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Everything posted by Karmadhi

  1. Tips to vibe: -Be present in the moment, not in your head. -Be geniounly curious on the person -Have fun in the interaction, make it enjoyable for you (i mean why you socialize after all) -Be empathetic but also grounded -Get used to the social paradox of desiring something, going for it while at the same time not caring at all whether you get it or not. It feels really weird but it can be done.
  2. Why is that when I cold approach girls my vibing is way worse than when I met them via events or gatherings etc. They are technically all strangers in the end. Is this just fear getting on my way? It is like my social skills on a non cold approach situation are way better. If I had the same vibing and social skills on a cold approach (either day or night) than I do in other situations it would make my dating life so much easier. I have went to many gatherings, events etc, often I did not know anyone or barely anyone and 90% of my interactions were with total strangers. But because it felt to me socially normal and acceptable to talk to people there it was way way easier for me to vibe, be comfortable, fun, flirty etc. However in cold approach it feels very intrusive and as a naturally agreeable person it puts fear in me and really decreases my social skills a lot. Is this normal? Or is there something wrong with me? I ask because I know guys where it makes no difference between the two scenarios and they feel equally comfortable/uncomfortable and their social skills are basically the same. For me it makes a big difference. Only exception from cold approach is if the girl is super receptive and nice then I feel at ease and I go back into my default social skills.
  3. To all you guys here moaning about "I need to be good looking" blla blla This is a blackpiller guy who actually tried to use the app correctly, got platnum and good professional pictures and his results were quite decent. He used to be super against online dating because he got little results with it in the past and was overall quite toxic attitude regarding looks and stuff. Then he tried it correctly and got decent results. And he is not a Chad or anything, I would say decent looking but nothing out of the ordinary. Also he is not gym guy, if he was ripped he would do even better. His body is average. Face slightly above but in his pictures he looks really good. Dude a girl will not fuck you just because you are hot regardless of how you meet. He does have some skill to be able to fuck them, especially if they do a coffee date first. You can easily talk a girl out of liking you if you have no idea what you are doing (trust me I have been there).
  4. If you have 1000 followers under your real name then it means you should not struggle with getting girls. You already are quite experienced dealing with people.
  5. I would not say 25 is too late to start hardcore pickup but it is late to develop social skills. You can develop social skills in other ways like going to events, meetups etc. Pickup from my experience is just about getting laid and it does not relate exactly to overall social skills development. It is extremally narrow and specific. I know guys with vast social circles that do not do much pickup and have great social skills. Pickup is about learning how to attract girls and giving yourself opportunities to practice, not how to develop social skills per say. I have a vast social circle and above average social skills but I struggle to attract girls which is why I say what I say.
  6. You have literally said in posts about "can i get girls younger than me if i am on my 50s" or something that women wont care for your age or looks as long as you are boss. "Women are looking for boss". Then you give us your pakistani short friend as an example of a short guy doing well with girls. When people hear it, they assume they need to be bossy to get girls attracted to them. Maybe that is not what you meant but it is very easy to misinterpret. I am sure that in a relationship that is not the case but initially you yourself have said being boss is very important.
  7. I think he is the short black guy that Leo sometimes gives us as an example of black short guys doing well with girls.
  8. What about all the clips of him being unable to articulate normal sentences and looking like someone with dementia. Would you trust your country to someone that offers a handshake to pure air? There are dozens of clips of him doing such silly stuff, it is not something that happened a few times. Some people say he is not even leading, he is unable to and is just a front person. Even if he is taking all the decisions, having someone in that mental state lead a country to me seems ridiculous.
  9. Most guys do not like to clean or cook. They prefer to outsource that to women and they pay for their meals and drinks, especially if they have money. In general roles are more divided in conservative societies and men prefer that because they get a better deal out of it. In feminist societies women get the better deal. Just selfishness 101.
  10. It boils down to the idea that people do not want to do an insane amount of work for something which is considered a basic need. Basics needs now are so easy to get that people become entitled to them. Also it is getting harder for guys to get laid so when you have this basic need getting harder while the rest of basic needs are getting easier (food, shelter, water etc) the entitlement intensifies. In the past all basics needs were relatively hard while today there is a huge disbalance in difficulty between getting laid and the rest of the basics needs. Because unlike other basics needs getting laid is a zero sum game, the rest are non-zero sum games. I am all for improving yourself but when I hear Leo say you need to do 5000 approaches or otherwise your dating life will suck is extremely demotivating to most guys. Imagine if I told you unless you went to the gym 6 times a week and had perfect diet for 15 years your body will look like shit. Reality is not like this. If you want the dating life of a king then yeah you need to do 5000 approaches (or be famous) and if you want to look like a bodybuilder than yeah you need the 15 years of non stop training, however most people do not care about such insane results. They are happy with decent results. Wanting a non obese feminine girl is the equivalent of wanting not to be fat.
  11. How is it that a well articulated developed person like Obama was involved in a lot more wars that killed a lot of innocent civilians compared to Trump. I read that he is the only president in a while that did not cause any wars. So from a matter of saving human lives was he better? I read Obama tried to improve relations with the Middle East but he also bullied Libya because of economic interest, ruined that country and also was very involved in Syria which also messed up that country. How is that such a wise president bullied a lot more than an idiot like Trump? Maybe Obama was a better president for the USA but not for other countries? I am not American not like Trump btw but every time I defend Obama the war argument gets started and I get told you cannot defend someone that killed innocent kids.
  12. I am not American so i am writting this from an outsider perspective (I live in Western Europe). I have seen so many blunder videos of Biden followed up with this cringe Joe Biden: “I Love Kids Jumping On My Lap” - YouTube. It makes me think is this really how bad USA politics are? They cannot put a sane, mentally stable guy that knows in what planet he is and can articulate himself properly for 1 hour without saying dumb shit? No offense to Biden, he is old and age can do all sorts of things. I am sure he was capable when he was younger. But since the democratic party is huge, how hard is it to put a normal guy as President?? I am not comparing him with Trump here, but with other political candidates the democratic party can bring. Personally I really really liked Sanders proposals but I assume he is too green for current America so he could not win. Fine. So maybe another less green mentally stable guy? How hard is that seriously!
  13. Is your condition genetic or caused by specific foods you ate during your life? I remember you saying veggies caused you the most pain and it scares me whether I should eat veggies or not. I have done some research and many claim carnivore diet is better for human health since there are less toxins in meat and fruits than veggies. Your condition seems to be further proof of that (meat makes you feel way better than veggies). Did veggies cause your condition? Or fast food you ate when you were way younger? I have been made to believe all my life that veggies are good for heath but now I am unsure, especially for long term stuff which you cannot judge simply by telling how you feel in the moment.
  14. From my personal experience it matters a lot on the environment and age of the girl (obviously) I would avoid 20 year old girls in clubs compared to a girl reading a book in a park or out during her day. There is a direct correlation I find between depthless/maturity and being a club regular girl. Almost all wise mature girls I met rarely go to clubs (sometimes for fun or for an occasion) but not regularly. It makes no sense to me why going to a place where you move to music tends to attract immature shallow girls but it just does. Like shit attract flies as you say. Being shallow and dumb gets rewarded much more on such places. I have personally experienced it when trying to nightgame (bars are a lot more different, im talking clubs specifically) compared to meeting girls in other places. If you are going to a club to meet mature wise girls is the equivalent of going to a gym to meet spiritual people. It can happen of course but the center of gravity is the opposite.
  15. Of course, he has insane charisma and is very entertaining and funny. Why else would he have so much following and fans? It is not like he is inventing the wheel with self help advice, most of it is rehearsed except a few nuggets like "the only thing you have genioune control over is your mind", love that one. Really helps me. Why he has 100x more fame than other self help masculine orange guys? Because of charisma! It is really sad his good teachings are overlooked because of his bad actions.
  16. Went out yesterday and was chilling with some friends walking around in the city center and they tried to push me to talk to some girls. I had not done it in like 5 months and the anxiety was insane, managed to talk to like 1 after pussying out many times. How can I make this less painful, especially at the start?
  17. It works because women are way pickier than guys. "Just be yourself bro". "Just be confident bro". What was his authentic personality like?
  18. Most of pickup I see is coercion when it comes to actually getting results (outside of simply approaching and having a good conversation). "I am not sure about this" "Yes it is ok no worries, all good, come along" "Hmmm not sure" "Yes all good, come come" This feels like high pressure sales, it works but it is based on you being super pushy. Also I am not saying personality is not important but not for attraction. Comfort, rapport, intimacy and love are personality based. However attraction is what most guys struggle with, including myself. And that is quite looks based. I have no issues with comfort rapport love etc.
  19. Doing 400 approaches to get 1 girl is suffering. That does not make girls give me choosing signals, the video is over exaggeration obviously but I very rarely have girls be interested right off the bat when I talk to them. They are usually indifferent at first. Having to "win them over" with my "personality" makes me feel unattractive. Especially when I see lame af guys have girls interested in them just because of how they look. I am not saying crazy attention like you are a celebrity but more lowkey attention sometimes like "Oh who is your friend :p" type of thing. In a masochistic way yes.
  20. Just saw this and made me lowkey feel like shit. How to get over the fact that I will never feel desired even 1/10 of this and even if I get a girl it will be through a lot of work and suffering and time invested?
  21. Do social circle. It is more healthy and natural for most guys. Pickup is best for socially clueless people to learn how to socialize, ball=less guys to develop some courage and assertivness or people with sex addiction to satisfy their low consciousness desire to only fuck hot girls in big quantities. If you do not find yourself in one of these groups, maybe look into online dating or social circle. By pickup I mean going out just to talk to girls and spam approach 30 girls.
  22. @somegirl Why do you dislike him so much though? Why so much hate towards him? I would say 70% of what he says is facts and 30% toxic bullshit. Piers Morgan who interviewed him twice said something similar.
  23. Do guys approach you during day? I feel like they tend to be higher quality than guys that approach during evening (they usually just wanna fuck).
  24. It is about girls being picky about not important stuff rather than judging stuff that is actually relevant (wisdom, consciousness, love, kindness, integrity, independence etc). However girls ignore these mostly (with exceptions). Well you mentioned abs, I mentioned big arms This is more realistic