracle. Doctors were astounded." Doctors think they know what the fuck is possible and what is impossible. Turns out, there isn't a difference between possible and impossible. There isn't any separation between what isn't two. Like... what the fuck is this, THIS, THIS, right now? Is it mundane, everyday, or is it a miracle? How miraculous we can even gloss over how miraculous and inexplicable we are by calling it mundane and assuming we know what's going on.
  18. @Inliytened1 Is there really a "way" to look at IT though? "You cannot see my face and live." -God Or is there a you to look at it? Can you see your own face right now?
  19. God does not posses the ability to manipulate. God does not possess anything at all, because it is all God. You ARE creation, creating, and creator. "Manipulate", what is already manifestation, assumed to be separate from what I think I am. But manifestation and manifester are not two, not separate, no line between them.
  20. The wrong "foundation" or house build upon the sand is that there are separate people and that the mind as imagined to be possessed by a separate person can possibly be a foundation for anything whatsoever. This is true possession, believing that one can posses knowledge. They are actually, possessed by that belief that they a separate self can posses. It only seems to be a foundation but it isn't. Once you stop worshipping knowledge and being owned by thought, you stop worshipping people you think posses knowledge. Or demeaning or belittling them for not possessing it for that matter. Because there aren't any, and no one possesses anything, no one actually knows anything.
  21. Awareness is nondual, unconditional love. You could swap feeling for awareness, but awareness is prior to filtering through any one sense. Thinking is where there seems to be the experience of seperation. There is the "one" who experiences the world as seperate. Emotion is feeling, real time responding to thoughts. Negative emotion indicates the sense of seperation in thought. For example if I think "I'm not good enough" or this sense of unworthiness comes up in a conversation it feels bad. But if I appreciate the diversity of perspectives in the conversation and the new things that are coming from it, I feel good. Typically we blame people and circumstances for making us feel a certain way. But feeling is directly responding to our own thoughts and perspectives.
  22. Sort of, yeah, I mean if you are listening to hours of videos and reading here everyday, and you are looking to learn and improve your life, you're are going to be very steeped in certain beliefs. Then when other teachers who aim to cut through or shine the light on those beliefs are dismissed or belittled or told to stop teaching the way they teach for being too "neo advaita" or not "god realized" those beliefs are potentially strengthened. It becomes an echo chamber. Because those beliefs are upholding suffering, it's believed that by pushing through suffering, great achievement will follow. Enlightenment is letting go of beliefs that directly result in suffering. The suffering is the indicator that in that moment a thought is being entertained that is cutting oneself off from their true Self by thinking themselves to be separate or apart. When you chip away at a dam long enough, at some point all or part it might suddenly give way. This is spectacular to behold. Then perhaps the belief "enlightenment is a spectacular achievement" is born, when enlightenment was only ever just the destruction of an unwanted barrier. The power of the water cannot be owned or claimed by the dam. Water by its nature gives way, and takes the path of least resistance, and in that is also enormous power.
  23. I grew up in Christianity. Christianity teaches a lot of amazing and fantastic lessons. "Do unto others,", the Sermon on the Mount, basically all of Jesus' words. It helps people let go of the fear of death, it helps them realize that they are "forgiven and washed of sin", (the premise is flawed but still, the letting go of guilt is real for many). The problem is when you start making Christianity a Bastian and a stand alone exclusive truth and saying all others go to hell. As a kid I realized this belief in others and a hell could not stand any longer. I could not believe that almost every black person or African or Native American was going to or IN hell because over hundreds of years Christianity was not widely taught to them. It's been a very similar story with Actualized. There's been a lot of good. A lot of being willing to open my mind. A lot of interacting with some amazing, INCREDIBLE people here. But then I ran into a lot of very sticky, icky things like the belief in hell only presented in an entirely different way. But it felt awful just the same. Notions taught here like "Survival", "ego backlash", "burning through karma", "enlightenment being hard", "genetics", "spiritual talent", all of that is on the same level as sending SOME to hell, and others to heaven. Same damn thing. You are Love. You are Feeling/Awareness/Now. You know when something is off. You know when it stinks. Listen. If you're entertaining ideas about being better than others because you HAVE the TRUTH, (or you're hoping for it) that's a terrible thing to settle for when you could just be Love. One of the best things Leo is teaches is the message of something like "don't fucking settle" for less than greatness. The light is in the darkness of that. Don't settle for less than love. There's no separate one who is great in love. Just love. It's Great enough without cutting itself off the become second to and less than so it can proclaim itself greater than another part of itself.
  24. Put down a video, by that you mean that people are addicted to the videos?