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About samurai

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  1. "It's weird on how there are all these coincidences. We're trying to promote interracial marriages and you'll see plenty of that make it to the front page on Reddit, Facebook, or whatever. Not because people are happy for them, but because it's seen as progressive. You can see this in the comments. With the promotion of interracial marriages and BLM in full swing, I wouldn't be surprised if companies are taking advantage of the controversy to seem progressive and accepting by artifically pushing certain content towards the front page." A lot of times, these representations of minorities are written and defended by using their sexual orientation or race as their entire personality. Then it gives people who contributed to the piece of media an option to deflect criticism of their work by calling the critics racists, bigots, homophobic etc.
  2. Same search, totally different images. In works with hispanic woman too. Happy hispanic woman.She is alone, being happy. But for some reasons all of the white happy woman have a black men near them. (write it yourself and get convinced,it still works. And you know for sure that google does that,it's not about the articles.If it were to be about the articles then Ecosia work like that too. Why does it matter?Because it's biased. Ecosia and duckduckgo don't do that. Google being progresive,manipulating you.
  3. You do realise that these animals don't eat the crops, they eat only the grass.
  4. @datamonster Then debunk the whole article if you're not a hypocrite and you're based. Prove your point. Debunk it,kid.
  5. so these who eat dogs would start barking? this is hilarious. How can you believe that bs?
  6. it's actually not bad to eat meat. only snowflakes who are afraid to kill animals and were raised to believe that all animals should be your friend think that. do you think that a lion is underdeveloped spiritually if he would eat your ass? do you think that it would hesitate? at the end of the day we are animals,so killing another animals to survive is justified. that's how the chain works. + veganism is just a circle jerk. it's an inferior died. it has so many disadvantage. And also you kill more animals by being a meat eater over a vegan. Because if you are to kill a pig,you could eat that for weeks. But if you eat all that shit that vegans eat,you kill the mices and the small animals from the field. like cicadas and whatnot. Veganism is just a circle jerk. Spirituality has nothing to do with it.